Author Topic: I wasn’t a Trump supporter. I am now.  (Read 7273 times)

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Re: I wasn’t a Trump supporter. I am now.
« Reply #100 on: January 23, 2018, 12:26:57 am »

Because I posted once or twice over the course of 2 plus years that enough "blue dogs" from the union States...registered DEMS, would cross over and nullify withholding your own vote?   And that we wouldn't need your GD support!

And that appears to  have happened in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin

 Here, though, are some of the problems I can see with that. So called “Blue Dog” Democrats, or “Reagan Democrats” as they’re also called, although  preferable to the far left,identity politics Democrats,  are still Democrats.  They can easily switch from Trump in 2020 to another Democrat if that Democrat “offers”  a better deal.  They would be very resistant to any spending cuts,especially cuts in entitlement programs, which, as we here know,  will be necessary

« Last Edit: January 23, 2018, 12:27:44 am by LMAO »
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Re: I wasn’t a Trump supporter. I am now.
« Reply #101 on: January 23, 2018, 02:30:22 am »

Considering me a fool because I voted third party is one thing.  You are entitled to think so.  Telling me I am an enemy of the country and will earn the punishment that will come when people like me receive "our comeuppance" is a far different thing


That it is. No question about it.  Still,the question has to be asked,"WHY did/do you allow those idiots to have such a negative influence on you? I could understand it better if they were your brothers and sisters,or someone else important to you,but you don't even know them. If you spend you life being and getting pissed off by comments made to you by random strangers,you will never be  happy,and they will have "won",even if they don't know about it.

that plagued the most vocal morons supporting Trump online and on social media.

I honestly just skipped over most of that nonsense as soon as I identified it,but I have no reason to disbelieve you. I still don't understand why you took and take it so personal,though.

If they actually valued liberty, granting us the grace to vote our conscience is something a Conservative values and a despot does not.

True,but a larger truth is THEY don't "grant" you,I,or anyone else a single damn thing. The RIGHT to vote your conscience is guaranteed by the US Constitution,and even the US Constitution doesn't GRANT you that right,it RECOGNIZES YOU HAVE THAT RIGHT. VERY important distinction.

That is the difference between the True Believers for Trump and actual Conservatives.

I have no doubt that is the way you see it,but only because of your own biases. I freely admit I don't read every thread posted daily,but *I* have yet to see ANYBODY that would qualify as a "Trump True Believer" posting here. Everybody I have seen posting here that is pro-Trump is pro-Trump because he is NOT Hillary,JEB,or any of the usual suspects,and doesn't own any of them a single damn thing. The "Trump Thing" that *I* am the most grateful of is his biggest flaw. His enormous ego that makes him a verbal bomb-thrower,and causes him to not care whose toes he is stepping on. Hell,it's why I decided to vote for him the night before the elections. "Self",I said to myself, "This SOB is so egotistical he will never bad down from anybody. Unlike Boy Jorge,he can't be intimidated or bossed around. Tell  him he CAN'T do something,and that will instantly become THE very thing he wants to do most of all. The political weasels that have been running this country since the 1920's are just not emotionally or intellectually equipped to deal with anyone like that. They are used to people with all the spine of a rubber band that you can offer a bag of untraceable cash,and suddenly their alleged life-long convictions are no longer convictions. Trump LOVES money,but there is nothing on Earth he loves as much as he loves himself,and is image as a "winner". Give him a choice between a suitcase full of cash or public embarrassment,and he will set fire to the cash.

In short,hjs biggest flaws are WHY he IS the man we need in the WH at this period in our history. The fact that he is attracting even more supporters now than he did when he was running is a good indication that he is uprooting the existing corrupt conditions that exist in the beltway. They can no longer do business like they have been doing business. Just  look at what happened yesterday for proof of this.  Chuck Shuymer and the DNC were actually blamed for shutting down the government. Yeah,I know,they ARE at fault for the government shut down,but they NEVER take the blame for it,and they have been getting hammered.

That doesn't comfort me given history and human nature Pete.  If we are going to limit our foresight to merely the here and now so we can assuage ourselves by electing the lesser of evils because we assert electing one person to office makes or breaks the nation - we consign our posterity to slavery and misery if not worse, notwithstanding our own betrayal of what our foundational principles were that established us in the first place.

What you are missing is the "here and now" is HERE NOW! We either start making changes now,or there will be no opportunities to do so in the future.

Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!

