Author Topic: New Study Links Brain Injuries to "Acquired Sociopathy"  (Read 446 times)

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New Study Links Brain Injuries to "Acquired Sociopathy"
« on: January 04, 2018, 03:18:12 pm »

New Study Links Brain Injuries to "Acquired Sociopathy"

    January 3, 2018

by Philip Perry
Lesions in the brain can change your risk of criminal behavior, a new study finds.

How much of breaking legal or moral laws has to do with free will and how much with circumstances beyond our control has been fodder for philosophical debate for millennia. Mostly, this surrounded socioeconomic and political factors. The introduction of science ushered in whole other aspects.

Those with certain genetic mutations for instance, specifically the gene variant MAOA, are more likely to commit violent acts, research has shown. Others mutations are associated with mental illness, which may also contribute to violent outbursts. Now, the latest research out of Vanderbilt University finds that brain lesions can increase the risk of a person committing a crime. The findings were published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences (PNAS).