Author Topic: How I Got Starbucked at a Hampton Inn  (Read 571 times)

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How I Got Starbucked at a Hampton Inn
« on: April 20, 2018, 11:49:23 am »
American Thinker
Jack Cashill
Apr. 20, 2018


verb, past participle

To be asked to leave a commercial establishment because one is not paying for the services he or she is using.

Ten years ago, I got Starbucked at a Hampton Inn in West Virginia. I found the experience sufficiently memorable at the time that I translated it into a Seussian poem titled, “How the Grinch Stole My Wi-Fi.”

On this occasion, I was driving from Virginia to western New Jersey. Not knowing the best route, I started looking for a place where I could seek out the answer.
