Author Topic: Trump tax savings and a river in Egypt  (Read 324 times)

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Trump tax savings and a river in Egypt
« on: February 04, 2018, 02:34:01 pm »
American Thinker
Dan Joppich
Feb. 4, 2018

Taking their cues from Nancy Pelosi and CNN, leftist Democrats are in denial. I had the opportunity this week to tell a friend of mine, who is a devout leftist, the results of the Trump tax plan on my employees' take-home pay. His response was both shocking and yet, not unexpected.

Faced with the hard truth backed up by undeniable facts, his only response was, "It didn't happen... You're lying". After repeating this mantra several more times to cover up my recitation of the evidence he did the equivalence of putting his fingers in his ears and repeating, "Na, na, na, na!" to drown out having to hear the hard truth. In other words, if he didn't hear it on CNN, it can't be true.

Here are the cold, hard, indisputable, undeniable facts:
