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There is no way the Brits are going to allow Harry to be the Regent to George.  NO WAY!!!

Charles is mortal, and when his time comes, his son will take his place as King.  PERIOD!!!!   Any other speculation is idiotic.

Juicy gossip? Perhaps.  But the way Harry and Markle have acted, I do believe that there may be some truth in them wanting the throne all along.  With an odd twist of fate, Princess Catherine is stricken with cancer.

William would have to give up the throne and next in line would be his son George, but according to the line of succession his Uncle Harry would be regent until he turned 18.  Could Harry though change the rules knocking out George, Charlotte and Louis?? Perhaps Charles right now has to take action to ensure that Harry can't become  the regent.

I pray that Catherine will soon be cancer free.  The Royal family has been through quite a lot.

Prince Harry Thinks Meghan Markle ‘Should Take Over as Queen,’ Royal Biographer Angela Levin Claims

Prince Harry and Meghan Markle, Duchess of Sussex, may be stateside, but the duke believes that his wife “should take over as queen” of Great Britain, royal biographer Angelina Levin claimed in a candid conversation with Uncancelled’s Dan Wooton.

“[Harry] thinks that it was very bad that Meghan wasn't questioned about what should be done to make the royal family up to date,” Angela said in the interview published on Monday, April 8, about the dynamic Harry and Meghan shared with the firm before they moved to California. “And [Meghan] said herself that she felt that they should have asked her what should be done rather than Kate because she is a self-made woman and she's got much more experience.”

It would be a historical scenario to allow for Harry and Meghan’s reign. Prince William, the direct heir to the British throne, would have to remove himself from the line of succession, as would his three children. Only then would Harry, 39, and Meghan, 42, be able to step in, ensuring a Sussex-led monarchy.

Angela – who spent 15 months with Harry while writing her best-selling biography Harry: Conversations with the Prince – further commented on the relationship the prince and Meghan shared with late Queen Elizabeth II, who went to great lengths to guarantee the couple’s comfort within the royal family.

“The queen did everything possible. She gave them top aides to help her and she did say that Meghan could carry on acting if she wanted,” Angela revealed. “The more you think about it in retrospect, the more you see that, whatever happened, [Meghan] wasn't going to stay there. She was going to take Harry away because she got what she wanted: A title and lots of money. But he hasn't got as much money as she wanted, she's a bit upset about that. She thought it would be more.”

She continued, “[Harry] was loved. Meghan was admired when she first came. But it was all a plot. They want to bring down the royal family and get rid of the press. No more newspapers. That's his thing that he wants to do forever to get control of it.”

Harry’s complex relationship with the print media, paparazzi and now social media is well-documented, as the prince has gone to great lengths to secure his and Meghan’s privacy. He was part of a lawsuit against Mirror Group Newspaper over alleged phone-hacking in 2023, coming out victorious against the media company. He’s also sued News Group Newspapers and Associated Newspapers over a number of grievances, including libel and the printing of a private letter between Meghan and her father, Thomas Markle. Now, as Angela claims, such actions were part of a larger alleged plot.

Complicating the muddied royal waters – namely the future of the throne and who will sit on it – is Princess Kate Middleton’s ongoing cancer battle. After revealing her diagnosis in March, the Princess of Wales, 42, has remained behind closed doors, adding fuel to the already-ignited fire about the monarchy’s stability. William, 41, is “furious” at the status of things as well as with his brother, who he believes is making matters worse, Angela claimed. ...................

Texas Yellow Rose:

--- Quote from: libertybele on April 09, 2024, 07:00:49 pm --- Could Harry though change the rules knocking out George, Charlotte and Louis??

--- End quote ---
    :facepalm2: NO.

 Prince Harry ‘regrets losing’ Kate Middleton, ‘torn between loyalty’ to wife Meghan Markle: expert
By Social Links for Nika Shakhnazarova
Published April 9, 2024
Updated April 9, 2024, 10:15 a.m. ET

Prince Harry is feeling “torn” and regretful over losing the close bond he once shared with sister-in-law Kate Middleton, according to a royal expert.

The Duke of Sussex, 39, and his wife, Meghan Markle, have reached out to the Princess of Wales, 42, following the news of her cancer diagnosis.

And according to author Tom Quinn, Harry “really misses” the friendship he and Middleton once shared.

“[Harry] really misses that warm, uncomplicated relationship, and he is torn between loyalty to his wife and regret about the loss of the woman he was so close to,” Quinn told the Mirror.

However, Quinn claims that the Duchess of Sussex does not share her husband’s sentiment when it comes to her sister-in-law.

“Meghan doesn’t feel guilty about Kate, because she feels that Kate should’ve been the one person in the royal family to back her against every difficulty,” Quinn shared.

“Apart from anything else, Meghan knew Kate was an outsider, so she just couldn’t understand why Kate always towed the royal line rather than supporting her, Meghan, the other outsider.”


King Charles Is Being Pressured To Change the Rules To Prevent Harry & Andrew From Ruling

Members of Parliament are calling on King Charles to amend the Regency Act of 1937 for a reason that might be a bit controversial. Apparently, some fear that someday Prince Harry or Prince Andrew could serve as head of the royal family, and the new king could change the laws so that never happens. But if he does that to make those in power happy, he could end up in even deeper drama with his youngest son ...

According to the Express, members of Parliament are worried that either Harry or Andrew will be able to wield the powers given to the king if they are called up to step in for the monarch.

"The House knows that the Regency Act is still very relevant: it is the only reason why it was possible to open the current Session of this Parliament," Viscount Stansgate explained.

If something were to happen to the king, Prince William would be the next in line for the throne, followed by his three children: Prince George, Princess Charlotte, and Prince Louis.

All three of William's children are underage, however, so if the Regency Act of 1937 is activated, that means that Harry and Andrew (in that order) would be the next people eligible to wear the crown.

"Does the Minister not think it is time to approach the King to discuss the potential amendment of this Act, and in particular Clause 6, which at the moment defines regents in relation to their line of succession to the Crown?" he asked the minister.

"Otherwise, are the Government happy to continue with a situation where the counsels of state and regency powers may be exercised by the Duke of York or the Duke of Sussex, one of whom has left public life and the other of whom has left the country? Is it not time for the Government to approach the King to see whether a sensible amendment can be made to this Act?".......


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