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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1375 on: July 19, 2018, 04:36:49 am »

Fox News 17 JUL 2018

Tucker: Trump's critics hate the idea of rethinking or correcting any of the countless blunders they’ve made over the years. On the big questions, Trump is indisputably right: The Cold War is over. The world has changed. It is time to rethink America’s alliances, and act in our own interests for once. #Tucker

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1376 on: July 19, 2018, 11:10:12 am »

Fox News 17 JUL 2018

Tucker: Trump's critics hate the idea of rethinking or correcting any of the countless blunders they’ve made over the years. On the big questions, Trump is indisputably right: The Cold War is over. The world has changed. It is time to rethink America’s alliances, and act in our own interests for once. #Tucker

Tucker’s right. Time to shed the Cold War mentality.

I’ve worked in NYC 20-years with transplants from the former Soviet Union, mostly medical professionals, and as a group they have been the most anti-communist and pro-liberty Americans I have ever known.

It’s long past time we acknowledge the people of Russia are not the enemy but in fact are stuck as we are in the West, struggling to get out from under an entrenched bureaucratic deep state.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1377 on: July 19, 2018, 02:13:49 pm »
Tucker’s right. Time to shed the Cold War mentality.

I’ve worked in NYC 20-years with transplants from the former Soviet Union, mostly medical professionals, and as a group they have been the most anti-communist and pro-liberty Americans I have ever known.

It’s long past time we acknowledge the people of Russia are not the enemy but in fact are stuck as we are in the West, struggling to get out from under an entrenched bureaucratic deep state.

I greatly agree. Thanks.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1378 on: July 19, 2018, 07:21:59 pm »


Vladimir Putin: The New World Order Worships Satan

By Jonas E. Alexis

Kevin Barrett: “It is worth noting that Russia and Iran – the two nations most successfully resisting NWO regime change – are doing so in the name of God…. Putin’s reference to Satanism was a pointed rebuke to the New World Order elites, who – though they push militant secularism on the societies they are trying to undermine – are closet Satanists.”

“So, you want to worship Satan? By all means, but leave Russia out of it. Rest assured that I will be your worst nightmare. You can quote me on that.”

During the Cold War, the United States and much of the West argued that the Soviet Union was a “godless nation.”[1] Last year, Vladimir Putin took that pendulum, swung it on the other direction, and landed it on the Zionist regime. As Patrick Buchanan put it then, “In the new war of beliefs, Putin is saying, it is Russia that is on God’s side. The West is Gomorrah.”[2] Putin said:

“Many Euro-Atlantic countries have moved away from their roots, including Christian values. Policies are being pursued that place on the same level a multi-child family and a same-sex partnership, a faith in God and a belief in Satan. This is the path to degradation.”[3]

If you think that Putin is just pulling your leg here, then get this:

The Washington Times reported then:

“In his state of the nation address, Mr. Putin also portrayed Russia as a staunch defender of ‘traditional values’ against what he depicted as the morally bankrupt West. Social and religious conservatism, the former KGB officer insisted, is the only way to prevent the world from slipping into ‘chaotic darkness.’

“As part of this defense of ‘Christian values,’ Russia has adopted a law banning “homosexual propaganda” and another that makes it a criminal offense to ‘insult’ the religious sensibilities of believers…

“Although Mr. Putin has never made a secret of what he says is his deep Christian faith, his first decade in power was largely free of overtly religious rhetoric. Little or no attempt was made to impose a set of values on Russians or lecture to the West on morals.”[4]

Certainly Putin put the moral equation back on the table. Kevin Barrett declared that Putin here was trying to “put the fear of God in the New World Order.” Barrett moved on to make the forceful argument that much of the Zionist establishment in the West is afraid of Putin because the establishment lives in fear. “Russian President Putin is resisting,” said Barrett. “That is why the Western propaganda machine is calling him names.” Barrett continued to argue cogently:

. . .

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1379 on: July 19, 2018, 07:29:01 pm »

About the poll above re: the % of folks aware of Q-Anon.

1. I realize the sample is quite small and likely quite skewed.

2. Nevertheless, there is probably quite a diversity among the folks reading this thread and some significant diversity among those responding to the poll.

