Author Topic: Q-Anon; Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 1  (Read 212528 times)

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1400 on: July 20, 2018, 11:20:49 am »
That's why they are all billionaires and all got elected president.

The American SPECTATOR

18 JUL 2018

It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.

. . . .

Unexpectedly excellent editorial, saying so much of what needed saying.

Such as calling out the president’s media critics. How easy for those pipsqueaks to throw their pebbles. After all, they’ve accomplished so much in their pathetic little lives having graduated elite J schools like Columbia at the top of their class. Interesting, didn’t Obama graduate from Columbia?

Or, like slamming the ungrateful European NATO members for their stinginess in taking advantage of feckless American leadership.

There was so much to like in this editorial. Enjoy!

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1401 on: July 20, 2018, 08:03:22 pm »
Unexpectedly excellent editorial, saying so much of what needed saying.

Such as calling out the president’s media critics. How easy for those pipsqueaks to throw their pebbles. After all, they’ve accomplished so much in their pathetic little lives having graduated elite J schools like Columbia at the top of their class. Interesting, didn’t Obama graduate from Columbia?

Or, like slamming the ungrateful European NATO members for their stinginess in taking advantage of feckless American leadership.

There was so much to like in this editorial. Enjoy!


It's a wonder such folks know which end to stuff food in.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1402 on: July 20, 2018, 08:05:22 pm »
Published on Jul 19, 2018

The Deep State Criminals Just Went ALL IN -- THIS IS WAR.

Time to catch up on Q, the great awakening and the deep state WAR against our lawfully elected President with anons from Patriot's Soapbox. John Brennan, James Clapper, Robert Mueller and James Comey are deep state agents rivaled only in their treachery by Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama, John Podesa and Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Brennan and the mockingbird mainstream media's hysteria over Trump's meeting with Putin illustrates that the deep state is now engaged in all out war against the President, the Constitution and the American people. Joins us as we discuss the latest.

Some very well researched details herein . . . some I hadn't known before.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1403 on: July 20, 2018, 08:08:47 pm »

Stroppy Me
Published on Jul 19, 2018

Latest Qanon-Related Developments 7-20-18

At the beginning of this vid, POTUS restates his desire to avoid dinking at all with the DOJ--FOR NOW.

He talks about the double standard about the 'servers.'

I'd much preferred he'd mentioned that there are still too many parts of the IG report still classified and that HE WILL declassify them as soon as workable. Sigh.

I really like this Aussie's commentaries.

THANKS to all completing the poll. Not sure if more filling the poll out would alter the stats but it would be great to have that confirmed one way or another.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 08:09:40 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1404 on: July 20, 2018, 08:15:39 pm »
I know it's asking too much, but if it's not in the news, any news, it didn't happen.

Even if it's bad news for libs, there is a news source that will report it q, find it you jerk....and get to doing stuff or at least reporting that you are doing it

I think you're still missing a few points.

In the first place, a lot of stuff has happened and is "in the news"--and yet you haven't seen that stuff "in the news."  For example, six of the seven things Quix listed are facts, not rumors.  But the average person won't find any "news outlets" that cover these things.

Let me illustrate this weird phenomenon below.


How many people have seen/heard anything at all on any "news outlets" whatsoever about Trump's EO in December 2017 declaring a State of National Emergency involving Human Trafficking and Corruption?  And how many people have seen/heard anything at all on any "news outlets" whatsoever about a second EO modifying the Military Court Martial protocol for facilitating prosecutions of civilians?

In both cases, the only "news outlet" is the official White House website.

Next, how many people have seen/heard anything at all on any "news outlets" whatsoever about the 40,000 federal indictments formed and sealed since October? 

The only "news outlet" for this is the official website of our federal court system.

The Mockingbird media is afraid to touch any of this.  I believe Trump may have used back channels with Fox News to ask them not to publicize this sort of stuff at this time.  (Shady?  Yeah, but it's part of a sleight-of-hand--which is the sort of thing Trump seems to love.)


Investigative journalists and investigators, both professionals and amateurs, have compiled astonishing stats regarding the unprecedented number of CEO resignations and the unprecedented number of Congress critters stepping down, but they "publish" on miscellaneous personal websites and blogs--not regular "news outlets."  The MSM is not interested in connecting the dots of what is going.  Of course, Qanon is connecting the dots for us. 

