General Category > World News

Royal Happenings

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Frank Cannon:

--- Quote from: TomSea on May 18, 2018, 03:22:04 am ---A few days after the wedding, next week, maybe we can go into the "modify" function and just call this thread the "Royal Happenings" thread as was suggested. Bing, as shown in the other thread, has a whole section of news just on "The Royals". But until later.

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What would be even better is if after a few days of the wedding we change this thread title to "Lifestyles of the Welfare Class" and put it in "Romney/Ryan on the Campaign Trail" section.

Never mind that we fought against them...

Prince Charles to walk Meghan down aisle at royal wedding

3 Hours Ago

WINDSOR, England (AP) — Prince Charles will walk Meghan Markle down the aisle at the royal wedding — stepping in after the father of the bride fell ill just days before the ceremony.

Kensington Palace said Friday that Markle's future father-in-law, the heir to the British throne, would walk the American actress down the aisle at St. George's Chapel in Windsor for her wedding to Prince Harry. The palace says he "is pleased to be able to welcome Ms. Markle to the Royal Family in this way."

Silver Pines:

--- Quote from: mystery-ak on May 17, 2018, 03:09:33 pm ---I love all the pageantry...but I am not getting up at 4am to watch it..I am sure I'll have plenty of opportunities to see it all

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I'm going to record it, but we're having a nonstop monsoon here and chances are the Directv signal will screw up.  I'll probably have to watch it online.  Is anyone going to be watching here, live?


Silver Pines:

--- Quote from: mystery-ak on May 17, 2018, 08:14:45 pm ---Trump and Melania reveal their wedding gift to Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

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