Author Topic: What is Cellulitis?  (Read 364 times)

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What is Cellulitis?
« on: March 23, 2018, 03:00:51 pm »
What is Cellulitis?

By Sally Robertson, BSc

Cellulitis is an infection of the dermal and subcutaneous skin layers that gives rise to red, swollen, hot and painful skin.

Sometimes the condition develops on areas of broken skin due to an ulcer or surgical wound, for example, although cellulitis can also occur anywhere on the body or face where skin remains intact. The most commonly affected area is the lower leg, particularly where the tibia is located and in the foot. The next most frequently affected area is the arm, followed by the head and neck. Certain forms of cellulitis are sometimes named according to the body region affected such as buccal cellulitis, which affects the cheeks or periorbital cellulitis, which affects the eye socket area.