Using Q in this way as an authorized military leaker--not a military commander--is a sort of psyops approach to education and recruitment of a political team, with the White House remaining in control.  That's the way Trump and the military want it.  They want incremental revelations that pique curiosity by teasing the public--deliberately starting small.  Frankly, they do not want everyone to notice what is going on.  As a matter of fact, the Q team can't afford to reveal to us everything they are doing.  Among other problems, connecting too many dots would fortify the libs in their already pretty fierce resistance.

For example, Qanon has hinted that the train derailment in January was (may have been?) an attempted mass assassination;  he has also raised our suspicions concerning the Las Vegas and Parkland High School shootings as false flag operations by the Deep State.  Notice that the strangest details of these three episodes have never caught meaningful attention by the "news outlets."  The weird stuff is primarily on youtube and miscellaneous blogs!  (You can bet that these episodes have been thoroughly investigated by the good guys in the Trump administration--and yet we will hear nothing from Q either way--either good or evil--at this time.)

Investigative journalists and investigators, both professionals and amateurs, have used some of Q's hints to make pretty astonishing discoveries in parallel with Trump's investigations of pedophilia crimes in the U.S. and all over the world--including the Vatican and reputedly the UK Royal Family.  The media has covered essentially none of this stuff, whether reported by Trump's public team members or by those tracking the pedophilia.  The whole mess is too salacious.  Moreover, the pedophilia topic is taboo for the MSM--because it is the most evil part of the Deep State.  This is precisely the reason why Trump's National Emergency EO spoke of human trafficking and corruption.  It goes back to Weiner's laptop--which is still not being mentioned by the media in any connection with the sex trafficking/pedophilia stuff.  (The only media mentions of Weiner's laptop have to do with things like bribery and money-laundering scandals involving the Clinton Foundation.  Even concerning  these important matters, the MSM says almost nothing.)

The Mockingbird media claims to have debunked the notion that there are a lot federal investigations and prosecutions going on for pedophilia crimes.  But they are lying.  They are ignoring the real news and lying about that.  

Anyway, Q and the Trump team are deliberately keeping the most horrible stuff under wraps.  They flatly maintain that the public is not ready for it, but it will be the capstone of the wave of prosecutions that will hit later this year--in perfect timing to ruin the DNC in November.  (As Jerome Corsi has said, the DNC is dead;  they just don't know it yet.)


Now, I know that you have insinuated that you don't need to be red-pilled, but I have written this post to address your impatience that has morphed into serious anger.  I have wanted to show you that Q is not a "jerk."  You just aren't privy to everything that is going on, including, perhaps certain unavoidable fits and starts in the timetable.  If you don't really need a red pill, maybe a chill pill is in order:  God Himself is in absolutely perfect control.  He is even in complete control of chaos.

By the way, I have another post for you to help you understand some of the arduous timetable problems:,317948.msg1696301.html#msg1696301

You will notice from that post that one of the problems may very well be prison capacity, of all things.  Another problem may involve the need to build a really awful case against the UK for supposed (?)complicity in the Deep State's attempt to destroy Trump.  A third problem is the fact that every investigation seems to turn up more leads into other parts of the Swamp that needs to be drained.  The Trump team wants to be as thorough as possible.  (The Swamp is evidently a 1000 times worse than most conservatives have realized--and likely a lot worse than even you have realized.  Heck, the Swamp is way more than 200 years old and it has been growing secretly every year.)   

A fourth problem concerns the security of our electoral process.  The DHS report on election fraud has been delayed.  We have to secure our elections before November, but Trump has to make a case that forces Congress to fix the electoral process.

With regard to your complaints about Trump's "incompetence," I will stipulate that he has made some mistakes, some of them fairly bad, but overall I would give him fairly high remarks in the face of unprecedented opposition.  The important point here is that Trump has made FAR fewer mistakes than the MSM would have you to believe.  For example, the furor about the supposed disaster of the Trump/Putin summit is just fake news.  Surveys have shown that 91% of Republicans realize that Trump did a fine job in Helsinki.  (Have you not noticed that Trump actually did a good job in Helsinki?)  The Dems and RINOs, many of whom are likely going to be facing federal, even military prosecutions later this year, are incensed, but they are not necessarily canaries in the coal mine of Trump's doom.  They are turds in their own toilet. 

I guess my bottom-line recommendation is that you start taking Q more seriously:  TRUST THE PLAN.  And if you don't trust Trump himself, then trust our patriotic military (who selected him for the White House), including but not limited to our military intelligence.  Heck, you and I don't really deserve more information than we have already been given in more than 1000 posts by Q since late last year.  Q is the real deal, and he can be trusted.  He's not a jerk.     

