Author Topic: I Cannot Handle All This Winning - Kurt Schlicter  (Read 357 times)

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I Cannot Handle All This Winning - Kurt Schlicter
« on: April 30, 2018, 05:31:30 am »

I Cannot Handle All This Winning

Kurt Schlicter
April 30th, 2018

Perhaps the greatest thing about one of our side’s many decisive victories last week – and there were a lot of victories – is that now liberals have to refer to my friend Ric Grenell as “Ambassador.”

Or better yet, as “Your Excellency.”

But it isn’t just that America got one of its best diplomats – finally – on the job in Germany, that obscure, insignificant Upper Volta of Europe (I am a conservative traditionalist, so Burkina Faso will always be Upper Volta). It’s that in fighting his confirmation, the Democrats again highlighted their moronic intersectional hypocrisy to voters who may have forgotten what idiots they are.

"You know, respect for women and for people of different views and whatnot are essential for an ambassador, anywhere in the world," announced noted advocate for women Senator Robert Menendez, who allegedly focuses his advocacy on underage women in the Dominican Republic. And, of course, the silly likes of Chris Murphy – he’s the Connecticut Democrat senator who’s merely a clown, not one who is a pretend war hero – huffed n’ puffed about how Ric insulted women, in part because Ric was mean to Rachael Maddow. But everyone should be mean to Rachael Maddow. That’s a plus.

Anyway, Ric is gay, and this was all some sort of lapdog whistle to the Democrat base to let their latent homophobia run free with the notion that gay men are gay because they hate girls, or something. But libs can’t escape the truth: Donald Trump just appointed the highest ranking openly gay officer in the federal government – and he’s a conservative Republican.

And that’s just one win. There are so many. Even the losses, like the sad withdrawal of Admiral Ronny Jackson from his nomination to head the VA, have a silver lining. The people of Montana, who hate cowardly and craven mean girl antics, will no doubt punish that flat-topped Senate creep Jon Tester at election time for his scummy lies about an outstanding American warrior.

How about North Korea – no biggie, right CNN? Time for another couple hits with Stormy Daniels’s lawyer about how the wizened stripper is finally going take down Trump. Don’t look at the men behind the curtain making peace in Korea. Nothing to see. Gee, looks like Trump is making it rain, only with peace instead of singles.

The Democrat foreign policy cabal is coming unglued as Trump notches another triumph. I would sure hate to be Obama latte-fetcher Ben Rhodes right now, but then I can’t be him because I never worked in an administration that kissed the mullahs’ collective Khomeini and that was unable to get North Korea talking about denuclearization. Also, I am not a failed novelist.

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