State Chapters > Texas

"Texas Moms Demand Action" President Charged for Accosting Teen Girls

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NRA-ILA 4/6/2018

Not content to let the gun control and hardcore anti-Donald Trump communities’ hateful rhetoric be relegated to the internet, print media, television, and protests, prominent Texas Moms Demand Action President Kellye Burke decided she would take direct action against her political adversaries – by allegedly berating some teenage girls in a bakery. Burke is also a city council member in West University Park Place, Texas.

According to a report from Houston’s KPRC, a group of teenage girls were waiting in line at Tiny’s Milk and Cookies to buy some baked goods for their church when Burke happened upon them. Apparently disturbed that one of the teens had decided to exercise her First Amendment right by wearing a “Trump: Make America Great Again” shirt, Burke allegedly began to shout an expletive for a part of the female anatomy at the young girls.

The father of one of the girls told KPRC that the group initially ignored Burke’s aberrant conduct. However, Burke allegedly continued to harass the girls, reportedly shaking her fist and mockingly shouting “MAGA! MAGA! MAGA!”


She is a class act. /s

--- Quote ---Burke released a statement through her attorney Thursday. It reads:

"I have repeatedly apologized for the bad judgment I used and making the statement I did, but I do not believe repeating the words of the President of the United States is a crime. However, I will apologize again on behalf of myself, the President of the United States and all the media outlets who repeated his words both electronically and in print."
--- End quote ---

The greatest shame of the entire campaign was when Trump's vile words against women and his bragging about molesting whomever he chose were excused by both the Republican Party and the so-called evangelicals within it.

Though leftists are clearly nutcases, what they are saying about Trump in this case, is accurate.

He bragged about being a sexual predator, and there's no way to pretend it's not what he did.

Frank Cannon:

--- Quote from: musiclady on April 08, 2018, 03:50:01 pm ---The greatest shame of the entire campaign was when Trump's vile words against women and his bragging about molesting whomever he chose were excused by both the Republican Party and the so-called evangelicals within it.

Though leftists are clearly nutcases, what they are saying about Trump in this case, is accurate.

He bragged about being a sexual predator, and there's no way to pretend it's not what he did.

--- End quote ---

Only a sick and depraved person would defend this deranged Left wing creep Burke attacking kids buying cookies in a store.

In my personal experience Liberals tend to be more unstable than the average population. Most of that is due to their exaggerated intensity of feeling and their lack of self-control. Liberals tend to identify their own being and their own self-worth with their opinions. Therefore, when you reject their opinions, you are essentially rejecting them as a person.

I believe that this is indicative of the basic immaturity and ignorance of Liberal culture. They behave like children living in a fantasy world they have constructed in their minds which does not correspond with reality. And when their fantasy constructs are assaulted by reality, of course, they react like children by throwing a red-faced screaming tantrum which frequently leads them to blindly lashing out with violence toward anyone around them including children.

Conservatives seems to be better able to look at opinions distantly and objectively and to not take a difference of opinion as a personal affront. To a conservative an opinion is simply an opinion, take it or leave it. To a Liberal, their opinions are their very soul.


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