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1405 on: July 20, 2018, 08:46:39 pm »

It is interesting, to me, that the liberal hidiots have really left the galactic cluster of sanity.

It boggles my mind that soooooooo many liberal hidiots are soooooo terminally clueless, lobotomized, sucking up to the globalists party line, etc. etc. etc.

The inmates certainly are in charge of the media asylum.

It's not only brazen lies--it's brazen surreal fantasies they spew constantly.

They can't be arrested too soon for me. Sheesh.

Part of me would like to see them chained together with life jackets and then TOWED TO GITMO in the water. If sharks picked a few off, oh well.

I think you're still missing a few points.

In the first place, a lot of stuff has happened and is "in the news"--and yet you haven't seen that stuff "in the news."  For example, six of the seven things Quix listed are facts, not rumors.  But the average person won't find any "news outlets" that cover these things.

Let me illustrate this weird phenomenon below.


How many people have seen/heard anything at all on any "news outlets" whatsoever about Trump's EO in December 2017 declaring a State of National Emergency involving Human Trafficking and Corruption?  And how many people have seen/heard anything at all on any "news outlets" whatsoever about a second EO modifying the Military Court Martial protocol for facilitating prosecutions of civilians?

In both cases, the only "news outlet" is the official White House website.

Next, how many people have seen/heard anything at all on any "news outlets" whatsoever about the 40,000 federal indictments formed and sealed since October? 

The only "news outlet" for this is the official website of our federal court system.

The Mockingbird media is afraid to touch any of this.  I believe Trump may have used back channels with Fox News to ask them not to publicize this sort of stuff at this time.  (Shady?  Yeah, but it's part of a sleight-of-hand--which is the sort of thing Trump seems to love.)


Investigative journalists and investigators, both professionals and amateurs, have compiled astonishing stats regarding the unprecedented number of CEO resignations and the unprecedented number of Congress critters stepping down, but they "publish" on miscellaneous personal websites and blogs--not regular "news outlets."  The MSM is not interested in connecting the dots of what is going.  Of course, Qanon is connecting the dots for us. 

Using Q in this way as an authorized military leaker--not a military commander--is a sort of psyops approach to education and recruitment of a political team, with the White House remaining in control.  That's the way Trump and the military want it.  They want incremental revelations that pique curiosity by teasing the public--deliberately starting small.  Frankly, they do not want everyone to notice what is going on.  As a matter of fact, the Q team can't afford to reveal to us everything they are doing.  Among other problems, connecting too many dots would fortify the libs in their already pretty fierce resistance.

For example, Qanon has hinted that the train derailment in January was (may have been?) an attempted mass assassination;  he has also raised our suspicions concerning the Las Vegas and Parkland High School shootings as false flag operations by the Deep State.  Notice that the strangest details of these three episodes have never caught meaningful attention by the "news outlets."  The weird stuff is primarily on youtube and miscellaneous blogs!  (You can bet that these episodes have been thoroughly investigated by the good guys in the Trump administration--and yet we will hear nothing from Q either way--either good or evil--at this time.)

Investigative journalists and investigators, both professionals and amateurs, have used some of Q's hints to make pretty astonishing discoveries in parallel with Trump's investigations of pedophilia crimes in the U.S. and all over the world--including the Vatican and reputedly the UK Royal Family.  The media has covered essentially none of this stuff, whether reported by Trump's public team members or by those tracking the pedophilia.  The whole mess is too salacious.  Moreover, the pedophilia topic is taboo for the MSM--because it is the most evil part of the Deep State.  This is precisely the reason why Trump's National Emergency EO spoke of human trafficking and corruption.  It goes back to Weiner's laptop--which is still not being mentioned by the media in any connection with the sex trafficking/pedophilia stuff.  (The only media mentions of Weiner's laptop have to do with things like bribery and money-laundering scandals involving the Clinton Foundation.  Even concerning  these important matters, the MSM says almost nothing.)

The Mockingbird media claims to have debunked the notion that there are a lot federal investigations and prosecutions going on for pedophilia crimes.  But they are lying.  They are ignoring the real news and lying about that.  

Anyway, Q and the Trump team are deliberately keeping the most horrible stuff under wraps.  They flatly maintain that the public is not ready for it, but it will be the capstone of the wave of prosecutions that will hit later this year--in perfect timing to ruin the DNC in November.  (As Jerome Corsi has said, the DNC is dead;  they just don't know it yet.)


