Author Topic: Civil Rights Commissioner Takes A Stand Against Latest DACA Attempt – Not Before Trump Gets His Way!  (Read 248 times)

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Civil Rights Commissioner Takes A Stand Against Latest DACA Attempt – Not Before Trump Gets His Way!
Steven Ahle   May 20, 2018   

Peter Kirsanow, a member of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights says that there should not be any vote on DACA amnesty until there is complete funding for the border wall and legal immigration is cut.

Currently, the United States takes in 1.5 million immigrants every year, with 70% coming from chain migration. That needs to stop along with the diversity lottery which has already produced immigrants who have committed terroristic acts. Kirsanow says that too much immigration hurts American workers, especially young blacks. It also depresses salaries all across the board.

Kirsanow writes to Paul Ryan:!