Author Topic: Can Congress Pass A DACA Bill Before The End Of The Year?  (Read 213 times)

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Can Congress Pass A DACA Bill Before The End Of The Year?
« on: February 15, 2018, 02:03:03 pm »
Can Congress Pass A DACA Bill Before The End Of The Year?

Posted By Juliegrace Brufke On 7:55 AM 02/15/2018 In | No Comments

It remains unclear whether Congress will pass legislation addressing the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program ahead of its March 5 deadline, or even in coming months, as partisan divisions continue to plague both chambers.

The Trump administration announced it was ending the Obama-era initiative,  — which extended temporary legal status to foreign nationals who illegally entered the country as minors — in September, arguing the previous administration overstepped its boundaries with its executive order protecting DREAMers. Despite having been provided a six-month window to craft a permanent legislative fix, lawmakers have struggled to come to a consensus on an immigration deal that can meet the 60-vote threshold needed to pass the upper chamber that meets the parameters laid out by the White House. While two federal courts have blocked the administration from rescinding the program — providing lawmakers with additional time to come to a consensus — members of both parties have said they are committed to finding a solution, but have acknowledged it’s been a challenge strike to a deal.

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