Now, I know that you have insinuated that you don't need to be red-pilled, but I have written this post to address your impatience that has morphed into serious anger.  I have wanted to show you that Q is not a "jerk."  You just aren't privy to everything that is going on, including, perhaps certain unavoidable fits and starts in the timetable.  If you don't really need a red pill, maybe a chill pill is in order:  God Himself is in absolutely perfect control.  He is even in complete control of chaos.

By the way, I have another post for you to help you understand some of the arduous timetable problems:,317948.msg1696301.html#msg1696301

You will notice from that post that one of the problems may very well be prison capacity, of all things.  Another problem may involve the need to build a really awful case against the UK for supposed (?)complicity in the Deep State's attempt to destroy Trump.  A third problem is the fact that every investigation seems to turn up more leads into other parts of the Swamp that needs to be drained.  The Trump team wants to be as thorough as possible.  (The Swamp is evidently a 1000 times worse than most conservatives have realized--and likely a lot worse than even you have realized.  Heck, the Swamp is way more than 200 years old and it has been growing secretly every year.)   

A fourth problem concerns the security of our electoral process.  The DHS report on election fraud has been delayed.  We have to secure our elections before November, but Trump has to make a case that forces Congress to fix the electoral process.

With regard to your complaints about Trump's "incompetence," I will stipulate that he has made some mistakes, some of them fairly bad, but overall I would give him fairly high remarks in the face of unprecedented opposition.  The important point here is that Trump has made FAR fewer mistakes than the MSM would have you to believe.  For example, the furor about the supposed disaster of the Trump/Putin summit is just fake news.  Surveys have shown that 91% of Republicans realize that Trump did a fine job in Helsinki.  (Have you not noticed that Trump actually did a good job in Helsinki?)  The Dems and RINOs, many of whom are likely going to be facing federal, even military prosecutions later this year, are incensed, but they are not necessarily canaries in the coal mine of Trump's doom.  They are turds in their own toilet. 

I guess my bottom-line recommendation is that you start taking Q more seriously:  TRUST THE PLAN.  And if you don't trust Trump himself, then trust our patriotic military (who selected him for the White House), including but not limited to our military intelligence.  Heck, you and I don't really deserve more information than we have already been given in more than 1000 posts by Q since late last year.  Q is the real deal, and he can be trusted.  He's not a jerk.     

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1406 on: July 21, 2018, 08:34:45 am »
Thread Reader

Thread by @Cynacin: "1/ Natalia Veselnitskaya, Bill Clinton, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Alexander Downer, Ed Krassenstein, James Comey What do these individu […]" #layering

1/ Natalia Veselnitskaya, Bill Clinton, John Podesta, Hillary Clinton, Alexander Downer, Ed Krassenstein, James Comey

What do these individuals all have in common?

. . .

2/ The two most obvious answers:

- They all have connections to the DNC and the Clinton family.

- They all have a special interest or involvement in the Trump-Russia Witch Hunt.

. . .

3/ There is another similarity however, a relationship forged in searing greed.

A common interest that ties the others together.

A contract with the devil.

. . .

4/ MONEY LAUNDERING is an integral part of many illicit financial activities.

Transnational criminal organizations, terrorist groups, Internet fraudsters and other criminals move billions of $ each year through the international banking system to conceal the origin of funds.

. . .

5/ The typical money laundering scheme involves 3 phases.

Placement - Where the illicit funds enter the financial system.

Layering - The most involved phase attempts to conceal the funds' origin through complex transactions.

Integration - Getting the money to the crooks.

. . .

6/ July 17, 2012 - HSBC Holdings plc, a British multinational banking and financial services holding company and the world's 7th largest bank was discovered to be involved in a $1.6 Trillion global money laundering and tax evasion scheme.

. . .

7/ HSBC had helped Iran, terrorists, corrupt politicians, and Mexican drug cartels hide their ill-gotten gains from authorities.

Between 2007 and 2008, HSBC's Mexican affiliate channeled $7 Billion worth of narcotics trafficking proceeds into the US.

. . .

8/ March 4, 2013 - Former US Attorney James Comey was appointed Director of HSBC

Exactly 7 months later, Barack Obama appointed James Comey to Director of the FBI.

. . .

9/ Names of the criminals remained shrouded in secrecy.

Then in 2015, everything changed.

The Panama Papers - 11.5 million documents from the law firm Mossack Fonseca that detail financial information for more than 214,488 offshore shell corporations were leaked.

