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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1675 on: August 16, 2018, 03:23:59 am »

15 AUG 2018

Jeff Sessions arrested 2300 suspected online sex offenders . . . 12 JUN 2018 . . .


It is her opinion that HRC will be arrested before November election.

She mentions the Investigative Journalist Found Dead in D.C. Hotel Room Weeks After Reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS for Allegedly Raping Boy.

Investigative Journalist Found Dead in D.C. Hotel Room Weeks After Reporting Bill Clinton to FBI & DHS for Allegedly Raping Boy

Posted on August 14, 2018 by Investigative Bureau


. . .

According to interviews, the victim in this case claimed he was sexually assaulted by Clinton on a yacht in New England and knows the identities of several other child victims who were subjected to identical abuses. The victim also confirmed he witnessed other children and people being sexually and physically abused and possibly worse on numerous “boat parties.” These parties were attended by elite members of D.C. political class, according to Moore and the victim.

Both young boys and young girls, the victim said.

Moore supplied these details to federal agents and documented the interactions with a number of alleged victims. Within a month, she is dead.

. . .

In the exchange below, Moore discusses an extended stay with the alleged Clinton victim after his interview with Paine. During the interview, the victim sporadically vomited and shivered as he recalled details of his alleged abuse, Paine said.

. . .


{Do we really need to use "Allegedly" with Dillbo Klintoon? Sigh. Evidently if it wiggles, . . . he will . . . }
« Last Edit: August 16, 2018, 03:46:25 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1676 on: August 16, 2018, 04:38:14 am »


Published on 15 AUG 2018

Mishel McCumber
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1677 on: August 16, 2018, 06:09:58 am »

Thread by @prayingmedic: "1) This is my thread for August 15, 2018 Q posts can be found here: Android apps: My theme: […]" #Qanon

1) This is my #Qanon thread for August 15, 2018

Q posts can be found here:

My theme: We Are In Control

2) An anon noticed that after a recent Infowars attack, a redirect was provided for followers of Alex Jones.

. . . .

3) An attorney for Alex Jones said in court that he plays a role for TV.

#Qanon said actors will act and then pointed to a recent attack by NBC that may have been for a strategic purpose.
(Public exposure of something they've been hiding)

. . .

4) #Qanon suggested that NBC had a meeting with affiliates to identify and delete potentially embarrassing tweets.

Did they hire Media Matters to help find the tweets and delete them?

.  . . .

5) NBC tweeted this guide to deleting old tweets "before they come back to haunt you."

. . .

6) #Qanon linked to this tweet by NBC.

. . .

9) The mockingbird media wants you to think that the enemies of the President are running their game plan. They claim that the walls are closing in as Trump fights for survival against a better equipped, stronger opponent.

. . . .

10) If they are in control, why are so many members of Congress getting out of the game?

Why are James Comey, Andrew McCabe, Peter Strzok, Loretta Lynch, Sally Yates and other swamp dwellers no longer working in government?

#Qanon said, "We Are In Control."

. . .

12) #Qanon noted that at one point, Trump was in a position of weakness. But after Admiral Rogers briefed the transition team at Trump Tower, (TT) and brought them up to speed on the operation being run against them by the deep state, POTUS has been on offense ever since.

. . .

13) As @dbongino suggested some time ago, it seems Admiral Rogers waited until a SCIF could be put in place in Trump Tower before meeting with the transition team. (A SCIF would allow highly classified information to be shared.)

. . .

15) Rather than the President being on defense, #Qanon said the deep state and their media minions are in panic mode as evidenced by their non-stop attacks on POTUS and Q.

. . .

17) #Qanon said the Clinton Foundation investigation is not connected to Little Rock. It's based out of New York and will ultimately be handled by John Huber's task force.

. . .

18) When New York Attorney General Schneiderman resigned in May, #Qanon pointed out that a roadblock had been removed to the prosecution of the Clinton Foundation.

. . .



Want to exercise critical thinking skills? Ask these questions whenever you discover or  discuss new information. these are broad and versatile questions that have limitless applications!


...benefits from this? this harmful to?
...makes decisions about this? most directly affected?
...have you also heard discuss this?
...would be the best person to consult?
...will be the key people in this?
...deserves recognition for this?


...are the strengths/weaknesses? another perspective? another alternative?
...would be a counter-argument? the best/worst case scenario? most/least important?
...can we do to make a positive change? getting in the way of our action?

...would we see this in the real world?
...are there similar concepts/situations? there the most need for this? the world would this be a problem?
...can we get more information? we go for help with this?
...will this idea take us?
...are the areas for improvement?

WHEN this acceptable/unacceptable?
...would this benefit our society?
...would this cause a problem? the best time to take action?
...will we known we've succeeded?
...has this played a part in our history?
...can we expect this to change?
...should we ask for help with this?

WHY this a problem/challenge? it relevant to me/others? this the best/worst scenario?
...are people influenced by this?
...should people know about this?
...has it been this way for so long?
...have we allowed this to happen? there a need for this today?

HOW this similar to ____________?
...does this disrupt things? we know the truth about this?
...will we approach this safely?
...does this benefit us/others?
...does this harm us/others? we see this in the future?
...can we change this for our good?

- - - - -

19) This article explains why the Clinton Foundation investigation is being run out of the Eastern District of New York.

. . .

20) The next part of the #Qanon thread requires critical thinking.

. . .

21) An anon asked #Qanon if they were getting close to the truth about whether a message was sent when an airplane crashed on Ketron Island after being stolen from SeaTac airport.

. . .

22) #Qanon responded.
He isn't making this easy.

. . .

23) Here's one anon's response to #Qanon

. . .

24) #Qanon seems to be hinting that the airplane was used like a missile and the good guys were tipped off thus they got in proximity quickly to prevent a bad outcome.

The "pilot" seemed to have mental health problems which begs the question:
Was he programmed?

. . .

25) #Qanon asked: Do people travel to islands to [Fish]?

Q used the term [Fish] during the last attempt by the clowns (C_IA) to compromise his board.

. . .

26) Some people decoded [FISH] as Forensic Information Scanning Hub.
That takes us to the realm of baiting bad guys so you can identify them and locate their position (GEO-T)

(#QAnon has not yet confirmed that as a correct decode.)