3. Nevertheless, it is likely little more than a good guess hinting at possible percentages in the general population.

4. It might be more of a good guess if we had 24-50 complete it but who knows.

5. So far, it seems consistent that the percentage is at least 80-96% are likely unaware of Q.

6. Regardless, it is at least a good hint that we have our work cut out for us.

7. IF you have experiences with red-pilling attempts, please share them.

8. Most of mine have been positive (except with thee Bible study group).

9. And, actually, the Bible study group has made significant movement over the months.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1380 on: July 19, 2018, 07:39:07 pm »


Q Anon – A Personal Awakening

Jul 19, 2018

Describes his personal awakening to the realities of Q-Anon that was triggered by his wife's observations etc. from her following  Tracy Beanz.


. . .

I tried to ignore it. I had books to write and Q seemed like a waste of time. What’s with the coded messages anyway? And the cryptic questions… what purpose did they serve?

One night in December of 2017, I had a dream where I met a man. As we sat on a couch and talked, he informed me that my understanding of historical events was wrong. One by one, he recalled events from history and corrected my false perceptions of them. Then we got up and walked into a large, open room. As we walked, he asked questions. He mentioned the names of a couple of famous people. Then he mentioned a news headline  “Do you remember these people? Do you remember the event? How are they connected?” He brought up another event and a couple more people. “Do you know who they are? How were they involved?”

The questions went on. In the dream, I realized that this was exactly the way Q speaks. Suddenly, he stopped and turned to look me in the eye. “Do you understand that this is primarily about the children?” With that, the dream ended.

You might think dreams are random, meaningless occurrences. But I’ve learned otherwise. I spent the next week reviewing videos that decoded Q posts. Then I began researching Q for myself. It wasn’t long before I had a grasp of the overall message Q was conveying. A few weeks later, I was doing my own Q decodes on Periscope and then Youtube.

Q was first embraced by those who follow internet conspiracies. I suspect that was by design. Q could have posted about any one of a thousand topics but he chose ones that interest conspiracy researchers. Why? Because he was recruiting researchers for a specific type of work. What better way to bring them aboard than to drop intelligence (from reliable government sources) on their favorite subjects?

Q’s mission happens to involve people who are the subject of conspiracy theories but his discussion of those subjects has been limited because (at this point in the operation) the more those subjects are discussed, the more the entire thing appears to be a conspiracy. Developing a core group of dedicated researchers was necessary to get the program off the ground. Q provided just enough information on those subjects to recruit the right kind of people but not enough to destroy the credibility of the program. Over time, Q has posted on subjects that are more mainstream.

Many articles have been written attempting to debunk Q. I’ve read nearly all of them. Two approaches are commonly used. Critics generally attack the credibility of people reporting on Q rather than scrutinizing Q personally or analyzing the things he’s posted. (I have yet to see anyone attempt, let alone succeed at debunking the information Q has provided.) These personal (ad hominem) attacks on Q researchers do nothing to help determine whether Q and his information can be trusted.

. . .

{Qx: Those who fail to understand the seriousness of the child-sex abuse and child-sacrifice-to-satan problem are failing to understand a major priority and message off and from God Almighty Yehovah}
« Last Edit: July 19, 2018, 07:42:26 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1381 on: July 19, 2018, 08:11:55 pm »

Resources listed by PRAYING MEDIC in the link in the post just before this one:

WWG1WGA: The greatest communications event in history

= = = =


The Story of Q

I’ve been a writer and producer of television and movies working in Hollywood for over 30 years. One of my recent jobs was on the TV series Homeland, where I was involved in creating the season just concluded. The season was about information warfare. It’s a little-discussed subject, and it took a lot of research to find out exactly what this protean form of conflict is all about. The past season of Homeland offers a pretty good primer in some of the basic techniques and counter techniques.

. . .

= = = =


15 JUL 2018

Chris Jacobson

Christian, Evangelism, Political

Most Americans are currently unaware of the unprecedented and historic underground revolution taking place just outside the mainstream public purview. But that will change very soon. Like a dam ready to burst, this story can’t be contained much longer.

So, what exactly is “The Storm?” Most of us would probably agree that there is a great deal of corruption in our government, but we don’t believe there is much, if anything, we can do about it. Well…

As you read this, there is a brilliant plan being executed to identify, uproot and eliminate the corrupt and downright evil elements in government and society that are deeply entrenched, not only here in the U.S., but worldwide. Well-known, well-respected leaders and celebrities will soon be indicted, tried, convicted and sentenced, which will likely come as a complete shock to many, many good Americans – our friends and neighbors – that have simply been deceived and have bought in to the lies of the Deep State cabal.