. . .

10/ As revealed by whistle blower John Cruz and documented by @jerome_corsi, numerous shell corporations owned by the Clintons and connected to HSBC were used to launder hundreds of millions of dollars in criminal cash.

. . .

12/ Most people know Alexander Downer as the Australian diplomat whose tip about George Papadopoulos ignited the Russia Witch Hunt.

What most people don't know is that he worked for Westpac, Merchant Bankers Capital, and Huawei when they were deemed a security threat.

. . .

15/ The dirty cash snaked its way around the globe through banks and shell corporations in a sophisticated layering scheme.

. . .

18/ According to Glenn Simpson's sworn testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee, Baker & Hostetler at the direction of Natalia Veselnitskaya, retained the infamous firm Fusion GPS to "assist" with the Pevezon litigation.

.  . .

20/ When Hillary Clinton became Secretary of State, she was forced to disclose her finances.

Buried in her personal disclosure was a 2010 half-million dollar "speech payment" to Bill Clinton from Renaissance Capital.

. . .

21/ The Office of Government Ethics revealed additional suspicious payments to Mr. Clinton.

Beginning in 2005, a Canadian company, "The Power Within, Inc." began making six-figure "speech payments" to Mr. Clinton totaling nearly $4 Million.

. . .

22/ The shady company which specialized in "high energy motivational speech seminars" existed for only a few years before it suddenly vanished, shutting down their website and ripping off local Canadian contractors.

. . .

25/ Suspiciously, Bill Clinton was not present for all of the Power Within events he was supposedly being paid to speak at, nor was he listed as a speaker.

. . .

26/ The indictment of Paul Manafort for money laundering, tax evasion and failure to register FARA was praised by the left as "evidence" of Trump-Russia collusion.

"Company B" in that indictment was later revealed as the Podesta Group.

. . .

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose

« Last Edit: July 21, 2018, 08:35:49 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1407 on: July 21, 2018, 08:41:50 am »

Q Anon July 20 - John and Tony Podesta
Jul 20 at 6:33pm

 An overview of what Q Anon has said about John and Tony Podesta.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1408 on: July 21, 2018, 08:48:21 am »


A dramatic revelation of the CIA's operations by one   of the Agency's most widely experienced officers.
 This fascinating book reveals the inner workings of the   CIA , including the darkside of its activities and the     culture  of secrecy with its constitutional implications.


The Shadow Government is a system that manipulates Washington, DC behind the scenes, that operates beyond the control of Congress, that even dictates the actions of the president and affects the daily lives of every American. It is real and has been growing in complexity for over sixty years.

While the American people work long hours just to survive and make ends meet, the Shadow Government spends billions of dollars on secret operations, overthrowing governments and engages in covert wars that kill thousands – all without any vote or say by the American people; the people that pay the taxes the Shadow Government uses to fund these operations.


While their Congressmen and Senators promise they will make their lives better and improve their difficult standard of living, these same Congressmen vote for billions of dollars in military and covert action programs, taking contributions from the lobbyists of connected Shadow Government military industrial corporations. The people starve while the kings shower themselves with gold.


   Published October 16, 2012

The CIA is a unique federal organization.  It operates under a thick canopy of secrecy. Covert agents killed in the line of duty become lonely stars etched into the wall of CIA headquarters.  Those officers that live must remain seated at ceremonies recognizing patriots that serve openly in the military; sacrificing the recognition they so often deserve. 

This is can be a lonely experience.  Kevin Shipp knows that feeling.  The sacrifices CIA officers have made, including risking their lives, remain hidden; locked away in their memories.  For many officers, it is a unique brand of courage that will never be known.

This book is about that Agency and the life of one of those officers.  It is written to provide a three-hundred-sixty-degree view of the CIA and how it operates; in the light and in the dark.  Kevin Shipp risked his life in service to the CIA and his country. 

That same courage would later place him between the CIA and the US Constitution. He would become one of the only CIA officers in history to publicly stand up against one of the most powerful agencies in the world.

. . .
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1409 on: July 21, 2018, 08:59:13 am »


The Deep State Criminals Just Went ALL IN -- THIS IS WAR.

Published on Jul 19, 2018
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1410 on: July 21, 2018, 09:08:04 am »
DNA Prove's Obama is a Foreign Citizen and No Relation To Stanley Ann Dunham

Published on Apr 23, 2014

It is believed Obama was a natural citizen of Great Briton, Will an obscure intelligence adviser in England show the way for Americans to finally prove the illegal presidency of Barack Hussein Obama.