. . .

27) #Qanon mentioned the word CLANDESTINE
An anon posted this response.

(I'm hoping for a few more clues on this mystery.)

. . .

28) According to Fox News, the body of the pilot has been identified.

. . .

29) An anon posted this.

. . .

30) #Qanon said the media hasn't made a coordinated attack like this since the Wikileaks/Podesta emails were published.

Similar to the way they attack President Trump?

(Repeat posts are necessary for new followers coming in at approximately 5,000 a day.)

. . .

31) #Qanon sometimes posts diagrams to illustrate the connections between bad actors. A simple decode is that people high up in the chain of command send narratives/marching orders down to mainstream/alt-media and politicians. They filter it down to lower level minions.

. . .

32) There's a lot of speculation about the meaning of MOS.

When the board was attacked on July 29th, #Qanon equated MOS with the C_IA.

(However you prefer to decode MOS, just know they're the bad guys.)

. . .

33) An anon posted a tweet about a shooter at a Walmart in Pennsylvania.

. . .

34) #Qanon asked the anons to consider the wacky people that the mainstream media is trying to associate with the movement.

. . .

35) #Qanon often uses BOOMs to signify big news stories that are about to break.

. . .

36) #Qanon noted that in March, his enemies tried to implicate him as the Austin bomber and in April, they attempted to connect Q to an airplane that suffered engine failure.

. . .

37) The Austin bomber story.

. . .

39) #Qanon said the connection the media repeatedly makes to the man who drove on the Hoover Dam is a deliberate attempt to associate mentally unstable people with the movement.

. . .

41) Before we move on...
Last night, I had several dreams where I watched government secrets being revealed, in particular, secrets about the intelligence agencies.
Things to look forward to?

. . .

42) #Qanon posted this.

The first part is an outline of operations carried out by the Obama administration under secrecy.

It seems [they] needed to hide their communications from someone (I'm assuming patriots in the military).

Developing covert comms was Google's mission.

. . .

43) The question is: How would Schmidt and Google do it?

In March, #QAnon told us that Korth Korea was controlled by the deep state until recently when Trump cut the strings of control.

That allowed Kim Jong-un the freedom to make better choices like denuclearization.

. . .

44) Prior to this, North Korea was under the thumb of the deep state. Countries under their control are subjected to human rights abuse and drug production which provides income for the deep state's black ops.

. . .

45) When a nation is leveraged into submission by the deep state the way North Korea was, they do what they're told. If a secret communications network needed to be installed, they would be obligated to go along with the plan.

46) Our theory suggests that Eric Schmidt and Google had reason to work with the C_IA and against the NSA & the military.
Did Google have a beef with them?

They've refused to bid on Pentagon projects, claiming to hate the immoralities of war.

. . .

47) Eric Schmidt visited North Korea in 2013, ostensibly to help them modernize their internet.

If we go with Q's assertions that NoKo & Schmidt are/were tools of the deep state, the meeting was probably about something besides creating a faster internet.

. . .

48) Our theory is that Schmidt helped set up a non-US based server in North Korea through which the deep state could [at least they hoped] communicate without the NSA intercepting their messages.
49) What kinds of messages did they need to hide?

#Qanon mentioned several including this one:

Why would John Podesta discuss "wet works," a slang term for a crime that involves the spilling of blood?

. . .

50) Maybe they needed to discuss human trafficking.

. . .

51) Maybe they needed a secure network for sharing ICE/Border Patrol classified-INTEL [schedules].

. . .

52) Perhaps they needed a secure way to share FBI [classified-intel] to safeguard their private operations

. . .

53) Since the DOJ doesn't [officially] comment about ongoing investigations, maybe they needed a secure network to share info about where they stood on certain investigations & how to dismiss or win cases of interest to the administration.

. . .

54) Perhaps they needed a secure way to communicate about the transfer of money to leftist organizations, slush funds & DOJ settlements.

. . .

55) What about:
Off-the-book meetings?
Play dates?
Stand down orders?
Non-action orders?
Muslim Brotherhood?

. . .

56) Maybe they needed to coordinate with UK assets / pro-Obama people in British Intelligence [SIS/MI6/UK & Prime Minister].

Coordinating with foreign actors for payment/money disperse?

. . .

57) Maybe they needed to coordinate with aid organizations for [illegal] plans.

. . .
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1678 on: August 16, 2018, 09:42:17 am »

Ascending: Legacy Media Spotlight Propels QAnon Movement

16 AUG 2018

By Assistant Editor

.  . .

Other than the consistently negative media coverage of President Trump, such a barrage of coordinated mainstream media attacks has not been seen since Wikileaks published The Podesta Emails in the final weeks before the 2016 US Presidential Election.

The coverage’s common denominator is the use of shared descriptives including “fringe, far-right, false, deranged, insane, bizarre, cult, and conspiracy theory” in an attempt to marginalize the movement.   The media blitz reached a zenith after President Trump’s rally in Tampa, Florida on July 31, where a contingency of attendees sported “Q” t-shirts and raised homemade placards directing viewers to #QAnon and to, the website that re-publishes QAnon’s 8chan content.

By all objective standards, the popularity of the movement is on the rise.  Yet, QAnon remains by design inherently mysterious.  No one knows QAnon’s actual identity, as the information is exclusively published on the anonymous forum 8chan.  In an age increasingly characterized by big tech profiteering from the sale of users’ private metadata and algorithm-based censorship, 8chan remains one of the last online vestiges that values freedom of thought, speech, and information.

Some anon researchers believe QAnon is associated with the Q Group, the NSA’s secretive security and counterintelligence directorate, of which little is publicly known. If this is the case, QAnon would certainly hold a security clearance equivalent to that of a Department of Defense Top Secret Security Clearance.

QAnon’s content is equally enigmatic, embedded with multiple levels of meaning, mirrored codes, info-graphs, markers, connections, video clips, original photographic images, and coordinated timestamps, all converging into a highly sophisticated information treasure map of sorts.  QAnon has stated that the communications must be expressed in an indirect manner as the specific details are sensitive classified material, which by law cannot be openly stated.

These communications have inspired a 24/7 global research gathering on 8chan’s QResearch Board, composed of tens of thousands of anonymous researchers, who scour all open source information to substantiate, interpret, and expand upon QAnon’s posts.  The posts along with the best of the anon research are sent across the social media ecosystem at an astounding rate via a loyal vox populi distribution system.  In a recent article, Time claimed that QAnon was among the 10 most influential voices on the internet today.

QAnon’s central theme is that President Trump, along with patriotic elements of the US Military and Intelligence Community, are currently in a real-time battle to disrupt and dismantle highly corrupt, criminal, and, often times, seditious governmental and private sector corporate systems in the US and internationally.  President Trump and his alliance are preparing to expose and prosecute these layers of identified bad actors, who are the authors and operators of this systemic corruption. Many in the higher echelons of the legacy media infrastructure are also implicated.

QAnon claims that these bad actors have literally sold out US National Interests to prominent transnationalist individuals, certain US and foreign multinational corporations, and various foreign government interests, creating what has become a grave threat to national security, sovereignty, and the economic future of the America People.  QAnon refers to this dynamic as “America for Sale”.

This central theme is encapsulated in QAnon’s post #1746 on July 28,





On June 12, QAnon predicts a second coordinated wave of mainstream media attacks, in post #1849,

“MSM Attacks.

 [Round 2]…

Expect bigger push. “


In post #1822 from August 6, QAnon responds directly to the recent wave of media coverage,


Fake News collaborating and pushing knowingly false information?

Fake News ‘KNOWINGLY FALSE’ narrative pushes.

    POTUS colluded w/ Russia to win 2016 Presidential Election
    POTUS is puppet to PUTIN
    POTUS to harm irreparably relationships w/ our allies
    POTUS will collapse US economy
    POTUS will collapse US stock market
    POTUS will cause war w/ NK
    POTUS will cause war w/ Iran
    POTUS will destroy the world.
    On and on…….(knowingly false)

They would rather see NK peace negotiations fail (WAR!) than see POTUS resolve.
Scandalous media bias?
What are they hiding?
Think WL list of journalists who colluded w/ HRC/DNC (2016 Pres Election)…
You are witnessing a FULL PANIC ATTACK by the FAKE NEWS
They cannot contain or defeat what they do not understand.
Is any of this normal?
Think sealed indictments count.
Think resignations of CEOs.
Think resignations of Senators.
Think resignations of Congress.
Think termination of sr FBI…
Think termination of sr DOJ…
Attacks will only intensify.
Logical thinking.
Ask yourself a simple question – WHY????

From an objective perspective, given the unprecedented number of Congress and Senate seats suddenly vacated by members of both parties, combined with the abrupt resignations of hundreds of prominent corporate CEO’s, combined with the uncovering of what may prove to be historic corruption at the highest levels of the US Government, all occurring contemporaneously, is QAnon’s central theme truly farfetched?

. . .
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1679 on: August 17, 2018, 02:47:50 am »

Q-anon Update 8/16//2018 The Storm Has Arrived – The Beginning of the END

Bruce Figert's White Rabbit Network
16 AUG 2018

{I like this old guy. He kind of has a slow funky style but he has a lot of good details and insights. This one has a lot to say about the horrific Klintoon's rape of Hati and their involvement in child trafficking  and money laundering, theft of at least $1 Billion . . . }
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1680 on: August 17, 2018, 03:23:35 am »


8.15.18 - Something Moves Within The Night That is Not Good, and is Not Right

Tim Ballard: expert on Hati and other human, child sex trafficking etc.

NGO's staff seriously implicated . . . many women won't go to the camps because they know the risk is  high that  they will be raped.

NBC--Nothing But Carp

Hatian activist protested outside HRC's Manhattan offices for 2 years . . .

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
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@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 04:06:33 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1681 on: August 17, 2018, 03:56:33 am »
This comes from 8chan. Such links are not allowed on FR. I don't like to go there, either.

The link at FR is here:;page=1351

Emphases added



Macauley Culkin, Hollywood "blood thirsty satinist"

Macaulay Culkin Live on French Radio Exposed Disturbing News: Satanic Hollywood Elites “Use” Children During Rituals! I Was Lucky To Escape The Big Screen!

Former child star Macauley Culkin has blown the whistle on the entertainment industry elite to reveal that Hollywood studio executives are “blood-thirsty Satanists” who ritualistically “murder child actors.”

Former child star Macauley Culkin has blown the whistle on the entertainment industry elite to reveal that Hollywood studio executives are “blood-thirsty Satanists” who ritualistically “murder child actors.”
Culkin claims he only got out alive because he was a “smart and suspicious kid” who “got too famous to be killed like some of the other kids.”

“You learn very early to recognize which of them want to abuse you, and which of them have even darker tastes,” Macaulay Culkin said, explaining that “the worst of them wear shoes made out of the skin of children that they ritually murdered.”

Culkin dropped the huge truth bomb during a radio interview in Paris, France, Culkin, saying:

“Have you seen leather products made from human skin?

“It has a very unusual, distinctive look.

“I learned at a very young age to identify it.”

The news was picked up by French media, with mainstream French newspapers quickly reporting on the explosive interview.

However, within an hour of publication, all reports began to disappear, with previously published articles suddenly being scrubbed from the internet.

French news outlet Les Echos deleted their article shortly after it started to go viral, but has not responded to questions regarding why they removed it within an hour of publication, and if they were pressured to do so.

Skin Trophies

During the interview, Culkin claimed that children in the entertainment industry “learn very early to recognize which of them want to abuse you, and which of them have even darker tastes,” explaining that some of the Hollywood executives wear “skin trophies.”

Explaining that he was 11 the first time he saw human leather, Culkin said he was “filming Home Alone 2 in New York,” when he was “ushered into a back room on the set. There was a guy in there, a powerful executive suit type, you know what I mean?”

“He tried to make me relax by giving me a can of Coke.
“Started telling me about the nature of the industry.
“Basically, he wanted me to cut my parents out.

“He wanted to be my guardian.
“He said he would make me into the biggest teen star in history.
“He said I had it all but that I had to get rid of my parents.

“I was like ‘Dude, I’m 11!’ and he said ‘You’re a man now.’”

Culkin, who has been living in Paris, France since 2003, then explained that the man “began to make his intentions clear.”

“He started breathing really shallow.

“My experience with perverts kicked in.

“I could tell he was interested in me.

“He licked his lips and told me I was very handsome.

“I think I managed to say ‘thank you’ and started thinking about how I could get the f*ck out of there.”

“Dude, I’m 11”

“Then he reached into his case and took out a crack pipe.

“He put it in his lap, took out this huge lighter, and continued to gaze at me with this overpowering sexual desire.”

“I was just staring at him. I think I said something like ‘Dude, I’m 11’ again.

“I remember he said to me, ‘It’s a celebration, little man. To celebrate your upcoming success. Your many successes. Come. Sit back down.’

“He was tapping the pipe on his crotch, smiling this total creepazoid smile.

“I ran out of the room, but I ran straight into this other guy who was outside the room and he grabbed me by the arm and threw me back inside.

“He lit the pipe and blew the smoke in my face.

“He told me to look at his shoes.

“He said they were made from the skin of children he and his friends had murdered.

“He said leather made from human skin is the finest leather known to man.”
Death of a child star

Macaulay Culkin said the Hollywood executive then dropped a heavy hint about the provenance of the skin used to make his shoes.

“He asked me if I knew Heather O’Rourke.”
“Yeah, I remembered her.

“I grew up watching Poltergeist.

“I remembered her in Happy Days. She was so cute.”

“Then it dawned on me what he was getting at and I vomited all over his shoes.”

“Let’s just say I went off the rails after my experiences filming Home Alone 2. I’m 37 now and I’m still processing everything. The things I have seen…” Culkin said, before trailing off and abruptly changing the topic.

“Hollywood is going to burn in my lifetime. You watch.”

1,393 posted on 8/16/2018, 8:23:35 PM by generally ( Don't be stupid. We have politicians for that.)


Folks who are still resisting accepting the facts about the depths and breadths of such evils best do whatever mental, emotional & spiritual prep they need to--because the truth is coming out in all it's screaming horror.

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose

« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 04:07:03 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1682 on: August 17, 2018, 04:04:56 am »

3:14 / 23:48
Latest Qanon Posts 8-17-18 Pt1 : "Red Shoes"

Published 16 AUG 2018 USA time.

{I think Stroppy Me does a great job of it}

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1683 on: August 17, 2018, 04:12:39 am »

QAnon 16 AUG 2018


Qanon reminds the world that Trump and his team are in control.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1684 on: August 17, 2018, 04:22:26 am »

The {Roman} Catholic Church’s Rotherham
By Michael Brendan Dougherty

August 15, 2018 12:26 PM


If the Church cannot govern itself from within, it will be governed from without.

‘We are deeply saddened.” So begin the many perfunctory statements of many Catholic bishops today in response to the Pennsylvania grand-jury report detailing how priests in that state abused children and how bishops shuffled these priests around. What deeply saddens these men? The rape of children, the systematic cover-up, or the little schemes to run out the clock on the statute of limitations? Are they saddened by the people who were so psychologically wounded by their abuse at the hands of priests that they killed themselves? What exactly are they sorry about? Soon the bishops are telling us about a chance for “renewal” after the promised implementation of new policies. They tell us about “overcoming challenges” in the Church. Or they use the phrase “a few bad apples.”

I find it impossible not to notice that these expressions of sorrow never arrive before the courts, the state attorneys general, or the local press arrive on the scene. That fact gives you another idea about what causes the bishops’ sorrow.

Fifteen years ago Frank Keating, the former governor of Oklahoma, resigned from a panel called the National Review Board, set up by the U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops to monitor compliance with the Church’s new anti-abuse politics. He was under intense pressure to resign because he had offended bishops when he said some of them were acting like “La Cosa Nostra,” a reference to the Sicilian Mafia.

Cardinal Roger Mahoney of Los Angeles and other prelates made a great show of detesting Keating’s remarks. Keating refused to apologize. “My remarks, which some bishops found offensive, were deadly accurate. I make no apology,” he said. “To resist grand-jury subpoenas, to suppress the names of offending clerics, to deny, to obfuscate, to explain away; that is the model of a criminal organization, not my church,” Keating said in his resignation statement.

Keating was dismissed as a crank. Hadn’t every consultant and auditor given the the Church’s anti-abuse policies hearty endorsements? Wasn’t it routinely described as a model of safety?

Of course, Keating was right. Mahoney was later exposed as having engaged in an energetic attempt to cover up the truth about his own diocese. He shielded predators from law enforcement and even argued that the personnel files of the archdiocese were protected by the seal of the confessional.

. . .

The Pennsylvania grand-jury report names hundreds of predator priests across seven decades of life in six Catholic diocese in the state. Some of the details in the report are so vile and lurid they would have been rejected from the writer’s room of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit. They include priests “marking” their preferred boy-victims with special crosses, priests trading and compiling their own homemade child pornography. At one point in the report, a large redaction is made over what appears to be, in context, a ritualized and satanic gang-rape of a young boy by four priests.

The report implicates bishops of every persuasion. A fastidious conservative such as Bishop James Timlin of Scranton would not allow himself to be seated near the pro-choice Catholic MSNBC commentator Chris Matthews at a commencement ceremony, but in this report he is found writing a consoling letter to one of his priests, a priest who had just raped an underaged girl and arranged for the abortion of his own child. The tone of the letter would be no different if he were writing a priest grieving a deceased grandparent. There there, son, I know it hurts.

. . .

In fact, much of that would be the correct response. The Vatican has previously tried investigating and reporting on America’s Catholic seminaries, offering recommendations on how to fix them. The recommendations were not only weak, but mostly ignored. Not a single American bishop has emerged from reviewing the records in his chancery offices and apologized before the cops, the courts, and the news media arrived to ask about the revelations. Not a single bishop has publicly demanded that one of his brother bishops resign after being exposed for playing games with the statute of limitations. They knew about the powerful cardinal who preyed upon seminarians, they know about the decadent culture of the seminaries where priests are trained. And they tell themselves there is nothing they could really have done about it.

