General Category > Immigration/Border

Federal agency says it lost track of 1,475 migrant children

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--- Quote from: sneakypete on April 29, 2018, 06:12:46 pm ---@Sanguine

How do they get paid without names and addresses? If the goobermint has names and addresses,they ain't lost.

--- End quote ---

I teach in an urban school district. The baby mamas give their kids their last name, not the baby daddy’s. Then sisters (biological not racial slang) swap SS numbers at tax time to file for the credit. The IRS doesn’t come after them because they are below poverty level and will never repay the money, plus prosecution of baby mamas would mean more kids in foster care while mamas are locked up. To the IRS, it’s not worth it. People still getting paid for missing kids? I’m going to believe it. I just pray the kids are okay and not sold into human trafficking.


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