Like something from a popular spy novel, this real-life 3D chess match and psychological operation (“PsyOp”) is being played out on the world stage with unofficial narration from an anonymous patriot or team of patriots known as Q.

. . .

= = = =

LISA MEI CROWLEY on Twitter @LisaMei62

= = = = = =

Brazillian Paul Serran on Twitter @paul_serran

Has some good graphics--one of which Q has used.

= = = = =


= = = = = =


= = = = = =


= = = = =
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1382 on: July 19, 2018, 08:44:52 pm »
Re: Red pilling attempts. Good luck. The vst majority of people I have met either don't want to hear it or are convinced by the usual suspects that you are an abject "conspiracy kook", even if the facts are commonly known, easily verifiable, and even reported in the MSM. They don't want to play dot to dot, they don't want to think, they don't want to see through any lens but the rose colored glasses they have on. Any attempt to make them do so will be greeted with derision, shunning, or both.

Others are on the fence. They know there is more to all this than the media are telling them, but aren't sure how far it goes. They don't like the feeling of being profoundly helpless to change anything, to do anything about it, and some are afraid to raise their heads for fear of being somehow targeted. You'd be amazed at how many were fearful of being singled out (out of the vast background) for acknowledging in private conversation that the Clintons were crooked, and the general distrust of government and politicians, already present, has only escalated from there. Still, despite privately acknowledging there is a problem, these people do not want to make waves.

There are the people who have a careful handle on the corruption, likely not all of it (something they admit freely) but the verifiable or strongly indicated by circumstantial evidence corruption out there, and the Liberal Agenda. While many of these people are religious, they may or may not have made the connection between spiritual warfare and the machinations of the Leftists in general and even some on the Right.

Then there are people who need no 'medication', who see clearly, whose scales have fallen from their eyes and understand what forces are at play and what is at stake.

There is no point in trying to red pill the first group. They flee to the comfort of their chains, and their delusions, that warm dark cell in which they feel safe. Any attempt to rout them from those abodes of the psyche will be met with resistance unparalleled except for perhaps trying to displace a badger or wolverine from its den.

The second group can be gently and gradually shown the depths of depravity if gently guided through the mass of information which indicates just what is going on out there. Move too fast, though, and you'll lose them, short of them having a personal experience that amounts to an epiphany.

The third group is already seeking more information, and mere guidance is plenty.

The rest need no pill.

Note, I left out the players themselves, who are well aware of their actions.

The 'bell' curve is seriously skewed toward the first group, and tapers fairly rapidly toward the fourth, from what I have seen. Perhaps the distribution is more bimodal (1 and 3 or 1 and 4) than I give credit.

But, in general, those have been my observations.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1383 on: July 19, 2018, 08:51:09 pm »
Re: Red pilling attempts. Good luck. The vst majority of people I have met either don't want to hear it or are convinced by the usual suspects that you are an abject "conspiracy kook", even if the facts are commonly known, easily verifiable, and even reported in the MSM. They don't want to play dot to dot, they don't want to think, they don't want to see through any lens but the rose colored glasses they have on. Any attempt to make them do so will be greeted with derision, shunning, or both.

Others are on the fence. They know there is more to all this than the media are telling them, but aren't sure how far it goes. They don't like the feeling of being profoundly helpless to change anything, to do anything about it, and some are afraid to raise their heads for fear of being somehow targeted. You'd be amazed at how many were fearful of being singled out (out of the vast background) for acknowledging in private conversation that the Clintons were crooked, and the general distrust of government and politicians, already present, has only escalated from there. Still, despite privately acknowledging there is a problem, these people do not want to make waves.

There are the people who have a careful handle on the corruption, likely not all of it (something they admit freely) but the verifiable or strongly indicated by circumstantial evidence corruption out there, and the Liberal Agenda. While many of these people are religious, they may or may not have made the connection between spiritual warfare and the machinations of the Leftists in general and even some on the Right.

Then there are people who need no 'medication', who see clearly, whose scales have fallen from their eyes and understand what forces are at play and what is at stake.

There is no point in trying to red pill the first group. They flee to the comfort of their chains, and their delusions, that warm dark cell in which they feel safe. Any attempt to rout them from those abodes of the psyche will be met with resistance unparalleled except for perhaps trying to displace a badger or wolverine from its den.

The second group can be gently and gradually shown the depths of depravity if gently guided through the mass of information which indicates just what is going on out there. Move too fast, though, and you'll lose them, short of them having a personal experience that amounts to an epiphany.

The third group is already seeking more information, and mere guidance is plenty.

The rest need no pill.

Note, I left out the players themselves, who are well aware of their actions.

The 'bell' curve is seriously skewed toward the first group, and tapers fairly rapidly toward the fourth, from what I have seen. Perhaps the distribution is more bimodal (1 and 3 or 1 and 4) than I give credit.

But, in general, those have been my observations.

I think your observations are rather accurate. Thanks.

I have realized that I  tend to get a measure first on how conservative someone is. And, how curious they are generally about goings on in such spheres.

If they are conservative and curious or at all even slightly informed, I will likely start with POTUS' Executive Order in December. If they are receptive to that, then I'm likely to go on to the basics about Q.

That strategy has been reasonably well received--again--except for the Bible Study. I still think too many in that group were too concerned about proving the length of their manhood to be rational about much of anything.

There's also some fear of having one's world view knocked katty-wumpus.

Thanks for your excellent analysis. Very well done.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1384 on: July 20, 2018, 01:37:20 am »

I think your observations are rather accurate. Thanks.

I have realized that I  tend to get a measure first on how conservative someone is. And, how curious they are generally about goings on in such spheres.

If they are conservative and curious or at all even slightly informed, I will likely start with POTUS' Executive Order in December. If they are receptive to that, then I'm likely to go on to the basics about Q.

That strategy has been reasonably well received--again--except for the Bible Study. I still think too many in that group were too concerned about proving the length of their manhood to be rational about much of anything.

There's also some fear of having one's world view knocked katty-wumpus.

Thanks for your excellent analysis. Very well done.

The good news is that we don't have to be successful in red-pilling everyone we know.  It would be preferable if we could do so, since it would help to grow the Q Movement, but it is probably adequate to share crumbs of our inside info from Q--just so we can say "I told you so" when the tsunami hits later this year. 

(Well, we won't even have to say anything.  People will remember that we had warned them that the American government, from top to bottom, ranks among the most corrupt in the world [hiding that corruption, of course, behind the Constitutional forms that we still have in place].  And people will remember that we had warned them that our homegrown crony capitalists and other high-society types and media elitists include some of the very foulest, cruelest, God-hating liars on the planet.  And people will remember that we had warned them that the whole mess of corruption and depravity in America is a long-term, demon-energized, worldwide mess. 

People will also remember that we had warned them that more than 40,000 sealed indictments will have to be opened for prosecutions--charging both American and international criminals--many of which prosecutions will entail renditions to Gitmo for military tribunals.  People will also remember that we had warned them that Obama would eventually be revealed as not an American citizen at all, but an enemy combatant from Kenya ushered into the White House by the Deep State conspirators.

Finally, people will also remember that we had warned them, with Qanon's authority, that the capstone of the prosecutions will center on the rape and torture and ritual murder of children in a worldwide network operating all over the world.)

The Future revelations will Prove our Past warnings.  The people who scoffed at us will be instantly red-pilled.  And that will then spread through the populace like wildfire.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1385 on: July 20, 2018, 02:03:23 am »
The good news is that we don't have to be successful in red-pilling everyone we know.  It would be preferable if we could do so, since it would help to grow the Q Movement, but it is probably adequate to share crumbs of our inside info from Q--just so we can say "I told you so" when the tsunami hits later this year. 

(Well, we won't even have to say anything.  People will remember that we had warned them that the American government, from top to bottom, ranks among the most corrupt in the world [hiding that corruption, of course, behind the Constitutional forms that we still have in place].  And people will remember that we had warned them that our homegrown crony capitalists and other high-society types and media elitists include some of the very foulest, cruelest, God-hating liars on the planet.  And people will remember that we had warned them that the whole mess of corruption and depravity in America is a long-term, demon-energized, worldwide mess. 

People will also remember that we had warned them that more than 40,000 sealed indictments will have to be opened for prosecutions--charging both American and international criminals--many of which prosecutions will entail renditions to Gitmo for military tribunals.  People will also remember that we had warned them that Obama would eventually be revealed as not an American citizen at all, but an enemy combatant from Kenya ushered into the White House by the Deep State conspirators.

Finally, people will also remember that we had warned them, with Qanon's authority, that the capstone of the prosecutions will center on the rape and torture and ritual murder of children in a worldwide network operating all over the world.)

The Future revelations will Prove our Past warnings.  The people who scoffed at us will be instantly red-pilled.  And that will then spread through the populace like wildfire.

I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't need Q to confirm that our government is corrupt.

Bush Senior, Clinton, Dubya and Obama each exponentially worse than the other.  Q plays on this knowledge,actually acts like he's gonna do something about it.

We all want to believe it, but I don't see it.

The one thing that got all my "friends" on Freerepublic to become my enemies? I stated a desire for Q to poop or get off the pot!

Q says July was gonna be big, but, how long has it been since we heard from Q? July has only been a bummer for President Trump so far.

I don't need Q to shoot my own beliefs back at me, or to fill my desires...I'm not some stupid Democrat.

If Q wants my further support....he'll need to actually perp walk someone...anyone..., actually, I don't care, just do something besides tell me "trust sessions" or tell me once again that John has a long mustache .....

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1386 on: July 20, 2018, 03:00:50 am »
I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't need Q to confirm that our government is corrupt.

Bush Senior, Clinton, Dubya and Obama each exponentially worse than the other.  Q plays on this knowledge,actually acts like he's gonna do something about it.

We all want to believe it, but I don't see it.

The one thing that got all my "friends" on Freerepublic to become my enemies? I stated a desire for Q to poop or get off the pot!

Q says July was gonna be big, but, how long has it been since we heard from Q? July has only been a bummer for President Trump so far.

I don't need Q to shoot my own beliefs back at me, or to fill my desires...I'm not some stupid Democrat.

If Q wants my further support....he'll need to actually perp walk someone...anyone..., actually, I don't care, just do something besides tell me "trust sessions" or tell me once again that John has a long mustache .....

Welcome to the thread, @KittenClaws

The task of draining the Global Swamp is Herculean.  Trump has to get a lot of things ready for his tsunami of prosecutions.  And he has to bring the prosecutions in a certain order.  And he doesn't want to miss a successful conviction of a bad guy because of getting things done out of the best order.  Besides, he has to make sure the cases are airtight.  He doesn't want any bad guys to get away.  And he doesn't want his prosecutors to use too many plea deals.

Perhaps the best way to appreciate the extraordinary challenge that remains for Trump while he is dodging all the bullets fired at him (metaphorically, thus far) by the Deep State crooks is to read my post on an unrelated thread:,318863.msg1722869.html#msg1722869 

Everything in that post is ultimately tied to things Q has told us about THE PLAN.  I would also add that the whole plan has to be orchestrated with respect to tempo and dynamics for maximum effect.  (Trump needs MAXIMUM EFFECT for this PLAN to work.)

Trump and Q realize that we are all getting impatient.  But that's evidently just too bad for now.  If Trump survives, alive and still in office until late summer, our patience will be vindicated.

As Qanon has said TRUST THE PLAN.  Again, please see my humble summary at the link.  My only concern is that someone might be able to take Trump out before he pulls the trigger of his own truth weapon.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1387 on: July 20, 2018, 03:06:31 am »

I forgot to mention that my post # on that link is #187.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1388 on: July 20, 2018, 03:19:49 am »

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1389 on: July 20, 2018, 03:23:48 am »
Welcome to the thread, @KittenClaws

The task of draining the Global Swamp is Herculean.  Trump has to get a lot of things ready for his tsunami of prosecutions.  And he has to bring the prosecutions in a certain order.  And he doesn't want to miss a successful conviction of a bad guy because of getting things done out of the best order.  Besides, he has to make sure the cases are airtight.  He doesn't want any bad guys to get away.  And he doesn't want his prosecutors to use too many plea deals.

Perhaps the best way to appreciate the extraordinary challenge that remains for Trump while he is dodging all the bullets fired at him (metaphorically, thus far) by the Deep State crooks is to read my post on an unrelated thread:,318863.msg1722869.html#msg1722869 

Everything in that post is ultimately tied to things Q has told us about THE PLAN.  I would also add that the whole plan has to be orchestrated with respect to tempo and dynamics for maximum effect.  (Trump needs MAXIMUM EFFECT for this PLAN to work.)

Trump and Q realize that we are all getting impatient.  But that's evidently just too bad for now.  If Trump survives, alive and still in office until late summer, our patience will be vindicated.

