Author Topic: Q-Anon; Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 1  (Read 212499 times)

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1325 on: July 10, 2018, 08:53:01 pm »

Drain The Swamp! : Pedophilia In Australia--Pt2

Brief overview of information provided by a cult survivor, Fiona Barnett a satanic cult survivor from Australia.

Australian Human Rights Commissioner Rosalind Croucher led Bathurst City Hall Ritual Murder

5 JUL 2018

. . .

Have you ever wondered why there is so much injustice in the world? Ever wonder why the courts favour monsters who rape and kill our kids? I'll tell you why...

Newly appointed Australian Human Rights Commissioner Rosalind Croucher ruled that Suncorp must compensate a man convicted of child pornography (who lied on his resume to
  • about his kiddie porn conviction) for refusing to hire the pedophile. Listen to the story here:

Does this make sense? No? I will tell you why...

. . .

Who is Rosalind Croucher?

. . .

I know who she is, and why she would support a pedophile. Rosalind Croucher is one of the cold witches who presided over the ritual murder and pedophile orgy, held at Bathurst City Hall when I was a minor. Rosalind Croucher was one of the high priests who stood on the Bathurst City Hall stage along side Australian cricket captain Richie Benaud, shit actor Bruce Spence, NSW Police C ommissioner John Avery, and head of ASIO child trafficking Kim Beazley Senior.

. . .

Rosalind Croucher watched on as Bruce Spence raped me on stage. Rosalind Croucher looked on as a fully pregnant 'breeder' was sliced open and her baby ripped as part of the black mass ritual. Rosalind Croucher watched as a line of children were ritually murdered. Rosalind Crouch[er] looked on as the entire crowd broke out into an orgy in which she participated.

. . .

But I pose the question that will be on the mind of many citizens: Are these the rantings of an insane woman? Fiona has been called a mental case before. I see that she has published an interview between psychologist Nerida Saunders and Shane Nagle (2 February 2015) on her website:


"NAGLE: Is it your professional opinion that Fiona Rae Barnett is sane?

"SAUNDERS: It is my professional opinion that Fiona Rae Barnett is sane. Fiona is also highly intelligent and has insights that are far beyond those of the average citizen ...


Fiona appears sane, competent, resililent and exceptionally bold to have survived her journey. For her to have endured all the trauma and to tell the tale, even if it gets proven as only partly true, is beyond extraordinary.

. . .

In the 1980s, in the US, there were rumours that boys were being procured from orphanages and flown to 'service' politicians in Washington DC.

The Washington Times did go so far as to make a headline out of the "White House parties," and People Magazine's year-long investigation found the stories were true--identifying George Bush (Snr), Dick Cheney, and John Sununu (Snr) as paedophiles. But that story never went to print.

Former Rep. Senator John Decamp was involved in a documentary called "Conspiracy of Silence" that exposed a network of leaders. But before it went to air in 1994 on the Discovery Channel, the documentary was allegedly sold and all copies destroyed.

. . .

Today, in 2018, misconduct by high profile people, or those suspected of it, is being exposed at an unprecedented, even exponential rate. This was assisted by The Royal Commission. Initially, I think people thought, "Oh a few rotten apples (priests) will be exposed." But now we have been shown that the culture of abuse is rife--among almost all institutions. And what the RC found may only be the tip of the iceberg.

In November 2017, the investigative reporter Mark Williams-Thomas, the ex-police detective from Surrey who exposed the Jimmy Saville scandal, said, "Until now, abuse within sport has been largely ignored, yet the problem is enormous, affecting many thousands of victims." The revelation is being called bigger than the Saville case.

. . .

Even if Fiona's accusations are but 20 percent true, that would still be truly shocking--and requiring of immediate action. Thus, if she has recalled these traumatic events accurately, and these accusations are substantially true, then Australian society better be prepared to have all their normal beliefs and expectations shattered.

. . .



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« Last Edit: July 10, 2018, 08:55:49 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1326 on: July 11, 2018, 02:08:19 am »
This David Zublick vid is serious ADDITIONAL EVIDENCE OF THE HORRIFIC CHILD SEX ABUSE, TRAFFICKING, SATANIC SACRIFICE POTUS TRUMP referred to IN HIS DEC EXECUTIVE ORDER outlining his justification for declaring a state of emergency and carefully planned efforts to bring such to an end and to justice.

