Author Topic: Legislation aims to prohibit people younger than 21 from purchasing assault weapons in Louisiana  (Read 281 times)

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The Advocate BY ELIZABETH CRISP 4/3/2018

Nikolas Cruz was just 18 years old when he legally bought the AR-15 he used to kill 17 people at a Florida high school in February.

Now some Louisiana lawmakers are pushing legislation that they say would keep people younger than 21 from being able to legally purchase similar weapons here.

The Senate Judiciary C Committee narrowly voted 4-3 in favor of Senate Bill 274 on Tuesday, after an impassioned debate among gun enthusiasts and people calling for laws meant to enhance public safety.

"This is not a panacea – this won't solve all of our problems, but I think we'd all agree if we save one life, two lives, three lives, then it's worth it," said Sen. Troy Carter, a New Orleans Democrat who sponsored the bill.

It now heads to the full Senate for consideration. While the idea has been embraced by some Republicans on the national stage, it's likely to face a big hurdle here if it makes it to the more conservative-leaning State House for consideration.
