Author Topic: Jurassic fossil tail tells of missing link in crocodile family tree  (Read 394 times)

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Jurassic fossil tail tells of missing link in crocodile family tree
5/11/2018 02:00:00 PM

A 180-million-year-old fossil has shed light on how some ancient crocodiles evolved into dolphin-like animals.
The specimen - featuring a large portion of backbone - represents a missing link in the family tree of crocodiles, and was one of the largest coastal predators of the Jurassic Period, researchers say.

The newly discovered species was nearly five metres long and had large, pointed teeth for grasping prey. It also shared key body features seen in two distinct families of prehistoric crocodiles, the team says.

Some Jurassic-era crocodiles had bony armour on their backs and bellies, and limbs adapted for walking on land. Another group had tail fins and flippers but did not have armour.