Author Topic: Liberal Indoctrination on Campus Isn’t Working  (Read 375 times)

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Offline Free Vulcan

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Liberal Indoctrination on Campus Isn’t Working
« on: April 18, 2018, 08:53:17 pm »
Yet I wasn’t convinced by the case for collectivism on campus, and neither were many of my classmates. One YouGov survey suggests that only 7 percent of millennials would prefer to live in a Communist society, and more millennials now think of Communism as a present-day problem than did in 2016. Clearly, the “brainwashing” on campus hasn’t been so successful.

That’s because there’s a disconnect between what’s being taught and what’s being absorbed. Colleges can’t truly indoctrinate a generation that grew up with the Internet, which has conditioned us not to take what we’re told at face value. When I did my own research into my professor’s arguments, I found out that unrestricted trade and the spread of capitalism have done more to reduce global poverty than almost anything else. Students from the Socialist Club were too busy protesting for “free abortion on demand” and resisting Donald Trump to notice that Bernie Sanders might not have all the answers...

...But despite the anti-gun atmosphere on campus, many young people like me still strongly support the Second Amendment. According to a 2015 survey from Pew, 18- to 29-year-olds are actually less likely than older Americans to support a ban on assault weapons, and young people are among the most supportive of concealed-carry laws. Try as they might, would-be liberal indoctrinaters haven’t convinced college students to turn our backs on the Second Amendment.

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« Last Edit: April 18, 2018, 08:54:07 pm by Free Vulcan »
The Republic is lost.