The problem of sexual abuse and blackmail in the Church isn’t reducible to “policy,” and the promises made by bishops to make policy changes should be greeted with extreme cynicism. The problem is personnel. For a number of reasons, the Catholic priesthood has selected for sexual deviancy. Bishops have been selected for their ability to manage legal and social risk, rather than their ability to govern and lead a religious organization. As one smart canon lawyer put it, men don’t rise through the ranks of the Catholic Church, they are pulled upward by those above them. High-ranking churchmen select for men who make peace with this sexualized culture in the priesthood. They prize collegiality rather than exacting holiness, or even competence. Cardinal Wuerl was selected by the pope to sit on the powerful Congregation of Bishops, which helps recommend to the pope new candidates for the office of bishop. It’s time we ask why he was deemed suitable for this task.

. . .

« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 04:32:29 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1685 on: August 17, 2018, 01:21:16 pm »

If the Church cannot govern itself from within, it will be governed from without.

Didn't Bella Dodd say that the communists had placed a lot of their men into the Catholic priesthood to destroy the church from within?  When did that stop... if ever?

Isn't that much of what we are seeing?
"The heart of the wise inclines to the right, but the heart of the fool to the left." - Ecclesiastes 10:2

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1686 on: August 17, 2018, 01:40:58 pm »
Didn't Bella Dodd say that the communists had placed a lot of their men into the Catholic priesthood to destroy the church from within?  When did that stop... if ever?

Isn't that much of what we are seeing?

imho, that's more than a LOT plausible. In other words, I believe they definitely did.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 02:08:11 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1687 on: August 17, 2018, 02:32:57 pm »

Ascending: Legacy Media Spotlight Propels QAnon Movement

16 AUG 2018

By Assistant Editor

.  . .

Other than the consistently negative media coverage of President Trump, such a barrage of coordinated mainstream media attacks has not been seen since Wikileaks published The Podesta Emails in the final weeks before the 2016 US Presidential Election.

The coverage’s common denominator is the use of shared descriptives including “fringe, far-right, false, deranged, insane, bizarre, cult, and conspiracy theory” in an attempt to marginalize the movement.   The media blitz reached a zenith after President Trump’s rally in Tampa, Florida on July 31, where a contingency of attendees sported “Q” t-shirts and raised homemade placards directing viewers to #QAnon and to, the website that re-publishes QAnon’s 8chan content.

By all objective standards, the popularity of the movement is on the rise.  Yet, QAnon remains by design inherently mysterious.  No one knows QAnon’s actual identity, as the information is exclusively published on the anonymous forum 8chan.  In an age increasingly characterized by big tech profiteering from the sale of users’ private metadata and algorithm-based censorship, 8chan remains one of the last online vestiges that values freedom of thought, speech, and information.

Some anon researchers believe QAnon is associated with the Q Group, the NSA’s secretive security and counterintelligence directorate, of which little is publicly known. If this is the case, QAnon would certainly hold a security clearance equivalent to that of a Department of Defense Top Secret Security Clearance.

QAnon’s content is equally enigmatic, embedded with multiple levels of meaning, mirrored codes, info-graphs, markers, connections, video clips, original photographic images, and coordinated timestamps, all converging into a highly sophisticated information treasure map of sorts.  QAnon has stated that the communications must be expressed in an indirect manner as the specific details are sensitive classified material, which by law cannot be openly stated.

These communications have inspired a 24/7 global research gathering on 8chan’s QResearch Board, composed of tens of thousands of anonymous researchers, who scour all open source information to substantiate, interpret, and expand upon QAnon’s posts.  The posts along with the best of the anon research are sent across the social media ecosystem at an astounding rate via a loyal vox populi distribution system.  In a recent article, Time claimed that QAnon was among the 10 most influential voices on the internet today.

QAnon’s central theme is that President Trump, along with patriotic elements of the US Military and Intelligence Community, are currently in a real-time battle to disrupt and dismantle highly corrupt, criminal, and, often times, seditious governmental and private sector corporate systems in the US and internationally.  President Trump and his alliance are preparing to expose and prosecute these layers of identified bad actors, who are the authors and operators of this systemic corruption. Many in the higher echelons of the legacy media infrastructure are also implicated.

QAnon claims that these bad actors have literally sold out US National Interests to prominent transnationalist individuals, certain US and foreign multinational corporations, and various foreign government interests, creating what has become a grave threat to national security, sovereignty, and the economic future of the America People.  QAnon refers to this dynamic as “America for Sale”.

This central theme is encapsulated in QAnon’s post #1746 on July 28,





On June 12, QAnon predicts a second coordinated wave of mainstream media attacks, in post #1849,

“MSM Attacks.

 [Round 2]…

Expect bigger push. “


In post #1822 from August 6, QAnon responds directly to the recent wave of media coverage,


Fake News collaborating and pushing knowingly false information?

Fake News ‘KNOWINGLY FALSE’ narrative pushes.

    POTUS colluded w/ Russia to win 2016 Presidential Election
    POTUS is puppet to PUTIN
    POTUS to harm irreparably relationships w/ our allies
    POTUS will collapse US economy
    POTUS will collapse US stock market
    POTUS will cause war w/ NK
    POTUS will cause war w/ Iran
    POTUS will destroy the world.
    On and on…….(knowingly false)

They would rather see NK peace negotiations fail (WAR!) than see POTUS resolve.
Scandalous media bias?
What are they hiding?
Think WL list of journalists who colluded w/ HRC/DNC (2016 Pres Election)…
You are witnessing a FULL PANIC ATTACK by the FAKE NEWS
They cannot contain or defeat what they do not understand.
Is any of this normal?
Think sealed indictments count.
Think resignations of CEOs.
Think resignations of Senators.
Think resignations of Congress.
Think termination of sr FBI…
Think termination of sr DOJ…
Attacks will only intensify.
Logical thinking.
Ask yourself a simple question – WHY????

From an objective perspective, given the unprecedented number of Congress and Senate seats suddenly vacated by members of both parties, combined with the abrupt resignations of hundreds of prominent corporate CEO’s, combined with the uncovering of what may prove to be historic corruption at the highest levels of the US Government, all occurring contemporaneously, is QAnon’s central theme truly farfetched?

. . .

Great article. Thanks for posting.
Principles matter. Words matter.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1688 on: August 17, 2018, 02:52:52 pm »
Great article. Thanks for posting.


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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1689 on: August 17, 2018, 03:42:41 pm »
! No longer available
from a biblical view.
« Last Edit: August 17, 2018, 03:43:59 pm by Blizzardnh »

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1690 on: August 17, 2018, 05:59:50 pm »
Great article. Thanks for posting.

