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Walter Williams questions Mark Levin’s desire for an Article V Convention

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--- Quote from: Sanguine on February 27, 2018, 04:50:54 pm ---And, that, of course, begs the question: "what do we do from here"?  I notice Johnwk disappeared on this question.

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We work toward taking our country back one step at a time.  We vote for solid conservatives instead of the guy with the most money in our primaries for starters.


--- Quote from: johnwk on February 27, 2018, 02:53:57 pm ---Last legal option available?  We have a legal option every two freaken years to elect honorable people to Congress who will obey our existing Constitution. I dare say, your premise is without foundation.


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I think Dr. Williams and you are both terribly naïve.  Saying the fault is not in our Constitution is completely beside the point.


--- Quote from: Sanguine on February 27, 2018, 02:44:02 pm ---I'm distilling your comment down to "why do a COS at all"?  And, the answer is - because there is a chance it could make things better and is the last legal option available to us.

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If you are going to attempt it for the sole purpose of illustrating that we tried every avenue of rectifying a lawless and burgeoning government tyranny before we do what must be done, then I can support the effort so long as it is understood that the Beast at Mordor on the Potomac is not going to allow itself to be limited by any law or amendment.  They will either find a federal judge who will strike such amendments down from being implemented as a force of law, or they will do as they do now, and just ignore them.

We are a post-constitutional Socialist mobocracy in deed and practice.

The sooner we wake up to that reality, the sooner we can begin working on true and effective ways to put government back in the cage designed for it.


--- Quote from: the_doc on February 27, 2018, 05:13:25 pm ---@Sanguine
I think Dr. Williams and you are both terribly naïve.  Saying the fault is not in our Constitution is completely beside the point.

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I think that assuming a further amended Constitution will be any more effective than what we currently have in the currently existing environment is extremely naïve.


--- Quote from: Bigun on February 27, 2018, 04:54:19 pm ---We work toward taking our country back one step at a time.  We vote for solid conservatives instead of the guy with the most money in our primaries for starters.

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Like the last presidental election?  Or, all the other ones before that?

Two problems with that: conservatism is not well understood or liked, and conservatives, by their nature, frequently make lousy candidates in the social/cultural environment that we now have.


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