Author Topic: How to counter China’s fortified islands in South China Sea  (Read 355 times)

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How to counter China’s fortified islands in South China Sea

As China upgrades its missile systems in the South China Sea, the US needs to 'fix the Navy', strengthen allies and develop bases near the Taiwan Straits
By Stephen Bryen May 5, 2018 12:30 PM (UTC+8)

China has taken advantage of its alleged helpfulness to the United States in the Korean negotiations to fortify three islands in the South China Sea with two different types of missile systems, the HQ-9B surface to air missile which is much like the Russian S-300 air defense system, and the YJ-12B supersonic anti-ship cruise missile, which may be based on the French Enhanced Medium-range Air-to-Ground Missile (ASMPA) or the Russian Kh-31.  All are cruise missiles, but the French missile’s dimensions more clearly match the YJ-12B. Unlike the others, the French cruise missile has a nuclear warhead.