& @Texas Yellow Rose

THANKS for saying so!
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1691 on: August 17, 2018, 06:00:36 pm »
! No longer available
from a biblical view.

THANKS. Great to have one  from a Biblical perspective.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1692 on: August 18, 2018, 04:17:24 am »

A coalition of conservative leaders is calling on Gov Greg Abbott to take immediate action to ensure election integrity in November's elections.

16 AUG 2018 by Ross Kecseg

Conservative leaders are calling on the Texas governor to prevent non-citizens and other ineligible persons from voting illegally. According to a statement issued at today’s press conference, more than 280,000 non-citizens in Texas are registered to vote, with another four million registered voters in question.

Direct Action Texas (DAT), a watchdog organization known for exposing mail ballot fraud in numerous counties across Texas, released a statement today regarding its concerns. Aaron Harris, the group’s Executive Director, told Texas Scorecard:

“We are calling on Gov. Abbott to direct the Secretary of State to verify citizenship of all voter registrations. I see no reason for the governor to not implement this practical step to ensure the November election, and all future elections, are held with the integrity Texans demand. The governor could require that these changes be made tomorrow, if he so desired.”


Harris was joined at the event by JoAnn Fleming, Executive Director of Grassroots America: We the People (GAWTP). Fleming, a strong advocate for election integrity and conservative causes in Texas, had this to say:

“It’s a reasonable expectation that we Texans would demand that only citizens be allowed to vote. It’s time for the political finger pointing and excuse-making to end. We’re asking Gov. Abbott to continue fulfilling the promises he’s made to protect the integrity of the ballot box and take the next step to advance the success he’s already had in making Texas’ elections more secure.”

DAT and GAWTP have teamed up with the Texas Conservative Grassroots Coalition to pen a letter to Gov. Greg Abbott calling for swift action. As previously stated, Abbott can instruct the Secretary of State’s Office to verify the citizenship of persons registered to vote in Texas, and notify local county registrars of their findings.

The coalition letter reads:

“Unfortunately, Texans continue to see headlines of non-citizens voting in our elections. In Tarrant County, Rosa Ortega, a legal resident, non-citizen, had been voting for 10 years before being caught and convicted. In Beaumont, an El Salvadoran was indicted on multiple federal charges for having voted in the 2016 Presidential election…In a recent interview Starr County District Attorney Omar Escobar confirmed that non-U.S. citizens are on the voter lists in his county. He is quoted stating, ‘That non-citizens are registered to vote is beyond question. That non-citizens are voting in Starr County is also beyond question.’ They are registered and voting, the only remaining question is, how many.”

Furthermore, roughly four million – or 30 percent – of Texas’ 14.1 million registered voters cannot be found in Texas Department of Public Safety’s database, according to the coalition. It’s unknown how many of the four million are improperly registered and voting illegally.

. . .


To: LucyT

In 2004 there were 57,500 registered both in Broward County, Florida and other states (NY,CT,MA, PA & WDC.

In 2016 there is an estimated 200,000 non-citizens registered in Florida. A study in one not heavily populated county, it was shown that many were routinely voting.

I believe Gov. Rick Scott DID NOT COOPERATE and allow the SoS to have the voting rolls purged. It’s a legit question for Pam Bondi to answer.

Heck, one Panamanian had voted 7 times in a few short years. Few seem to be prosecuted.

In Miami, votes are bought and sold - Latin American style. It’s quite a problem. At election time- the police erect billboards on the expressway- “10,000 Fine and face prosecution for fraudulent voting. They offer crime-stopper $tips for people that ID the perps.

In addition to that issue, there are workers within the Supervisor of Elections office and poll workers that should be busted:

1. Manufacturing ballots behind closed doors - filling out stacks of ballots!!!!
2. Discarding absentee ballots from R zipcodes
3. Intentionally opening R absentee ballots & separating from envelopes rendering them uncountable.

Oh, and there are some few hundred people found in one precinct registered to a parking lot address - all born in either in September or July. All with similar handwriting signature . If there were not Independent or Republican pollwarchers at that precinct, those bogus ballots would have been filled.

You can fill a book on the creative ways they find to cheat.

66 posted on 8/17/2018, 7:38:34 PM by Beautiful_Gracious_Skies


@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
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@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 04:23:26 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1693 on: August 18, 2018, 05:17:22 am »

{NOTE: The many links work at the THREAD READER link. I did not  take time to copy them here. Better  to read the threadreader link, anyway. This is meant to be a kind of outline to clue you in as to what's there.}

Thread by @prayingmedic: "1) This is my thread for August 17, 2018. Q posts can be found here: Android apps: My Theme: […]" #Qanon #Qannon

1) This is my #Qanon thread for August 17, 2018.

Q posts can be found here:

. . .

My Theme: Nothing to See Here

{Podesta pedophile painting pic of kids in pool setting etc.}

2) I'll begin with a letter from a missionary to France who asked me to share this with the #Qanon team.

LETTER TO Q A word of Thanks:

I am very grateful for the extraordinary work of the Q team--and the commentaries explaining the posts--for personal reasons: I came to France as a missionary over 30 years ago.

I took French nationality got a job as a State teacher, got involved in (right-wing politics). . . .

. . .

This person (or group) Q has brought so much healing to my life over the past few weeks.

The hardest thing to bear in the persecution was that Christian friends, even Pastors would not believe me and treated me as if I was mad (as in paranoid.) And yet the way teachers and parent associations are manipulated--Saul Alinsky style--is clearly outlined in many articles on the Internet;

It is certain that anyone involved in psychological warfare or indeed having faced the extreme left-wing would have no difficulty in believing me.

. . .
I am healing as I watch the info on Qpub which ranges from hair-raising "we are watching you/do you feel safe..." to hilarious: "the police are now investigating..." So THANK YOU Q Anon whoever you are.

. . .

A teacher in France.


3) #Qanon posted links to 2 videos that help explain what the movement is about.

. . . .

4) Link 1

. . .

4) Link 1

. . .

5) Link 2

. . .

6) #Qanon posted a link to an article.

. . .

7) Here's the article #Qanon posted. One of the five suspects arrested at the extremist Muslim compound in New Mexico has been transferred to the custody of U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services.

