Author Topic: In Defense of Hillary, Comey, Schumer, and Pelosi  (Read 376 times)

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In Defense of Hillary, Comey, Schumer, and Pelosi
« on: February 06, 2018, 11:38:15 am »
Political Hay
In Defense of Hillary, Comey, Schumer, and Pelosi


February 6, 2018, 12:05 am

As Joseph told his brothers, evil acts have a way of producing good.


A great many Americans know the compelling story of Joseph and his brothers. Some know it well from their childhood Bible studies in synagogue, yeshiva, church, religious school — or even having had parents read Bible passages to them every night or weekend when they were growing up. Even more know the story presumably from an Andrew Lloyd Weber Broadway musical. And even more Americans than those in the above groups probably would ask Jesse Watters, “Isn’t that the guy who got the raincoat?” Regardless…

There is a powerful underlying theme in that Torah narrative. Joseph’s brothers fear that he is a false prophet, and they sell him into slavery. In short order, he ends up incarcerated in an Egyptian prison with perhaps no hope left for freedom. While locked up, he meets two artisans who have dreamt the identical dream, interprets the imagery they describe, and predicts what will unfold. His prophecies rapidly come true: The wine steward, as predicted, is restored to the Pharaoh’s service, and the baker is hanged. Two years later, the Pharaoh (whom most Americans associate with Elvis, thanks to the musical) himself dreams two disturbing visions, and no one can interpret the dreams convincingly. At Pharaoh’s side, his now-trusted wine steward tells him that there is some Jew in the lock-up who is the greatest expert dream interpreter, and Pharaoh has Joseph cleaned up and brought out.