Then be gone. Who the flip cares about someone who rants and raves on the internet, and then throws his vote away?
I have been gone. Who cares a flip about those who rant on about how good their lesser evils are, and wholeheartedly support them as if they were good? When principle is thrown to the winds of relativism, it becomes mere subjective nonsense.
THE GOP lost my donations, my time, and my support a long time ago, first at the National level, then the State level, and ultimately, it comes down to the individual candidate whether or not they can earn --yes,
EARN my vote, my support, or my stamp of approval.
I would gladly embrace that "None of the Above" be included on the ballot, and if it carries a majority, the current slate be wiped and try again with other candidates.
When all is said and done, I have finally reached the point where I will be able to tell my Maker (not that He won't already know) that I would not support evil, be it lesser or greater, and no amount of semantic gymnastics can turn my non-support of either into the support of one or the other.
I and all of us have a higher Judge to face in the end, and I'm going to go with as clear a conscience as I can at this late date. My principles have remained unchanged, the GOP has left me.