Author Topic: A quick look at Michael Cohen's judge .... Where have we heard that name before?  (Read 285 times)

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by Henry Percy

"Judge hands defeat to Trump and Cohen," blares the headline.

Kimba Wood...Kimba Wood...where have I heard that name before?  Well, look at this.  She was Bill Clinton's second choice to be attorney general, after the Zoe Baird nomination blew up.  Kimba's blew up, too, because she forgot to tell the White House she had employed an illegal as a nanny.

Is this amazingly great luck for the Mueller-U.S. attorney tag team or what?

But don't be downhearted.  Judge Wood has it all doped out: "I have faith in the Southern District U.S. Attorney's office that their integrity is unimpeachable," Judge Wood said.

Remember how we were treated to glowing tales of how Comey and Mueller were "Boy Scouts," straight arrows both, who played it straight down the middle, eminently fair?  And besides, they're both Republicans!  Gasp!

Now we learn that the Southern District U.S. attorney's office is "unimpeachable."  How about a soft-focus story in Time about how the attorneys there volunteer at dog rescues and putter around in down-at-heel slippers?  Golly gee, are we in great hands!

Update from Thomas Lifson.  Daniel Greenfield at Front Page Magazine reminds us:

Kimba has made headlines before for all the wrong things.

Wood was dubbed the "Love Judge" in 1995 when the soon-to-be ex-wife of a multimillionaire Wall Street financier found his diary, which was filled with passionate prose about his trysts with the jurist.

Moneyman Frank Richardson gushed about the time he spent with Wood, describing her as "absolutely wonderful, very intelligent, a complete woman and able to give love wonderfully and freely."

The illicit romance began in the spring of that year with dinners at ritzy restaurants and weekend getaways at Wood's country home. At the time, Kimba was married to a Time magazine columnist but the two were about to divorce.

That's where the sneering at Cohen's clients is coming from.

It's a safe bet that Judge Kimba Wood might  harbor some resentment toward Republicans.  And a Clinton nominee should not be overseeing a case involving his political opponents.  Except that's how Team Coup keeps doing things.