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Offline sneakypete

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Modern Politics and Political Parties Defined
« on: April 22, 2018, 02:55:32 pm »
The original post below in parentheses was Posted by Movie bugg-The Sequel on The Conservative Cave on 22 Apr 2018


"The race card is the Democrats' ace in the hole.

If anyone makes any kind of criticism of any of their policies, they just openly accuse that person of racism to try and end the discussion.
"O Some vote Republican because it's the party of “patriotism” and “real Americans.” "
Well, considering that the Left is known for openly hating America and portraying it as an evil racist redneck nation, that's not surprising. Heck, Obama hated America so much that one of his first presidential actions was his infamous "Apology tour." And, last summer, now that he's out of the White House, he spent 4th of July weekend overseas, bashing America for its "Nationalism." Republicans, in contrast, genuinely love and care for America.

" Let’s face it. Republican “economics,” “love of the military,” and “flag waving,” are all transparent techniques of rancid bullshit that they sell to those foolish enough to buy it."
Kind of like at the 2008 Democratic National Convention, how we saw everyone excitedly waving little American flags, then nearly all of those thousands of flags were thrown in the trash at the end of the event (The Republicans saved several bags full of them from ending up in a landfill, and brought them up to expose the superficial patriotism that the Left demonstrates).

"The Republican “product” is a purely manufactured concept designed to cover up their lust for greed, power, control, and outright authoritarianism."
Dude, you just described the Left perfectly. Nearly everything they do is designed to cover up their greed and especially their longing for power, control, and eventual authoritarianism:
They claim that progressively harsher environmental regulations and policies are about protecting the planet, but it's really just about them trying to gain more control over American industry.

They claim that advancing progressively harsher gun laws are about promoting safety and lessening murders/ mass shootings, but it's really just about disarming as many law- abiding citizens as possible so that there won't be any real resistance against them if/ when they completely seize power.

They claim their affirmative action and social policies are about lifting up and helping black Americans, but it's really just about tricking black Americans into lifetime dependence on the government.

They claim that their subtly cracking down on the rights of Christians (i.e. Obama's birth control mandate which Trump thankfully reversed, trying to demonize Christianity every chance they can get) is about protecting gays and those who follow other religions, but it's really just about removing America's moral foundation so they can replace it with their own, as well as about silencing Christians who openly oppose many of their demented social policies such as abortion on demand, drug legalization, and the sexualization of America's children at increasingly younger ages.

They claim that helping millions of illegal immigrants cheat their way into being allowed to stay here is about compassion, but it's really about ensuring that they have more Democrat voters who will help them stay in power.

"They are haters of, primarily, black people. And they also hate brown people, and Asian people, and Muslim people, and Jewish people, and Hindu people, and Shinto people, and Buddhist people, and Native American people, and all other people who are not white, Christians of (preferably Northern) European descent."

Wrong! Incidentally, the Left constantly wallows in their hatred of white people. btw, if you want to see real hatred of "Jewish people," try looking at the Left. They try to hide it by using euphemistic terms such as "Zionists," but it's just a smokescreen for how deeply they hate Jews. Look at Hillary ""You f*cking Jew b*stard"" Clinton, as well as all the open anti- Semitic hatemongering by radical black nationalists like Al Sharpton and Louis Farrakhan.

" And they therefore hate all immigrants who are not white Christians from Europe."

Wrong again! It's not a matter of race or nationality, it's a matter of THE LAW! We are against ILLEGAL immigration! I, and most other conservatives, would be just as opposed to a white European immigrant staying here illegally as we would be to a Mexican immigrant staying here illegally.

One of my favorite aunts is a legal immigrant from Mexico. She at first had her citizenship through her marriage to my uncle, but she was willing to work hard and go through all the proper legal channels, and thus managed eventually to earn her own independent citizenship apart from that. I am immensely proud of her for that. Her youngest daughter is more like a sister to me than a cousin (I rode out Hurricane Irma with her and her husband), and a year or so ago I went to another of her daughters' baby- gender- revealing- party and had the honor of being allowed to announce the baby's gender.

This, in fact, increases my opposition to illegal immigration, as illegal immigrants, by sneaking over and not doing any of the work or following any of the appropriate legal channels, are essentially spitting in the face of my aunt and in the faces of all the other countless legal immigrants who earned their citizenship the right way.

To put it another way, legal immigrants such as my aunt are like students in school who get a great grade on a test by studying hard, doing work, getting plenty of sleep the night before, etc.. In contrast, illegal immigrants of the sort that the Left champions are like students who get a great grade on the same test by cheating.

" Can anyone deny that Trump has turned Republican dog whistles into a bullhorn?"

Democrats think that literally ANY criticism or negative statement about them or their policies is somehow a racist "Dog whistle" slur. Someone could point out that a tie Obama was wearing at a state dinner had a mustard stain on it, and the Dems would be openly accusing him or her of racism and of using "Dog whistle" slurs.

" Can anyone deny that dying and dead industries have produced millions of “left behind” people who are willing to listen to someone who blames their loss of jobs on the “THEMS?""

Wow. Way to subtly justify Obama and other leftists waging war on industry and taking away the jobs of untold millions of hardworking Americans. btw, is farming a "Dying" or "Dead" industry? Because, Democrat politicians in California destroyed the careers of countless hardworking farmers with their "Delta Smelt" lunacy.

"Can anyone deny that institutional racism is the lasting legacy of slavery and Jim Crow?"

You mean institutional racism like affirmative action, a program specifically designed around treating people of some races as more desirable than people of other races based purely on skin color rather than merit?

"It makes Republicans the party of those who are ignorant and those filled with bile."

That's the Democrats! Their party's all about exploiting people's ignorance and their anger over perceived injustices. Look at Occupy Wall Street ("All rich people are, like, evil oppressors, maaaaan!") and Black Lives Matter ("All cops and all white people are evil racist monsters!")."


And THAT,boys and girls,is how "the game" is being played

MY response to this was : "EXCELLENT post and observations!

My only complaint is the poster only did half the job. He should have "brought it home" by linking the DNC and the RNC as allies in the destruction of this nation and the creation of a world-wide government. They are two sides of the same coin. Neither gives a damn about anyone but themselves and their ruling class friends.

If you think of professional politics as being VERY similar to professional wrasslin,you can't go wrong. They have story lines to sell to keep their most avid fans avid enough to buy the tickets/cast votes,and to buy the dolls and masks/bumper stickers,t-shirts,etc,etc,etc.

Meanwhile,in the background,the money men that nobody voted for or bought a ticket to see are counting the money and making plans for the next gala event to bring in more donations/ticket sales/votes.
« Last Edit: April 22, 2018, 02:58:30 pm by sneakypete »
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: Modern Politics and Political Parties Defined
« Reply #1 on: April 28, 2018, 05:39:38 pm »
Two or more sides disagree on who runs the country. And they can’t settle the question through elections because they don’t even agree that elections are how you decide who’s in charge. That’s the basic issue here. Who decides who runs the country? When you hate each other but accept the election results, you have a country. When you stop accepting election results, you have a countdown to a civil war.

The Mueller investigation is about removing President Trump from office and overturning the results of an election. We all know that. But it’s not the first time they’ve done this. The first time a Republican president was elected this century, they said he didn’t really win. The Supreme Court gave him the election. There’s a pattern here.

What do sure odds of the Democrats rejecting the next Republican president really mean? It means they don’t accept the results of any election that they don’t win. It means they don’t believe that transfers of power in this country are determined by elections. That’s a civil war. There’s no shooting. At least not unless you count the attempt to kill a bunch of Republicans at a charity baseball game practice. But the Democrats have rejected our system of government. This isn’t dissent. It’s not disagreement. You can hate the other party. You can think they’re the worst thing that ever happened to the country. But then you work harder to win the next election. When you consistently reject the results of elections that you don’t win, what you want is a dictatorship. Your very own dictatorship.

The only legitimate exercise of power in this country, according to Democrats, is its own. Whenever Republicans exercise power, it’s inherently illegitimate. The Democrats lost Congress. They lost the White House. So what did they do? They began trying to run the country through Federal judges and bureaucrats. Every time that a Federal judge issues an order saying that the President of the United States can’t scratch his own back without his say so, that’s the civil war.

Our system of government is based on the constitution, but that’s not the system that runs this country. The Democrat's system is that any part of government that it runs gets total and unlimited power over the country. If the Democrats are in the White House, then the president can do anything. And I mean anything. He can have his own amnesty for illegal aliens. He can fine you for not having health insurance. His power is unlimited. He’s a dictator. But when Republicans get into the White House, suddenly the President can’t do anything. He isn’t even allowed to undo the illegal alien amnesty that his predecessor illegally invented. A Democrat in the White House has “discretion” to completely decide every aspect of immigration policy. A Republican doesn’t even have the “discretion” to reverse him.

That’s how the game is played. That’s how our country is run. Sad but true, although the left hasn’t yet won that particular fight.

When a Democrat is in the White House, states aren’t even allowed to enforce immigration law. But when a Republican is in the White House, states can create their own immigration laws. Under Obama, a state wasn’t allowed to go to the bathroom without asking permission. But under Trump, Jerry Brown can go around saying that California is an independent republic and sign treaties with other countries. The Constitution has something to say about that.

Whether it’s Federal or State, Executive, Legislative or Judiciary, the left moves power around to run the country. If it controls an institution, then that institution is suddenly the supreme power in the land. This is what I call a moving dictatorship.

Donald Trump has caused the Shadow Government to come out of hiding: Professional government is a guild. Like medieval guilds. You can’t serve in if you’re not a member. If you haven’t been indoctrinated into its arcane rituals. If you aren’t in the club. And Trump isn’t in the club. He brought in a bunch of people who aren’t in the club with him.

Now we’re seeing what the pros do when amateurs try to walk in on them. They spy on them, they investigate them and they send them to jail. They use the tools of power to bring them down. That’s not a free country. It’s not a free country when FBI agents who support Hillary take out an “insurance policy” against Trump winning the election. It’s not a free country when Obama officials engage in massive unmasking of the opposition. It’s not a free country when the media responds to the other guy winning by trying to ban the conservative media that supported him from social media. It’s not a free country when all of the above collude together to overturn an election because the guy who wasn’t supposed to win won.

Have no doubt, we’re in a civil war between conservative volunteer government and a leftist professional government.

That is how wars start from within.
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"So do I," said Gandalf, "and so do all who live to see such times. But that is not for them to decide. All we have to decide is what to do with the time that is given us."
- J. R. R. Tolkien

Offline WarmPotato

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Re: Modern Politics and Political Parties Defined
« Reply #2 on: April 29, 2018, 08:14:42 am »
Oof, talk about a wall of text - why not use bold and italics to make it easier to digest?
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