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Re: I wasn’t a Trump supporter. I am now.
« Reply #102 on: January 23, 2018, 03:29:25 am »
IMO,the presidency is about a LOT more than finding someone likeable and then supporting them. I pretty much despise Trump,but he was clearly the only choice for President by sane people on election day. If you voted for someone else,don't blame me. You were the fool,I just identified you.
Actually considering how insane were the choices in 2016---can this country really have devolved so gravely toward the gutter that we produced nothing better than Hilarious Rodent Clinton vs. Donaldus Mimimus?---the only sane choice was afforded to voters in states which offer the option: none of these candidates. (Yes, there were third party candidates to choose from, but a couple of them were out there in their own right and Gary Johnson, the Libertarian Party candidate, was actually so much closer to being a Rockefeller Republican type I could only conclude that once again the best brains in the LP fell asleep at the switch.)

My state offers the option and I exercised it gladly, proudly, and with no regret but one---that my state doesn't also offer the write-in option. Because if it had, I would have voted for Groucho Marx, on two grounds: 1) Said he, once upon a time: Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it, and misapplying the wrong solutions. Which shows more political wisdom than anything ejaculated by any presidential candidate in 2016. 2) If the dead can vote in Chicago and the dead wood can vote elsewhere, why can't the living vote for the dead? Besides, as Artemus Ward once observed, If we can't find a live man who amounts to anything by all means let us have a first class corpse.

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

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Re: I wasn’t a Trump supporter. I am now.
« Reply #103 on: January 23, 2018, 03:33:09 am »
In short,hjs biggest flaws are WHY he IS the man we need in the WH at this period in our history. The fact that he is attracting even more supporters now than he did when he was running is a good indication that he is uprooting the existing corrupt conditions that exist in the beltway. They can no longer do business like they have been doing business. Just  look at what happened yesterday for proof of this.  Chuck Shuymer and the DNC were actually blamed for shutting down the government. Yeah,I know,they ARE at fault for the government shut down,but they NEVER take the blame for it,and they have been getting hammered.
Now, now, Pete, you of all people should know that if there's one absolute truth about the federal government, it's this: whenever they screw the pooch it's either God's will or someone else's fault. And not necessarily in that order.

What you are missing is the "here and now" is HERE NOW! We either start making changes now,or there will be no opportunities to do so in the future.
It was here before, too. ;) And, it'll be here again around . . . oh, the time of the next national election, and the next, and the next . . . and so long as voters continue expecting the federal government to be God on earth, there'll always be a here and now here, now.
« Last Edit: January 23, 2018, 03:38:37 am by EasyAce »

"The question of who is right is a small one, indeed, beside the question of what is right."---Albert Jay Nock.

Fake news---news you don't like or don't want to hear.

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Re: I wasn’t a Trump supporter. I am now.
« Reply #104 on: January 23, 2018, 03:35:35 am »
Still,the question has to be asked,"WHY did/do you allow those idiots to have such a negative influence on you?

It's the internet - and largely THEY DON'T.  However, a few online stalwart Trump imbeciles were infuriated enough by recalcitrance to attempt to engage in doxing for nefarious purposes, those of us they had declared enemies of the state and had threatened.  Threats of retribution followed up by doxing of an online moniker over our political position will garner negativity I assure you.

Plus, I do not suffer bullies very well. 

If you spend you life being and getting pissed off by comments made to you by random strangers,you will never be  happy,and they will have "won",even if they don't know about it.

This is a political discussion forum.  Passionately arguing core principles and concepts related to liberty is what is done on a political discussion forum is it not?   They do have a tendency to adversely or positively affect us and our posterity in the meat world, which is why they are important to argue about are they not?

Unless political hacks engaged in efforts to affect your liberty do not piss you off - then understandably you would not be passionate about arguing your positions.

If anything, it is the spirit, intent or zeitgeist of the ideas and memes anathema to liberty that are shaping policy and the culture that actually piss me off - not the clueless pawns and dupes who utter the pap they regurgitate from whatever Political Narrative, MSM newsfeed or talk radio host they are plugged into.

I still don't understand why you took and take it so personal,though.

As I said, we are arguing things related to the core foundational aspects of whether we retain what is left of our liberty or whether they are lost to ideas anathema to liberty's existence and/or surrendered for temporary political expedience.

True,but a larger truth is THEY don't "grant" you,I,or anyone else a single damn thing.

Please re-read what I wrote.  I said granting us the GRACE to vote our conscience (meaning granting us the liberty to vote our conscience without the kinds of public shaming attempts and coercive threats made all during the last election cycle and since).  True, no one GRANTS us our rights despite the efforts of some who want to make our rights nothing but grants of the State.  However, extending grace to supposed 'fellow Conservatives' to vote whom we thought best represented our principles and interests in terms of carrying out the administrative duties of the office of President is something that many vocal Trump supporters considered an enemy action worthy of threat, ridicule and castigation.  Those traits we wrongly assumed were only behaviors limited to the sphere of Leftist Activists.  It's been a revelation let me do say.

