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All January Music Thread

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It was just a song being posted, no big deal.

I've met people who really like his Manassas album, I had his live solo album which this one is not from of course.

Stephen Stills played at Havana Jam, cerca 1979. 2 albums were released of the various artists who played in Cuba back in those days. He incorporated a Latin beat in a few of his songs., imho. "Carry On" might be an example with that interlude. 

Carry On, studio:


--- Quote from: TomSea on January 03, 2018, 08:52:10 pm ---I've met people who really like his Manassas album . . .
--- End quote ---
I'm one of them. I still remember thinking at the time that Stills should have stayed with
Manassas and forgotten Crosby, Stills, Nash & Young, particularly with Neil Young doing
better musically with his own solo career, because Manassas based on this album had
something very solid to offer.

! No longer available

Then, they made the second album. It changed my mind completely---they should have
quit while they were ahead. (I wonder if it changed the mind of Rolling Stones
bassist Bill Wyman---after hearing the first album and co-writing one song with Stills,
he said he would have quit the Rolling Stones to join them.)

Well, the King's birthday is 4 days away.... so let's see what else is up, a few birthdays today.

January 4, 2017 Music Thread

John McLaughlin, also known on some albums as Mahavishnu John McLaughlin, born on this day:

And Sir George Martin (yesterday's birthday), produced the great album "Apocalypse" by the Mahavishnu Orchestra.

Nels Cline of Wilco:

Bernard Sumner, Joy Division, New Order:

Patti Loveless, here with Blue Grass legend, Ralph Stanley:

Michael Stipe, REM:

More on this later on.


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