Author Topic: Cancerous Clintons Can’t Catch A Break As Liberal NYT Tells Them To…  (Read 607 times)

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By Andrew West 
May 21, 2018

Those of us in the know have been well aware of the long, dark history of the Clinton Crime Family for some time, but it seems that, in 2018, even the unabashedly liberal New York Times can’t ignore the political dynasty’s multitude of sins.

Of course, we have Wikileaks and Donald Trump to thank for this.  During the 2016 election, Trump was unafraid of Hillary Clinton’s clandestine influence on the Swamp known as Washington D.C., boldly taking a stance of truth and consternation when confronted by the democratic diva during the debate schedule.  The eventual President was easily able to sway the American people into understanding the full scope of Clinton’s political chicanery, and a number of damning leaks from Julian Assange and crew cemented the sentiment among the voters.

In the end, Clinton was defeated in November, but refused to go away – even going so far as to write a memoir entitled What Happened, in which the former Secretary of State makes a number of excuses for the embarrassment of her loss.

Now, after well over a year of Clinton’s constant cacophony of blame and shame, even the New York Times is taking up arms against the intrusive former diplomat.

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If they kill their own with no conscience, there is nothing to stop them from killing you.
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By Andrew West 
May 21, 2018

Those of us in the know have been well aware of the long, dark history of the Clinton Crime Family for some time, but it seems that, in 2018, even the unabashedly liberal New York Times can’t ignore the political dynasty’s multitude of sins.

Of course, we have Wikileaks and Donald Trump to thank for this.  During the 2016 election, Trump was unafraid of Hillary Clinton’s clandestine influence on the Swamp known as Washington D.C., boldly taking a stance of truth and consternation when confronted by the democratic diva during the debate schedule.  The eventual President was easily able to sway the American people into understanding the full scope of Clinton’s political chicanery, and a number of damning leaks from Julian Assange and crew cemented the sentiment among the voters.

In the end, Clinton was defeated in November, but refused to go away – even going so far as to write a memoir entitled What Happened, in which the former Secretary of State makes a number of excuses for the embarrassment of her loss.

Now, after well over a year of Clinton’s constant cacophony of blame and shame, even the New York Times is taking up arms against the intrusive former diplomat.


Too little, too late.  The New York Slimes will never succeed in removing the stain it has so-deservedly labeled itself with for the past two decades (and counting).  It is complicit with the anti-American radical leftists and has proven that fact over and over again.  But nice try, lefties.
No quarter given to the enemy within...ever.

You can vote your way into socialism, but you have to shoot your way out of it.