Barack Obama's long-form birth certificate has been almost universally deemed a forgery, long before Arizona sheriff Joe Arpaio's forensic examination found it to be created digitally and never having existed in paper form. Without even a digital examination, it is obvious it is a cut-and-paste job, with at least eight different typewriter fonts.

Despite this fact, and despite Obama clearly not being a natural-born citizen—his father, Barack Obama, Sr. being a subject of the British crown as admitted by Obama—the dozens of lawsuits filed against Obama charging that he's not a natural-born citizen, or that his birth certificate is a fake—have been summarily dismissed for invalid reasons.

Americans have found themselves in a quandary: we know Obama was ineligible to be President; we know his birth certificate is fake—yet we appear to be powerless to do anything about it. But there may be a novel way that Americans can prove Obama is not a natural-born citizen: have a Special Prosecutor demand Obama submit—like Clinton did in 1998—a DNA sample to prove that his mother and father are who he says they are.

This, however, may have already been carried out—by the CIA! According to British intelligence adviser and author of the just-published book, Spyhunter, Michael Shrimpton states that the CIA took a DNA sample of Obama prior to the 2008 election and found that the woman Obama now states is his mother, Stanley Ann Dunham, is not related to Obama—and his mother may in fact be a foreign citizen!

Shrimpton is no tinfoil hat-wearing kook: He has dozens of contacts in both the British and American intelligence agencies and has access to a huge cache of intelligence documents. Will an obscure intelligence adviser in England show the way for Americans to finally prosecute the illegal presidency of Barack Hussein Obama?

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1411 on: July 21, 2018, 11:45:23 pm »

Published on Nov 8, 2017

It was 17 sealed indictments in Washington DC, it's now 31. Heads are about to roll. And President Donald Trump has played the Obama-Clinton crime cartel like a fiddle. You are about to witness something that was deemed to be an impossibility just one year ago. Charlie Sheen 'raped 13-year-old Corey Haim on the set of the movie Lucas', a friend of the late child-actor claims

{It's a good outline of the outrageous treasonous felonies, Uranium 1, corruption, child abuse, child sex abuse, child trafficking etc. etc. etc.}

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1412 on: July 22, 2018, 01:37:49 am »
12 MAR 2017


{21 Jul 2018 is not very soon from Mar 2017. However, the wheels of justice involving 40,000+ sealed indictments in the current context of practical reality must grind rather slowly.}

PRESIDENT TRUMP: "Bill Clinton? Nice guy, but he's got a lot of problems coming up in my opinion with the famous island with Jeffrey Epstein, a lot of problems . . . "

There are eight signs since the inauguration of President Trump that point to a coming prosecution for Bill and Hillary Clinton and the Clinton Foundation.

Before I begin, let us review highly pertinent details to the case.

James Comey withheld a criminal indictment recommendation for Hillary despite the fact that he indicated under oath that Hillary broke the law. Based on the emails that were recovered from her server, more than 100 pieces of classified, secret and top-secret information were found. But the classified information that the FBI currently has in its possession is just one small piece of the puzzle.

. . .

What information was contained in these emails? It was information so explosive that Hillary Clinton risked jail time by destroying the records.

During Hillary Clinton’s time as secretary of state, two explosive child trafficking cases occurred that were covered up by the state department. One was the case of alleged missionary Laura Silsby who tried to traffic 32 children after the Haiti earthquake of 2010. The US mainstream media painted Silsby as a simple missionary trying to help the children. But WikiLeaks told us a very different story. She was not a simple missionary. Silsby was in direct contact with the state department, and Hillary herself.

Ten leaders, including Silsby, were arrested and held in jail as they awaited the outcome of their case. WikiLeaks provided an email involving Hillary’s fixer, Patrick Kennedy, who was part of a secret thread discussing how the State department could hide the missionaries from the media once they were released from jail.

. . .

{8 signs headings:

1. Anthony Weiner
2. Jeffrey Epstein
3. Clinton Global Initiative
4. Hati
5. Patrick Kennedy--fixer--human trafficking etc.
6. FBI
7. Congress
8. Timothy Sedlak . . . had lots of info goods on Shrillery.}

« Last Edit: July 22, 2018, 01:50:18 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1413 on: July 22, 2018, 06:38:00 am »

This sounds good. I hope it's so. Time will tell.


