Author Topic: DoD Braces for Trump’s New ‘Devil Incarnate’ National Security Advisor Bolton  (Read 415 times)

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DoD Braces for Trump’s New ‘Devil Incarnate’ National Security Advisor Bolton
© REUTERS/ Aaron P. Bernstein

23:36 01.04.2018(updated 23:47 01.04.2018)

The looming April 9 first day on the job for Republican superhawk John Bolton as US President Donald Trump’s hand-picked national security advisor - replacing three-star General H.R. McMaster - has the Pentagon bracing for trouble.

Fears of increasing friction between the Department of Defense (DoD) and the Trump White House in the wake of neoconservative Bolton's installation as the president's national security adviser have many career military staffers on edge, as the newest cabinet pick — although a stranger to combat — has a long history of avowing a ‘shoot first ask questions later' doctrine.