As Qanon has said TRUST THE PLAN.  Again, please see my humble summary at the link.  My only concern is that someone might be able to take Trump out before he pulls the trigger of his own truth weapon.

Thank you The_doc

I want to trust the plan, but the facts are not matching up to that hope

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1390 on: July 20, 2018, 03:24:45 am »
The good news is that we don't have to be successful in red-pilling everyone we know.  It would be preferable if we could do so, since it would help to grow the Q Movement, but it is probably adequate to share crumbs of our inside info from Q--just so we can say "I told you so" when the tsunami hits later this year. 

(Well, we won't even have to say anything.  People will remember that we had warned them that the American government, from top to bottom, ranks among the most corrupt in the world [hiding that corruption, of course, behind the Constitutional forms that we still have in place].  And people will remember that we had warned them that our homegrown crony capitalists and other high-society types and media elitists include some of the very foulest, cruelest, God-hating liars on the planet.  And people will remember that we had warned them that the whole mess of corruption and depravity in America is a long-term, demon-energized, worldwide mess. 

People will also remember that we had warned them that more than 40,000 sealed indictments will have to be opened for prosecutions--charging both American and international criminals--many of which prosecutions will entail renditions to Gitmo for military tribunals.  People will also remember that we had warned them that Obama would eventually be revealed as not an American citizen at all, but an enemy combatant from Kenya ushered into the White House by the Deep State conspirators.

Finally, people will also remember that we had warned them, with Qanon's authority, that the capstone of the prosecutions will center on the rape and torture and ritual murder of children in a worldwide network operating all over the world.)

The Future revelations will Prove our Past warnings.  The people who scoffed at us will be instantly red-pilled.  And that will then spread through the populace like wildfire.

I agree fairly wholesale.

I have posted to POTUS that it is not helpful for Q to be silent too long. The Q troops need encouragement. They need fed. They need raw material to use with their social network.

I realize getting all the ducks in a row sufficient to lower the hammer or the guillotine is INCREDIBLY COMPLEX AND DIFFICULT as well as very TIME-CONSUMING.


100's of high level CEO's have resigned.
Dozens of Congress critters have resigned and agreed to not come back.
40,000+ sealed indictments are on the states website records. 
It's not certain but there are rumors that some evil doers' wealth has been confiscated.
There are more than 3,000 children who have been rescued from child traffickers and child abusers.
The NXVM sex cult has been surfaced and significantly exposed.
A number of evil doers in the White House have been fired/removed.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1391 on: July 20, 2018, 03:25:07 am »
Oh, and of course , I fear for and desire our Presidents well as the safety of his family.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1392 on: July 20, 2018, 03:26:33 am »
I don't know about anyone else, but I didn't need Q to confirm that our government is corrupt.

Bush Senior, Clinton, Dubya and Obama each exponentially worse than the other.  Q plays on this knowledge,actually acts like he's gonna do something about it.

We all want to believe it, but I don't see it.

The one thing that got all my "friends" on Freerepublic to become my enemies? I stated a desire for Q to poop or get off the pot!

Q says July was gonna be big, but, how long has it been since we heard from Q? July has only been a bummer for President Trump so far.

I don't need Q to shoot my own beliefs back at me, or to fill my desires...I'm not some stupid Democrat.

If Q wants my further support....he'll need to actually perp walk someone...anyone..., actually, I don't care, just do something besides tell me "trust sessions" or tell me once again that John has a long mustache .....

It is certainly an understandable feeling many share.

Nevertheless, it boggles my mind to imagine the complexity and time consuming logistics of dealing successfully with all the issues related to dealing with such hideous and saturating evils.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1393 on: July 20, 2018, 03:29:01 am »
I agree fairly wholesale.

I have posted to POTUS that it is not helpful for Q to be silent too long. The Q troops need encouragement. They need fed. They need raw material to use with their social network.

I realize getting all the ducks in a row sufficient to lower the hammer or the guillotine is INCREDIBLY COMPLEX AND DIFFICULT as well as very TIME-CONSUMING.


100's of high level CEO's have resigned.
Dozens of Congress critters have resigned and agreed to not come back.
40,000+ sealed indictments are on the states website records. 
It's not certain but there are rumors that some evil doers' wealth has been confiscated.
There are more than 3,000 children who have been rescued from child traffickers and child abusers.
The NXVM sex cult has been surfaced and significantly exposed.
A number of evil doers in the White House have been fired/removed.

