Author Topic: The Need for Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapon Systems: The NPR Got It Right  (Read 400 times)

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The Need for Non-Strategic Nuclear Weapon Systems: The NPR Got It Right
By Bradley A. Thayer
March 08, 2018

The Nuclear Posture Review (NPR) released last month called for the development of a new low yield warhead and new delivery systems to address shortfalls in existing deterrent capabilities.  It proposed that a present capability, dual-capable aircraft, to deliver low-yield nuclear weapons be augmented by the development of a low-yield ballistic missile.  For sea-based weapons, the NPR called for using existing D-5s to carry a modified, lower-yield W-76 nuclear warhead within the next few years, and a new sea-launched cruise missile added in the 2030 timeframe.  These capabilities are sought to address current limitations in the U.S. non-strategic force posture in the face of potential Russian aggression against NATO.