In short,hjs biggest flaws are WHY he IS the man we need in the WH at this period in our history. The fact that he is attracting even more supporters now than he did when he was running is a good indication that he is uprooting the existing corrupt conditions that exist in the beltway. They can no longer do business like they have been doing business. Just  look at what happened yesterday for proof of this.  Chuck Shuymer and the DNC were actually blamed for shutting down the government. Yeah,I know,they ARE at fault for the government shut down,but they NEVER take the blame for it,and they have been getting hammered.

I certainly do not begrudge you that viewpoint there Pete.  There is nothing dishonorable or incorrect in that opinion and normally I would clink your glass and agree that such is a compelling argument to make in justifying your support for the guy.

Trump's rabid fanbase does not deserve someone like you for certain.   However, because I have a guttural aversion to bullies, Intimidators and mob zombies of any political persuasion (just ask the Ron Paul brigades that I rejected and abhorred with nearly equal passion as I do Trump's bunch), I find it good to demonstrate that their particular methods are destructive to the cause they pay lip services to, when their real desire and delight is to so the same thing that Obama's bunch wanted to do to his political enemies: punish, payback.

I will never align myself with such mobs or the people they would have as monarchs.

What you are missing is the "here and now" is HERE NOW! We either start making changes now,or there will be no opportunities to do so in the future.

I am not of the belief or opinion you can work within institutions wholly corrupted by using corruption to achieve better ends.  'Making changes' that will actually save a Constitutional Republic in decline as we are, are not made by electing one person to high office and giving them daily praise and applause.  A debased culture will always choose lesser and lesser men depending on which of them feeds their basest desires and promises them grander benefits and handouts at everyone else's expense.  Such is the human nature our Founders warned us about.

The HERE AND NOW requires an about-face in the culture - not just in the oval office.

AND that is why I passionately argue about principles, and against memes, mindsets, zeitgeists and trends that I consider destructive to my principles.  Whether or not it has any positive impact on someone or liberty in general is not always something I can measure - but then I learn that something I had argued or said  years ago had a positive effect in changing the way someone thought about a core issue and they changed their behaviors for the better.

Which is why I do what I do.

And because, I like to fight and argue.
Fart for freedom, fart for liberty and fart proudly.  - Benjamin Franklin

...Obsta principiis—Nip the shoots of arbitrary power in the bud, is the only maxim which can ever preserve the liberties of any people. When the people give way, their deceivers, betrayers and destroyers press upon them so fast that there is no resisting afterwards. The nature of the encroachment upon [the] American constitution is such, as to grow every day more and more encroaching. Like a cancer, it eats faster and faster every hour." - John Adams, February 6, 1775

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Re: I wasn’t a Trump supporter. I am now.
« Reply #105 on: January 23, 2018, 11:23:13 am »
Now, now, Pete, you of all people should know that if there's one absolute truth about the federal government, it's this: whenever they screw the pooch it's either God's will or someone else's fault. And not necessarily in that order.


Blah,blah,blah. Childish nonsense is childish nonsense. Ranting and raving about the incompetence and criminality of government while failing to actually do anything about it when offered the chance makes you a blowhard and a wannabe.  So,do you plain on holding  your breath until you turn blue and stamping your little feets in protest in 2020 also?
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Re: I wasn’t a Trump supporter. I am now.
« Reply #106 on: January 23, 2018, 01:26:27 pm »
And that appears to  have happened in states like Michigan, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and Wisconsin

 Here, though, are some of the problems I can see with that. So called “Blue Dog” Democrats, or “Reagan Democrats” as they’re also called, although  preferable to the far left,identity politics Democrats,  are still Democrats.  They can easily switch from Trump in 2020 to another Democrat if that Democrat “offers”  a better deal.  They would be very resistant to any spending cuts,especially cuts in entitlement programs, which, as we here know,  will be necessary

It's a tremendous opportunity right now.... a once in a generation cull Democratic millennials from their 'herd'.

Those in their 20's and 30's that experience firsthand what REAL "Hope and Change" looks like.

When a blue-collar Democrat sees their portion of their MANDATORY health insurance premium go higher than a BMW 5 Series monthly payment...they start to question WTF is going on.    ^-^
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Re: I wasn’t a Trump supporter. I am now.
« Reply #107 on: January 23, 2018, 04:08:44 pm »

When a blue-collar Democrat sees their portion of their MANDATORY health insurance premium go higher than a BMW 5 Series monthly payment...they start to question WTF is going on.    ^-^


That's when it gets real.
Anyone who isn't paranoid in 2021 just isn't thinking clearly!