Author Topic: In Blow To Trump, Supreme Court Won’t Hear Appeal Of DACA Ruling  (Read 1220 times)

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Offline Jazzhead

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Re: In Blow To Trump, Supreme Court Won’t Hear Appeal Of DACA Ruling
« Reply #25 on: February 28, 2018, 12:28:09 pm »
Well, that is one way to look at it @Jazzhead .

However, For President Trump to accept this ruling would be to abdicate the Executive ... on the most farcical of duplicity. To wit: That a President can make a DACA order out of whole cloth... by Executive fiat... unConstitutionally I might add, and that teh next President cannot .. with the same wave of the hand(E.O) dispel such blatant nonsense.

No, my friend, I am afraid you will be having to endure yet another SCOTUS spankdown of the Nutzi 9th.

And SCOTUS called for it to be brought forth expeditiously. Which means next June..... 2019. Democrats/regressive left will have to endure a midterm favoring illegals over Americans.... how sad.

I don't believe that either of the rulings question the President's decision to shut down the program,  just his ability to pull the rug out from under the 700,000 who've entered the program already.   I don't thing that's a hill to die on - it is an ordinary legal principle that a party to a contract can't unilaterally abrogate it when the other party has relied on it - changed his position - to his detriment.

By accepting the judges' rulings,  Trump can both demonstrate "compassion" and satisfy his base's demands that DACA not be expanded, and that the current participants not be offered a pathway to citizenship.    There's still plenty to negotiate going forward if the spitting harpies in Congress are so inclined - remember that the basic deal on the table was to expand the program from 700,000 to over 2 million, and offer a pathway to citizenship, in exchange for more money for border security and other changes.

If the Dems want to run on benefitting illegals at the expense of citizens this fall, let 'em.    At least they cannot charge Trump with cruelly abandoning those who came forward under the original program.   I've got to believe that can only help us in the fall. 
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