Author Topic: Korean Summit Strains Capacity of ‘Resistance’ To Debunk Trump  (Read 172 times)

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Korean Summit Strains Capacity of ‘Resistance’ To Debunk Trump
By CONRAD BLACK, Special to the Sun | March 13, 2018

The news that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un would meet with President Trump has strained the prodigious capacity of the Trump Resistance to debunk his accomplishments. Anti-Trump journalists who don’t know anything about war in general, and specifically very little about the deployment of forces in the Korean Peninsula, have been shrieking from the rooftops of America since the election that Mr. Trump was capable of blowing up the world in Korea.
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It has been generally assumed that any American military action would instantly lead to attacks upon South Korea and Japan. In their more agitated moments, the anti-Trump press has envisioned another Korean War and a million or more casualties. Some of the same people predicted a million Allied casualties in the first Gulf War. (The real total was 292 dead and 467 combat injuries among 956,000 Allied servicemen and -women deployed.)