Author Topic: Antifa racist dupes LA Times with outrageous sob story; LAT runs front-page puff-piece on him; turns  (Read 396 times)

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Antifa racist dupes LA Times with outrageous sob story; LAT runs front-page puff-piece on him; turns out it was all lies; LAT fails to report that he's on trial for hate crime


A member of Antifa who claims to be partly Hispanic was caught by the Berkeley police basically red-handed spraypainting "bleep White People" and "Kill Cops" and other lovely sentiments on people's private homes, and also then slashing tires on random cars and vandalizing them. The bleep then pulls the race card and tries to claim he was "racially profiled." Berkeley cops wants to charge him with a hate crime, which his graffiti qualifies as under state law. But the liberal local DA refuses (for now) to include hate crime charges to his numerous other charges from the incident.

Then this guy somehow snags the attention of an LA Times reporter by claiming to be an impoverished illegal immigrant minority UC Berkeley student who all by himself is supporting his whole family. But a cruel slumlord is trying to evict them illegal from their "home" -- a trailer parked illegally in a driveway. His tale is filled with all sorts of absurd falsehoods which could easily be checked and disproved -- but because his story fits the leftist narrative of oppressed braves heroic "DREAMers," they feature the story in yesterday's paper.

The story makes no mention of his crimes. He is painted as moral superhero.

BUT THEN, the freakin' commenters dig up the truth about the guy -- not only that he's a racist, an Antifa member, a vandal and so on, but also that he lied about his living situation, and probably isn't even a UC Berkeley student.

BUT THEN, the LATimes promotes this guy's "YouCaring" and GoFundMe pages, and within hours he rakes in $80,000 from guilt-ridden white liberals crying over his dishonest sob story.

Finally, someone send the comments to the top editors at the LATimes, and they append a small note at the end of the story pointing out that he is on trial for unspecified "crimes," without naming them.

Basically, the LATimes helped a con artist dupe $80,000 out of their readers. Because they felt it served their political slant.

THEN, the LATimes deleted all the comments exposing their epic blunder!

There also a huge side plot about how he slandered a Christian Good Samaritan who allowed this maniac to live alone in a trailer for two weeks for $650 rent; in reality, the con artist never paid the rent, moved his whole family into the trailer, and then stayed there for months illegally, threatening the unwitting landlord -- and then spun a slanderous tale to the LATimes, which they ran without verifying any details, that the Good Samaritan was a horrible villain who took the guy's rent money (which in reality he never even paid) and then tried to evict him.

Anyway, the story is pretty interesting, and it centers on media malfeasance in the name of politics. Plus, of course, Leftists Acting Badly.

Oh, I forgot to mention: His name is Ismael Chamu.

Here are the links:

(Remove spaces from all URLs):

Basic summary of the whole story focusing on the LATimes' collusion with the con artist: readers-question-la-times-story-uc-berkeley-student-charged-vandalism

The LA Times puff-piece: la-me-uc-berkeley-homeless-student-20180311-htmlstory.html

Summary of his racist vandalism crime spree: uc-berkeley-students-charged-vandalism-not-hate-crimes

LA Times Facebook post about him, which is now the only place where readers' Facebook "replies" exposing his true nature can be found:

Initial report of his crime spree: berkeley-police-report-30-instances-slashed-tires-graffiti-near-cal-campus

Taken from comment #698`

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