I know it's asking too much, but if it's not in the news, any news, it didn't happen.

Even if it's bad news for libs, there is a news source that will report it q, find it you jerk....and get to doing stuff or at least reporting that you are doing it

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1394 on: July 20, 2018, 03:47:27 am »
I know it's asking too much, but if it's not in the news, any news, it didn't happen.

Even if it's bad news for libs, there is a news source that will report it q, find it you jerk....and get to doing stuff or at least reporting that you are doing it

I'm not sure how sensible that is.

The MSM is VERY THOROUGHLY CORRUPT AND WORKING AGAINST all that POTUS AND Q stand and fight for. I can well understand why they would not cooperate with those traitors at all.

Sean Hannity appears to be an exception etc.

There is clearly some OPSEC OPERATIONAL SECURITY concerns that prevent premature disclosure of more serious levels of dealing with the horrific evils and hideous evil doers.

It WILL NOT WORK to try and deal with the upper tiers of evil doers PREMATURELY. It would be counter-productive. It would have too high a risk for failure with folks that SERIOUSLY NEED to be put away if not executed. They do NOT want ANY of that. They MUST have all their ducks in a row, FIRST.

That's simply logical and necessary.

Our impatience is NOT the most critical part in this project by a long shot.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1395 on: July 20, 2018, 03:54:02 am »
I'm not sure how sensible that is.

The MSM is VERY THOROUGHLY CORRUPT AND WORKING AGAINST all that POTUS AND Q stand and fight for. I can well understand why they would not cooperate with those traitors at all.

Sean Hannity appears to be an exception etc.

There is clearly some OPSEC OPERATIONAL SECURITY concerns that prevent premature disclosure of more serious levels of dealing with the horrific evils and hideous evil doers.

It WILL NOT WORK to try and deal with the upper tiers of evil doers PREMATURELY. It would be counter-productive. It would have too high a risk for failure with folks that SERIOUSLY NEED to be put away if not executed. They do NOT want ANY of that. They MUST have all their ducks in a row, FIRST.

That's simply logical and necessary.

Our impatience is NOT the most critical part in this project by a long shot.

Our impatience is not an issue, Trumps incompetence

He's gonna prove me wrong, I about.......what? 20 years?  I'll have to consult with my Q ball....

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1396 on: July 20, 2018, 05:13:27 am »
Our impatience is not an issue, Trumps incompetence

He's gonna prove me wrong, I about.......what? 20 years?  I'll have to consult with my Q ball....

I see that your claws are out for  POTUS.

You might prepare for your perspective to be humiliated when  all the  facts are in.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1397 on: July 20, 2018, 05:24:26 am »
Thank you The_doc

I want to trust the plan, but the facts are not matching up to that hope
if you think about what plugs drains, it usually isn't something big, but the combined efforts of matted fibers or hairs, with a little grease. At generally .003 inches in diameter or so, hair is one of the smallest things in the house, yet those, acting together can make a real mess of your house and your day. That interlacing is what gives those little hairs that power, and the Deep State fibers are well interwoven. Unraveling that will take time, and I pray that is the delay. 30-40,000 sealed indictments is likely only a beginning.

There is logic in making sure that when pressure is applied, the clog disintegrates, rather than packs together and stops things cold.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2018, 05:27:20 am by Smokin Joe »
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1398 on: July 20, 2018, 05:45:40 am »
if you think about what plugs drains, it usually isn't something big, but the combined efforts of matted fibers or hairs, with a little grease. At generally .003 inches in diameter or so, hair is one of the smallest things in the house, yet those, acting together can make a real mess of your house and your day. That interlacing is what gives those little hairs that power, and the Deep State fibers are well interwoven. Unraveling that will take time, and I pray that is the delay. 30-40,000 sealed indictments is likely only a beginning.

There is logic in making sure that when pressure is applied, the clog disintegrates, rather than packs together and stops things cold.


Well put. Thanks.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1399 on: July 20, 2018, 06:38:11 am »
That's why they are all billionaires and all got elected president.

The American SPECTATOR

18 JUL 2018

It really is quite simple. Everyone is smart except Donald J. Trump. That’s why they all are billionaires and all got elected President. Only Trump does not know what he is doing. Only Trump does not know how to negotiate with Vladimir Putin. Anderson Cooper knows how to stand up to Putin. The whole crowd at MSNBC does. All the journalists do.

. . . .
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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