1 out of 5 USBs given away to promote Taiwan's cybersecurity campaign contain virusAuthorities have ruled out the possibility that the virus constitutes a deliberate cyber attack on the eventBy Teng Pei-ju,Taiwan News, Staff Writer
2018/01/07 18:09
https://www.taiwannews.com.tw/en/news/3336023TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — As many as one fifth of the 250 USBs given away as part of an event to promote cyber security, held at the Presidential Office last year, were reported to have contained a virus. It turned out that the virus had been transmitted from a computer during testing.
The Liberty Times reported that 54 USBs provided by the Criminal Investigation Bureau for the campaign were purchased from Shawo Hwa Industrial Co. (å°‘è¯ä¼æ¥), which had imported the products from China.