Author Topic: What are Opioids?  (Read 368 times)

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What are Opioids?
« on: February 11, 2018, 01:40:47 pm »
What are Opioids?

By Dr Ananya Mandal, MD

Opioids have similar properties to the opium from which they are derived. One of the main functions of opioids is to produce sedation and pain relief and they have been used for pain relief over thousands of years. Opioids are essentially chemicals that bind to opioids receptors present in the brain and central nervous system and the gastrointestinal tract to stimulate their effects.

Offline Victoria33

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Re: What are Opioids?
« Reply #1 on: February 11, 2018, 02:27:08 pm »

Tomorrow is the day I go to doc to get prescriptions refilled - oh, my god, one is an opioid!
Doc has to use special federal prescription pad for that and I have to sign my name that I got it and it's only good for one month, so he writes three, so I can go three months without coming back to see him for those pills.  The drugstore also questions me when I get that scrip. My other pills are six months of pills.

Leave my pain pills alone!  I have living to do and those pills cut down the fibro pain.  Unless you have pain from every muscle in your body, you don't know what that pain is like.  I take three other pills for fibro, too.  One stops tremor in my hands, one helps me sleep, one cuts down excess electricity in the brain that goes to muscles - I could not function without that one.  So that is four pills for fibro.  Those years ago when this hit, the neurologist diagnosed it and one of the pills, then sent me to pain doc.  He was so fine and worked with me until he got the right amount of each pill to do the job. 

The US congress, and the state medical board, should not be able to stop my pain pills but they are making it so hard to get them, doc wants to change them to something else.  There is someone who wants to sell me a product made from marijuana for fibro pain - no, I do not want that and it is illegal in my state.  I'm not looking to be a vegetable who can't think due to taking mind altering drugs - I just want the pain to be as low as possible without screwing up my thinking.

Offline GtHawk

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Re: What are Opioids?
« Reply #2 on: February 12, 2018, 04:24:23 am »

Tomorrow is the day I go to doc to get prescriptions refilled - oh, my god, one is an opioid!
Doc has to use special federal prescription pad for that and I have to sign my name that I got it and it's only good for one month, so he writes three, so I can go three months without coming back to see him for those pills.  The drugstore also questions me when I get that scrip. My other pills are six months of pills.

Leave my pain pills alone!  I have living to do and those pills cut down the fibro pain.  Unless you have pain from every muscle in your body, you don't know what that pain is like.  I take three other pills for fibro, too.  One stops tremor in my hands, one helps me sleep, one cuts down excess electricity in the brain that goes to muscles - I could not function without that one.  So that is four pills for fibro.  Those years ago when this hit, the neurologist diagnosed it and one of the pills, then sent me to pain doc.  He was so fine and worked with me until he got the right amount of each pill to do the job. 

The US congress, and the state medical board, should not be able to stop my pain pills but they are making it so hard to get them, doc wants to change them to something else.  There is someone who wants to sell me a product made from marijuana for fibro pain - no, I do not want that and it is illegal in my state.  I'm not looking to be a vegetable who can't think due to taking mind altering drugs - I just want the pain to be as low as possible without screwing up my thinking.
Don't take this the wrong way, but you're lucky, all my pain management doctor prescribes me is Tramadol and it's darn near useless. Tomorrow I go in for yet another epidural, which I have no confidence in anymore, after two weeks of often excruciating pain. This may well be the last injection because the wonderful experience of it isn't worth it for no benefit. I may be having a serious heart to heart with my insurance company about a new PM doc. It's easy for people to condemn opioids and such if they don't experience daily or near daily extreme levels of pain. I have been on Vicodin in the past, for many years and I never understood people that took it for a high or whatever, too much and I felt ill and my skin....well I can't describe it but it was very far from pleasant. I understand your feelings on the pain and wish you good luck in getting relief.