Author Topic: South Korean President Says Trump Deserves Nobel Peace Prize  (Read 404 times)

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South Korean President Says Trump Deserves Nobel Peace Prize
« on: April 30, 2018, 05:16:07 pm »


by Jack Crowe

South Korean president Moon Jae-in said Monday that President Trump deserves a Nobel Peace Prize for his role in spurring negotiations between North and South Korea after a decades-long stand off.

“President Trump should win the Nobel Peace Prize. What we need is only peace,” Moon told a meeting of senior secretaries in response to the suggestion that he deserved the award, according to a South Korean official who briefed the media.

Kim Jong-un became the first North Korean leader to cross into the South last week for a summit that culminated in a pledge to work toward the “complete denuclearization” of the Korean Peninsula and the official end of the Korean War. The leaders also agreed to stop blaring propaganda on loudspeakers positioned on the border between their countries.

After a year of increasingly stringent economic sanctions and aggressive rhetorical posturing, Trump plans to meet with Kim in the next two to three weeks to negotiate a possible cessation of sanctions in exchange for North Korean denuclearization.