Author Topic: Criticisms Mount Against Claim of Hominins in the Americas Over 100,000 Years Ago  (Read 358 times)

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10 February, 2018 - 01:59 Alicia McDermott
Criticisms Mount Against Claim of Hominins in the Americas Over 100,000 Years Ago

A startling claim was made almost a year ago: researchers said that they had evidence of hominins in the Americas at least 100,000 years before most people believed. They called for open-minded consideration of their evidence and have been met with debate. Skeptics say that there is no way the story is as it has been presented. But apart from a disbelief in the extremely old date, what else do they say does not fit?

One group of archaeologists has had their criticism published recently in Nature. They claim that the mastodon bone damage came about through disturbances at the site by modern construction equipment. Their evidence comes from “similar-looking damage, which was caused by natural wear and tear and heavy equipment” on mammoth bones that were found in Waco, Texas, USA. That collection of bones dates to approximately 60,000 years ago and came from 26 mammoths