. . .

8) The children living at the compound were being trained to use guns to kill teachers and police officers.

Bail for each defendant was set at $20,000.
9) The media insists that false flag school shootings are conspiracies.

Nothing to see here.

. . .

10) #Qanon posted a link to an article about a Pennsylvania Grand Jury that found more 1,000 children had been molested by priests over many decades.

. . .
11) #Qanon's link

. . .

12) The full Grand Jury report can be found here.

. . .

13) A report from each diocese involved in the investigation can be found here.

. . .

14) The tragic story of one man who was abused.

Sex-abusing priest caused suffering for a generation, and walked free - Philly
Decades after abuse at St. Cecilia's in Philadelphia, scores of victims continue to suffer, leading some to depression, addiction, and suicide. - Maria Panaritis

. . .

15) #Qanon posted links to a Youtube video and a news article about child trafficking in Haiti.

. . .

16) The Youtube link #Qanon posted.

{Video: "US missionaries in Haiti charged with kidnapping"

. . .

17) The article #Qanon posted about the takedown of a Haitian child sex-trafficking ring
[Read Very Carefully]

‘These are the world’s forgotten children’
“WHO is afraid of the water?”

. . .

18) #Qanon posted a quote from the article.

. . .

19) The media wants you to believe that child sex trafficking rings are conspiracies.

Nothing to see here.

. . .

20) In October of last year, #Qanon said that child abductions in some countries had been paused but not terminated because many of the operators were not yet in jail.

. . .

21) This week, #Qanon gave us an update on child trafficking operations in various locations around the world.

SA = Saudi Arabia
SA US Push = Saudi is working with the US in these nations to shut down child trafficking operations.

. . .

22) #Qanon posted this.

{I Cor 13:4-13 & Eph 6:10-18}

. . .

23) An anon posted a link to a Sarah Carter tweet/article about the resilience of Al Qaeda in places like Somalia, Yemen, and South Asia


UN Panel Warns of New Threat from Al Qaeda, Bin Laden’s Son - Sara A. Carter
A new report from the United Nations outlined the re-emerging threat from al Qaeda Wednesday, warning the terror network is poised to make a comeback under the leadership of Osama bin Laden’s son. Ac…

. . .

24) #Qanon responded with a post containing a number of questions about the war in Afghanistan and our role regarding some of the key players, including Osama Bin Laden (UBL).

. . .

25) Here are my answers to #Qanon's questions.

. . .

26) Operation Cyclone Info on Hekmatyar and Bin Laden

. . .

27) Operation Cyclone info on Haqqani, Hekmatyar & Bin Laden.

. . .

28) Background info on the C_IA's involvement in Afghanistan.
(Viewable free in Tor browser)

. . .

29) How the C_IA created the Taliban with a little help from Pakistan.
30) #Qanon posted a link to a Podesta/Wikileaks email about a list of Muslims who were being considered for jobs in the Obama administration.

Note: Excluded from consideration were Arabs who were not practicing Muslims.


{Very sobering doc image followed the above}

. . .

31) Speaking of the C_IA... I suspect that the former head clown is in a tight spot right now.

. . .

32) #Qanon posted a link to a BBC article about the Clintons Foundation's operations in Haiti.

Read very carefully.

. . .


33) #Qanon's Link

34) An anon responded to #Qanon.

{with a bunch of  NBC = NOTHING BUT CRAP pics}

35) #Qanon responded back.

. . .

36) #Qanon posted a photo of Gloria Vanderbilt with her sons and asked if it seemed normal.

(CNN's Anderson Cooper is one of the boys in the photo)

. . .

37) Info on Gloria Vanderbilt.

. . .

38) An anon responded to #Qanon noting that the images and symbols above the bed looked evil.

. . .

39) #Qanon has been telling us for a while that the rich and powerful like to openly display their [evil] beliefs through symbolism and it will be their downfall.

Q asked the anons to examine the charm at the bottom of the necklace and he indicated that "red shoes" are important

. . .

40) An anon asked #Qanon if this was the charm he was referring to.

. . .

41) #Qanon said it was the charm located below the child's hand.

. . .

42) #Qanon asked the anons to search for matching charms and related items (including "red shoes.")

Q said the images would be available on the internet [open source] as the people involved never thought anyone would come after them.

. . .

43) When #Qanon says, "their symbolism will be their downfall," he's describing how their need to flaunt their symbolism—because they feel completely in control—will lead to their arrest because they are not in control any longer.

. . .

44) The anons began looking for matches to this charm.

. . .

45) #Qanon told the anons to compare the pool at the Vanderbilt's Biltmore estate with paintings of kids in a pool who are wearing red shoes.

. . .

46) Background on the Vanderbilt estate.

. . .

47) An anon asked for clarification:
Was #Qanon referring to art from the Tony Podesta collection?

. . .

48) #Qanon confirmed he was referring to art belonging to Tony Podesta.
He also said to look for images related to a trip to Rome.

. . .

49) An anon asked if this was the Vanderbilt pool #Qanon referred to.

. . .

50) #Qanon confirmed it was one of two images they needed to find.

. . .

51) An anon found the other image and put the two together.

{The Vanderbilt pool with the Podesta pedophile assaulted kids in pool that looks the same}

. . .

52) #Qanon confirmed they had the right images then asked the anons to examine them.

. . .

53) #Qanon asked the anons to compare and contrast the images.
He suggested the painting of the children used a pool as a backdrop and connected them to a trip to Rome and the charm that was previously mentioned.

. . .

54) An anon found another painting with a pool-like background from the Podesta collection.

Note: The children are wearing red shoes.

{Red shoes worn by pedophiles are--as M Caulkin noted in my earlier post--made from the skin of children murdered by the pedophiles}

(#Qanon posted this as confirmation.)

. . .

55) An anon found a match for the charm.
#Qanon posted the image as confirmation.

. . .

56) #Qanon posted a link to a Reddit thread that contains a video of a priest slapping a crying infant.

. . .

57) #Qannon's link

These people are SICK! Catholic priest HITS crying baby! Evil will answer for the atrocities they have inflicted on our children!!

from r/greatawakening

. . .

