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Paul Ryan: I won't be pushed out early
« on: April 12, 2018, 09:35:43 pm »
Paul Ryan: I won't be pushed out early
Washington Examiner, Apr12, 2018, Susan Ferrechio

Speaker Paul Ryan said he won’t leave his post early, despite early speculation that Republicans may want a new speaker in the next few months, and told reporters that most GOP lawmakers want him to remain in his post until he retires in January because nobody can top his fundraising prowess.

“I have shattered every fundraising record any speaker has ever set,” Ryan said in response to reports that some lawmakers want a swift exit.

Ryan, R-Wis., said those urging him to leave represent only “a small group” of Republicans and that most want the current leadership team to remain in place to provide stability and to usher through remaining agenda items for the 115th Congress.


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Re: Paul Ryan: I won't be pushed out early
« Reply #1 on: April 12, 2018, 09:38:52 pm »
Freedom Caucus chairman predicts Speaker's race to be settled before November
The Hill, Apr 12, 2018, Melanie Zanona

Rep. Mark Meadows  (R-N.C.), chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, predicted Wednesday that the race to replace Speaker Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) will be settled before the midterm elections.

“I think who the next Speaker will be, will certainly be decided before November,” Meadows told reporters. “Not in fact, but probably in practicality.”

Ryan announced Wednesday morning that he plans to retire from Congress, but he intends to finish out the remainder of his term.

Speculation had already been swirling about Ryan’s political future, but the official announcement is likely to only heat up a leadership race that had already started behind the scenes.


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Re: Paul Ryan: I won't be pushed out early
« Reply #2 on: April 12, 2018, 09:42:50 pm »
Paul Ryan: I won't be pushed out early
Washington Examiner, Apr12, 2018, Susan Ferrechio

Speaker Paul Ryan said he won’t leave his post early, despite early speculation that Republicans may want a new speaker in the next few months, and told reporters that most GOP lawmakers want him to remain in his post until he retires in January because nobody can top his fundraising prowess.

“I have shattered every fundraising record any speaker has ever set,” Ryan said in response to reports that some lawmakers want a swift exit.

Ryan, R-Wis., said those urging him to leave represent only “a small group” of Republicans and that most want the current leadership team to remain in place to provide stability and to usher through remaining agenda items for the 115th Congress.


Yaddda, yadda, yadda. It doesn't matter if he leaves now or after the mid terms; the damage he has caused is already done. 
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