Author Topic: Five Things to Know About China’s Falling Space Station  (Read 329 times)

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Five Things to Know About China’s Falling Space Station
For one, it’s exceedingly unlikely to cause you harm

By Jason Daley
March 9, 2018 3:13PM
Sometime around April 3—give or take about a week—China’s 9.5-ton Tiangong-1 space station will fall out of orbit and enter Earth’s atmosphere. While media reports for the last few months have hyped the “uncontrolled” de-orbit as a potential threat, you probably don’t have to worry.

As Laura Geggel at LiveScience reports, though scientists aren’t sure exactly where the space station would impact, the most recent analysis suggests that the majority of the craft will likely burn up in orbit. And the chances of getting struck by any debris that makes is through are beyond miniscule. Here are five things to know about the station and its descent before its final act.

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