Author Topic: The great exodus out of America’s blue cities  (Read 1823 times)

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Offline Night Hides Not

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Re: The great exodus out of America’s blue cities
« Reply #25 on: April 25, 2018, 04:26:50 pm »
Many (most?) liberal women that move to Texas eventually become soccer moms. Here's the path:

1. They first snarl at men that open doors for them...I CAN DO THAT MYSELF!!!
2. Shortly after moving here, they notice that women make themselves up before going out, even to go to the grocery store (that one's courtesy of my sister, during her visit here 20 years floored her).
3. They don't get why complete strangers say hello to them on the street.
4. Eventually, they're invited for a date, and are flummoxed when their date insists on picking up the check. At that point, the walls start crumbling around them.
5. They get sucked into fantasy football, because everyone they know is doing it.
6. By the end of the season, they're able to extol the virtues of the cover two defense.
7. It may take a few years, but marriage and babies follow.

Personally, my wife hates that I spend too much time following Gonzaga basketball. lol, but she was the one spending hours in the Zag store during our visit to Spokane last summer. She (and I) were totally blown away how the players responded to the 500 campers at that week's hoop camp.  My 7 YO grandson bonded with several players, particularly Josh Perkins, Zach Norvelle, Corey Kispert and Jesse Wade. My 16 YO son still talks about playing Josh Perkins one on one.

Corey took time out from his evening workout to give him a 30 minute instruction class, punctuated by putting my grandson on his shoulders so he could dunk it.

My next trip to Spokane will be summer of 2019, my grandson will be nearly nine, a great age for a hoops camp.

You can avoid reality, but you cannot avoid the consequences of avoiding reality.

1 John 3:18: Let us love not in word or speech, but in truth and action.