Author Topic: Economists Reveal Which President They Credit For U.S. Economic Growth, Stock Market "Happily for P  (Read 942 times)

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ByRyan Saavedra
January 15, 2018

President Donald Trump has repeatedly touted the flourishing economic climate in the United States as being one of the major successes of his administration — a fact that goes either largely unreported in the media or is reported as the fruits of the Obama administration. But a new report shows that economists agree with Trump’s assessment.

The Wall Street Journal asked 68 economists spread across academia and throughout the business world who was responsible for the booming economy, and, "happily for President Trump, the pros agree with him," The Hill reported. "A recent survey of economists suggest it is President Trump, and not Obama, who should be taking a bow."

Key takeaways from the report:...

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Rolling back, or even the belief that they will be further rolled back ,regulations does give business confident that a more business friendly administration is at the helm.

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The current prices mainly reflect expectations of the future. Hence higher expectations under trump.
"God must love the common man, he made so many of them.�  Abe Lincoln