Author Topic: New Poll to GOP: Either Drain the Swamp or You Will Sink in It  (Read 333 times)

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New Poll to GOP: Either Drain the Swamp or You Will Sink in It
Timothy Daughtry
Posted: Apr 27, 2018 12:01 AM

A new poll of 1,000 likely voters by McLaughlin and Associates has good news and bad news for the Republican Party. The good news is that the “Blue Wave” so hoped for by the liberal media is not at all inevitable and that there is still a possible path to Republican victory in November. The bad news is that tough talk about getting control of spending, securing the borders, and reining in the bureaucracy won’t cut it with the GOP base this time. Republican voters are wanting results, and many in the GOP base see Republican leadership as supporting the swamp they were sent to Washington to drain.