Author Topic: Don't let snow shoveling give you a heart attack  (Read 393 times)

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Don't let snow shoveling give you a heart attack
« on: January 30, 2018, 12:37:22 pm »
Don't let snow shoveling give you a heart attack
Clearing the driveway during a blizzard may be the perfect storm for a cardiac event.
Jack Goodman/The Conversation January 4, 2018


If exercise is good for you, why do we worry that shoveling snow will raise the risk of a heart attack?

Snow shoveling can be vigorous exercise

Snow shoveling is a unique form of exertion. It can be vigorous and challenging to the cardiovascular system in general, and the heart in particular. When combined with the inherent environmental conditions of winter, snow shoveling during or after a blizzard may be the “perfect storm” for a cardiac event in those with known or “occult” (hidden) coronary disease.

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Re: Don't let snow shoveling give you a heart attack
« Reply #1 on: January 30, 2018, 06:48:27 pm »
My Dad's last heart attack -- the one that killed him -- resulted from him shoveling snow on a cold, windy, March day.  Had he just left the snow alone till the next day, it would have melted on its own.  But Dad couldn't stand one flake of snow on the sidewalk or driveway. 

I'm different.  Cardiologist said don't go out for too long if the temperature is under 40 degrees, particularly if it's windy.  No snow shoveling.  Jut standing around in the cold for 10 minutes will kill me. 

If I need my snow shoveled, there is a younger man who  can do it -- the extra money helps him and I'm not killing myself trying to shovel the snow.