58) #Qanon

{a drawing of POTUS at keyboard with caption: "HIGHEST RANKING ANON ABOUT TO CREATE A BOOM!"}

. . .

« Last Edit: August 18, 2018, 05:20:32 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1694 on: August 18, 2018, 05:44:25 am »

he explains it so well:Kevin Shipp – Indictments Coming for Hillary and Co-conspirators

Martin Brodel
Published on Aug 8, 2018
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1695 on: August 18, 2018, 05:46:02 am »

0:03 / 1:03:47
Ep. 787 The Implosion Begins. The Dan Bongino Show.

17 AUG 2018
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1696 on: August 18, 2018, 10:05:03 am »

17 AUG 2018

Mishel McCumber


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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1697 on: August 19, 2018, 01:44:14 am »


17 AUG 2018 By Vicki Batts

"Democrat memo demands complete takeover of the internet, total censorship of political opponents"

{No big surprise for those who have been monitoring the oligarchy's plans, schemes, strategies and methods for decades.}

Senate Democrats are already planning the next steps for the path to full-blown censorship, and a recently revealed memo shows the liberals on Capitol Hill are looking to usurp control of the entire internet. The memo, a draft paper from U.S. Senator Mark R. Warner, lays out a list of potential draconian plans for government regulation of the digital world. Democrat politicians are blazing the trail toward a regressive, left-wing dictatorship at an unprecedented pace.

{Qx: Is this the Warner that was married to Liz Taylor for a time?}

Warner’s policy paper was leaked to Axios by an unidentified source; it contains 20 “suggestions” for ways the Left can crack down on Big Tech. Under the guise of “protecting” the public from themselves, Warner states that new technology like social media is dangerous because it can be used to “promote disinformation that undermines trust in our institutions, democracy, free press and markets.”

. . .

Here are a few of Warner’s proposals:

    Mandatory identity verification: The policy paper suggests that social media and other tech platforms should be forced to verify all user identities, and only allow “authentic” accounts. Warner posits that inauthentic accounts are a threat to democracy and undermine the integrity of digital markets. He further suggests that “failure to appropriately address inauthentic account activity” could be punishable as “a violation of both SEC disclosure rules and/or Section 5 of the [Federal Trade Commission] Act.”

    Mandatory location verification: Warner wants to force Big Tech to verify and disclose the location of all users’ accounts or posts.
    Making platforms legally liable for the actions of users, such as “”defamation, invasion of privacy, false light, and public disclosure of private facts.”
    More disclosure requirements for political speech online.

This is by no means an exhaustive list; Warner would like to expand the roles and resources of government, including a task force for combating “asymmetric threats to democratic institutions” and other ideas.

. . .


Obviously the light of diverse freedom of thought and communication causes such arrogant oligarchy stooges to break out in hives, sniveling rants and other outrageous pontifications.

May they all fall head-long in the pit they have dug for We-The-People.
May their black hearts rot and disintegrate from the inside out.
May their tongues split into demonstrating how forked-tongued their blathering really is.

May their eyes continue to darken, become more sunken and devoid of all light and life.
May their countenances become darker and darker displaying the blackness of their hearts vividly.
May their hands & knees shake with the quivering of a mortal being standing before angry Almighty Yehovah.

May their relatives and loved ones see the blackness of their hearts and shun them 24/7.
May their sycophants wake up and flee their presence with great speed and disgust.
May their bankers realize that banking on the bank of hell is the height of financial risk and absurdities.

May their drivers refuse to drive them to any evil deed sites & tasks.
May their children rebel against their evils wholesale.
May their mirrors reveal demons behind them, surrounding them, laughing at them, terrifyingly.

If possible, may they confess, repent and turn to God and His Light and priorities. Otherwise, may their mortal days be halved after each significant act of evil.

May their breath, clothing, shoes, vehicles & rooms smell of hell.
May their animals flee their sight and/or attack them rabidly for no visible reason.
May they be awakened frequently in the middle of the night with stern recitations of Biblical truths and key parts of the Constitution that they have chosen to poop on.

May they realize with shocking and horrified sudden awareness that God and His Word means what He says and is fully well able to and interested in, determined to carry His Word out to the letter.

May they realize they have bet on an old horse with barely healed broken legs and a heart firing on 1/3 of it's umph that will do a somersault and die 1/4th of the way to the finish line.

May they realize that satan is not the least sort of useful or kind god but is ruthlessly cruel even toward those worshiping him because that is his nature--and that he thinks those who go to his side are particularly stupid and ignorant.

. . .
. . .

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1698 on: August 19, 2018, 05:37:59 am »


California Christians, Prepare for Civil Disobedience

Michael Brown 17 AUG 2018

As California appears poised to pass a draconian bill that directly attacks your religious freedoms, it’s time for you to draw a line in the sand. If the bill passes, you must choose to obey God rather than man. It’s time for civil disobedience.

I’m speaking about AB 2943, which the Senate just approved by a vote of 25-11. Next is the Assembly, then the desk of Gov. Jerry Brown, then the length and breadth of your great state.

In an August 16 email, Greg Burt, Director of Capitol Engagement, California Family Council, explained the significance of AB 2943, which I previously dubbed the “Must Stay Gay” bill. He wrote, “With Thursday's [Senate] vote, elected leaders told churches and those with biblical beliefs about gender and sexual orientation that advocating for their views could get them sued.”

He continued, “This bill attacks the freedom of Christians . . . to find the services and resources from counselors, schools, and faith-based organizations that help them live out their biblical convictions regarding sexual behavior and gender identity. Shouldn't these people have the freedom to find true joy by embracing and living out their faith without government persecution?”

The potential impact of this bill should not be downplayed. As Burt noted without hyperbole, “The implications of AB 2943 are staggering. Legal experts confirm that by targeting financial transactions, AB 2943 threatens religious non-profits, churches, and pastors who provide paid resources to help people practice their faith.”
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My brothers and sisters in California, should this bill become law, your choice is simple: Say yes to the will of God and no to the will of man (Acts 5:29).

The bad news is that AB 2943 is on its way to becoming law. How in the world did we get to this place in America?

. . .

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1699 on: August 19, 2018, 11:55:22 am »

The bad news is that AB 2943 is on its way to becoming law. How in the world did we get to this place in America?
. . .

Link:  AB 2943