Author Topic: Trump asks Supreme Court to overturn DACA program  (Read 348 times)

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Trump asks Supreme Court to overturn DACA program
« on: January 16, 2018, 10:28:32 pm »
Trump asks Supreme Court to overturn DACA program
Washington Times, Jan 16, 2018, Stephen Dinan

The Justice Department asked the Supreme Court Tuesday to overturn this month’s stunning ruling by a lower court that found the Obama-era DACA deportation amnesty legal — yet also ruled the Trump administration’s effort to phase out the program was illegal.

Attorney General Jeff Sessions said the ruling “defies both law and common sense,” and said they’re asking the justices to hear the case directly, skipping over the 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals, which would be the normal path.

The request comes as Congress is trying to figure out a permanent solution for the 690,000 illegal immigrant “Dreamers” currently protected by DACA.


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Re: Trump asks Supreme Court to overturn DACA program
« Reply #1 on: January 17, 2018, 12:29:53 am »
...hmm this should prove very interesting if the SCOTUS decides to take the case as they are basically ruling on the constitutionality of DACA itself or would they be ruling on the constitutionality of Bammy's authority on DACA?  This seems risky, but something tells me Trump may have received some advice on this issue.
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Re: Trump asks Supreme Court to overturn DACA program
« Reply #2 on: January 17, 2018, 01:20:34 am »
...hmm this should prove very interesting if the SCOTUS decides to take the case as they are basically ruling on the constitutionality of DACA itself or would they be ruling on the constitutionality of Bammy's authority on DACA?  This seems risky, but something tells me Trump may have received some advice on this issue.

Yes, it will be interesting.  It could be risky but I think the court will rule the right way as Obama basically made an unfair ruling on his own and wasn't it an Obama judge who ruled against Trump in the first place?
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