Author Topic: ‘V********o!’ What Americans Can Learn from Italy’s Election  (Read 398 times)

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American Greatness
Christopher Gage
May 13, 2018

Italian populists, whose slogan suggests that their opponents to go and fornicate elsewhere, are set to form a government with the Mediterranean edition of President Trump. Liberals the world over should be bawling into their Himalayan goat saliva smoothies anytime now.

After months of wrangling, Luigi Di Maio’s Five Star Movement, whose “vaffanculo!” war cry suggests they’re more than a bit miffed by sclerotic Italian politics, is set to congeal with Matteo Salvini’s nationalist-conservative Lega, lighting tinder beneath Rome’s famously cosy politic and causing more heartburn for the European Union.

Establishment commentators have called the Left-Right populist marriage a “nightmare scenario.”
