We are told that sanctuary cities exist because employers want cheap labor. Of course, cheap, illegal entrant labor, does benefit the bottom line for business. But cheap labor is not the primary reason for the existence of sanctuary cities and States.
Keep in mind the political leadership which controls sanctuary cities and States across America is, without question, a communist/socialist/progressive leadership. And to remain in power this leadership needs an overwhelming voting block which is dependent on government cheese, who, when given the chance, will more than likely vote in accordance with fulfilling that economic need. This is why the notoriously evil leadership of sanctuary cities and states have embraced and welcomed, into America, the poverty stricken, poorly educated, low and unskilled populations of other countries ___ it’s about gaining and holding political power!
In the end, American citizens in sanctuary cities and states have been made into tax slaves to finance the economic needs of a financially dependent voting bloc welcomed into America which the political leadership of these enclaves exploit for their vote in order to remain in political power.
American citizens have been made into tax-slaves to finance a maternity ward for the poverty stricken populations of other countries who have, and are, invading America’s borders to give birth.