FINALLY HAPPENING!! Just After DAMNING Evidence Shows Up, Robert Mueller Asked To Step Down

News Today 19 JUL 2018,145.0.html

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1414 on: July 22, 2018, 06:41:27 am »
"They found her fingerprints all over it."


"THIS IS HUGE!!! Evidence With Her Fingerprints Discovered!! Hillary Is Finished"

News Today 18 JUL 2018

{I hope so. Time will tell}
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1415 on: July 22, 2018, 11:29:48 am »

The Young Turks 1 NOV 2016

Wikileaks BOMBSHELL Exposes Extent of Clinton Corruption

{The Young Turks is typically quite hostile to Trump. Thankfully, here, he has the integrity to tellit like it is--laying it out step by step--regarding the horrific Clinton Corruption.}
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1416 on: July 22, 2018, 11:50:53 am »

Retired Secret Service Agent Gary Byrne and His RICO Lawsuit Against the Clinton Foundation et al

Jason Goodman
Streamed live on Jun 22, 2018

Gary Byrne knows more about the Clinton's than virtually anyone having served as Secret Service protection during Bill's Presidency. Earlier this week he has filed a civil RICO suit against the Clintons and their most notorious cronies
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1417 on: July 22, 2018, 08:05:17 pm »

Jeanine: The anger of the left in America is out of control

Fox News
Published on Jul 21, 2018

When we get screamed at before we even give an opinion, something is wrong.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1418 on: July 23, 2018, 03:51:01 am »
The Common Enemy of Russia & the U.S. is the Deep State Shadow Government

Published on Jul 22, 2018

 Former CIA Director John Brennan helped wage economic war against Russia from 1998 to 2001 when the CIA and deep state laundered all of the gold with 9/11 as a cover, says author and former CIA officer Robert David Steele. Steels says, "For John Brennan to call President Trump a traitor or to say anything negative about Russia is absolute treason. The common enemy of Russia AND the United States of America is the deep state and the shadow government."

{imho, Brennan is a black hat from way back. From the looks of his eyes and face, he may also be a demonized satanist. Or, he could just be a very contrarian, disagreeable, low EQ person with a chronic pine cone in his dark place.}
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1419 on: July 23, 2018, 07:38:33 pm »
News. Truth. Unfiltered

Peter Strzok's Wife, Who Is SEC Director, Blocked All FBI Investigations Into Clintons

22 July 2018

Hours after the FBI found classified Clinton emails on Anthony Weiner’s laptop, Peter Strzok’s wife was promoted to a powerful position in the SEC and immediately blocked all criminal proceedings against the Clintons.

According to FBI sources, Peter Strzok and his wife Melissa Hodgman were instrumental in preventing Bill and Hillary Clinton from having to serve jail time for their numerous crimes.

Melissa Hodgman was promoted to deputy director of the Securities and Exchange Commission’s Enforcement Division literally hours after Strzok and FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe were debriefed about the Clinton emails found on Weiner’s computer.

True Pundit reports: The FBI’s original warrant for Weiner’s laptop was issued in late September 2016 and a subsequent warrant was issued on Oct. 30, 2016 so that the FBI could use Huma Abedin’s & Hillary’s classified emails as evidence in the re-opened Clinton probe.

Hodgman was promoted Oct. 14, 2016, literally hours after investigators started to examine the laptop’s contents for Clinton emails and assorted files, federal sources confirm.

Federal sources said the FBI field office in New York, who handled the original Weiner warrant for then-US Attorney Preet Bharara, reported to Strzok and McCabe that they had found evidence pertaining to the Hillary Clinton email case on Oct. 12, 2016, federal sources said.

About 36 hours later, Hodgman was promoted in the SEC.

The Wall Street Journal’s reporting on the laptop case confirms the early October timeline divulged to True Pundit by FBI sources.

The latest development began in early October when New York-based FBI officials notified Andrew McCabe, the bureau’s second-in-command, that while investigating Mr. Weiner for possibly sending sexually charged messages to a teenage minor, they had recovered a laptop. Many of the 650,000 emails on the computer, they said, were from the accounts of Ms. Abedin, according to people familiar with the matter.

Two weeks after Hodgman’s appointment, the FBI secured a subsequent search warrant to use Hillary and Huma emails from the 650,000 warehoused on the computer as evidence.

