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A Thing That Makes You Go Hmmm . . .
« on: March 21, 2018, 09:02:24 pm »
The ongoing question of Trump and Putin
By Jay Nordlinger

A few weeks ago, some of us were saying that there’s one thing Donald Trump has been consistent on: an antipathy to free trade. (This was when he had announced major new tariffs.) Trump has been all over the map on other things, including immigration. After the 2012 election, he faulted Mitt Romney and the Republicans for being “mean-spirited” toward illegals. But on trade, he has been notably consistent.

There’s something else he has been consistent on: admiration of dictatorial strength. Way back in 1990, he gave an interview to Playboy magazine. At the time, the Soviet Union was in uncertain condition. Change was in the air. Democratic protesters were getting bolder. And Trump said, “Russia is out of control and the leadership knows it. That’s my problem with Gorbachev. Not a firm enough hand" . . .

. . . For decades, well-wishers of freedom and democracy had been hoping and praying for a less firm hand in the Soviet Union . . .

. . . Trump’s press secretary, Sarah Huckabee Sanders . . . was asked about Putin’s latest sham election. “We don’t get to dictate how other countries operate,” she said. “What we do know is that Putin has been elected in their country and that’s not something that we can dictate to them, how they operate.”

In the past, American presidents have not been so shy. Think merely of “Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!” The Trump administration has not always been shy either — about a mockery of democracy in Venezuela, for example. Noah Rothman detailed this in a column (typically excellent). There seems to be something special about Putin and his Russia . . .

. . . There is almost nothing that makes Trump supporters angrier than suggesting that Putin has some kind of hold on the president, or leverage over him . . . We can all understand the anger of Trump fans. But we might understand the suspicions of others, too . . . I don’t know that there’s any funny business between Putin and Trump (although I think that Trump’s tax returns might be illuminating). But isn’t Trump’s behavior toward Putin something that makes you go hmmm? Even if you’re a fan of Trump, doesn’t it make you wonder? Just a little?

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

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Re: A Thing That Makes You Go Hmmm . . .
« Reply #1 on: March 21, 2018, 09:21:29 pm »

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Re: A Thing That Makes You Go Hmmm . . .
« Reply #2 on: March 21, 2018, 09:30:06 pm »
The ongoing question of Trump and Putin
By Jay Nordlinger

He and his family have large investments there and don't want to lose them. Is that a conflict of interest? Yes... Personal considerations outweigh the country's best interest to some degree or this wouldn't be happening. But that's the price of electing someone like Trump, the international "businessman".