Strzok has been a lightning rod of controversy recently. He also was a key player in U.S. Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s probe of President Donald Trump and Russia. But Strzok was kicked off that team after texts were uncovered between himself and FBI’s Lisa Page that were malicious to Trump, Trump’s family members, and conservatives in general. Over 10,000 texts between the duo paint a collective picture of two partisan liberals who supported Hillary Clinton – at the same time Strzok was supposed to be investigating Clinton as part of a allegedly sweeping criminal probe.

Strzok and Page also were having an extramarital affair. Both are married.

Now it is discovered Strzok’s wife was promoted to a very powerful position in the SEC, with oversight of which securities and financial crime cases get forwarded to the FBI, DOJ for prosecution.

Perhaps Hodgman’s promotion was merely happenstance?

“There are no coincidences here,” one FBI source told True Pundit. “Not with this crew. They wanted his wife in that SEC slot for a reason.”

But why?

Enter the Clinton Foundation.

We now know what the FBI knew after they seized the laptop during a search warrant at Weiner and Huma Abedin’s Manhattan residence: There were thousands of documents on the laptop related to the Clinton Foundation, including offshore financial records.

With that evidence – as well as thousands more of classified emails linked to Hillary on the laptop – FBI sources said agents and brass knew immediately the Bureau would likely reopen the criminal case against Clinton. And ex-Director James Comey did just that two weeks later.

Hence the rush to get an insurance policy in place at the SEC in case things heated up on the white-collar crime side.

With Hodgman at the SEC and Strzok at the FBI it would be virtually impossible to even know what cases linked to the Clinton Foundation had criminal merit, if each were trying to keep all things Clinton-related quiet.

But Charles Ortel, an expert on the financial dealings and filings of the Clinton Foundation believes having chess pieces in place at the SEC and FBI were only a smaller part of a much larger game for the Clintons.

“The Clinton “business plan” to monetize government is broader than simply gaming one agency – they saw an opportunity to create unregulated globalist government and seeded many organizations with like-minded persons, some of whom were simply naive, but all of whom ultimately are corrupt,” Ortel said.

. . .

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1420 on: July 24, 2018, 01:58:57 am »
I see that your claws are out for  POTUS.

You might prepare for your perspective to be humiliated when  all the  facts are in.

I'd love to be humiliated in this case.

But, the greater humiliation is cultish behavior; wanting something so much, that I give up all reason and thought, for something perceived and wished for.

I can give a thousand excuses for why there has been no indightments , no,..whatever.  It seems being a q supporter, requires the faith that I only reserve for God.

And Q......does not measure up to a god, much less,The God

But, BTW...I am a President Trump Supporter!
« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 02:00:07 am by KittenClaws »

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1421 on: July 24, 2018, 02:02:13 am »
I'd love to be humiliated in this case.

But, the greater humiliation is cultish behavior; wanting something so much, that I give up all reason and thought, for something perceived and wished for.

I can give a thousand excuses for why there has been no indightments , no,..whatever.  It seems being a q supporter, requires the faith that I only reserve for God.

And Q......does not measure up to a god, much less,The God

But, BTW...I am a President Trump Supporter!

Time will tell.

My bets are not on your perspective, though.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1422 on: July 24, 2018, 02:06:15 am »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1423 on: July 24, 2018, 02:09:56 am »

I trust you learned what you needed to.... :shrug:
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1424 on: July 24, 2018, 02:10:19 am »
I'd love to be humiliated in this case.

But, the greater humiliation is cultish behavior; wanting something so much, that I give up all reason and thought, for something perceived and wished for.

I can give a thousand excuses for why there has been no indightments , no,..whatever.  It seems being a q supporter, requires the faith that I only reserve for God.

And Q......does not measure up to a god, much less,The God

But, BTW...I am a President Trump Supporter!

BTW, I haven't noticed any Q-ANON posters here or elsewhere who have given up all reason and thought--nor anything near that.

Many are excited and relieved to FINALLY see hopeful leadership and signs of God using decent folks to fight the horrendous evils involved.

PRAYING MEDIC is a VERY discerning bloke with a great anointing for healing and discernment of evil spirits etc. His authentication and commentaries on the Q-ANON posts along with PRAYING MEDIC'S OWN prophetic dreams that are very complementary of the Q-ANON posts is a great encouragement who many of us who have been praying for our leadership and country for a long time.

I understand the psychodynamics for hyper-skepticism. It's just unwarranted regarding POTUS TRUMP and regarding TRUMP'S verified use of Q-ANON as a communications and prepping tool.
« Last Edit: July 24, 2018, 02:10:56 am by Quix »
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