Cardinals To Force Pope To Resign

David Zublick Channel 8 JUL 2018

You may want to skip to minute 0:50 to get past the intro noise etc.


A coup is underway in Rome to force the resignation of Pope Francis, due to the attention he has been drawing to the Catholic church’s association with the Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult. Will the church hierarchy be able to silence him before a second attempt is made to enforce an arrest warrant that went violently wrong back in June? And if he refuses, will an assassination be their next option? David Zublick unseals the horrible truth in this special report!

I have finally listened to a good bit of this. It is far more serious than I was prepared to think it was.


. . .

The College of Cardinals in Rome convened last week a special Conclave of the Cardinals of Rome to determine whether or not to ask for the immediate resignation of Pope Francis, according to a Vatican source.

The reason behind it--the Pope is bringing too much attention to the Roman Catholic Church and their crimes against humanity--in particular,  their association with the Ninth Circle Child Satanic Sacrifice cult--in which children are sexually abused, tortured and then murdered via a sacrifice to satan.

Apparently with the recent attempted arrest* of Pope Francis in Geneva Switzerland and the attention that it garnered worldwide among the alternative media--even though it was pretty much ignored by the MSM, the higher-ups within the Roman Catholic Church had begun to feel that Pope Francis poses a larger threat to their ability to maintain their cult without interruption--than he would if he were to continue to remain as Pope [I know--not a logical sentence]. And therefore, they are considering asking him to resign--prior to August 25th when he scheduled to deliver a special public Mass in Dublin Ireland.

{*by The International Common Law Court of Justice--> was evidently approved by Inter-Pol Authorities as well as Judicial & Police Agencies in Spain, America, Russia and Serbia}

At that particular event, a second attempt will be made to arrest the Pope on charges of crimes against humanity.

A previous arrest was attempted on Jun 21st, the summar Solstice, in Geneva Switzerland.

But that attempt was thwarted and those attempting to serve the arrest warrants were beaten by Vatican security.

If the Cardinals of Rome cannot convince Pope Francis to resign and perhaps be put under special protective custody--as has been his predecessor, Pope Benedict, for crimes against humanity--including child sex trafficking and pedophilia--it may be necessary to eliminate Pope Francis in another manner. . . .

. . .

. . . {about minute 4:00} . . . this same July 5th, charges were filed in a European Court against the Pope for aiding and abetting a criminal conspiracy involving torture and child sacrifice.

The disappearance of 8 children from {Roman} Catholic facilities in Switzerland and Italy--plus being party to an aggravated assault with murderous intent designed to obstruct justice on June 21st.

The July 5th filing regarded common law peace officers who were assaulted and beaten by Vatican security in Geneva as they attempted to enforce an arrest warrant on Bergoglio.

According to an informant on the confrontation that took place at the {Roman} Catholic Basilica Notre Dame on Rue during the World Council of Churches meetings, Bergoglio had been confirmed as planning to participate in a child sacrifice and therefore, our intention could be regarded as a success in terms of stopping the ritual.

It's the same Basilica where children went missing in 2014; and ritual killing was indicated.

Back in February of 2013, Pope Francis and 3 top Vatican officials had been convicted by the International Common Law Court of Justice, in Brussels, for crimes against humanity--that included running an international child trafficking ring, plus organizing and raping children during child sacrifice rites in {Roman} Catholic facilities.

Along with Pope Francis, 5 prominent members of his Vatican satanic ninth circle child sacrifice cult were also charged with crimes. All will be served a summons to appear in court to answer these charges.

The same claims are also filed with the European Court and Criminal Trial Division of the ICLCJ Court.

The Cardinals were concerned about Bergoglios upcoming visit to Ireland where, according to a Vatican source, local common law Sheriffs planned to detain him under the same standing arrest warrant that the assaulted peace officers in Geneva tried to enforce.

. . .

. . . the Cardinals are protecting their cult and their money.

Pope Benedict had turned in his unprecedented resignation {which had been predicted by Tom Horn and co-author of EXO-VATICANA, more than a  year ahead of time} just days after being convicted by the ICLCJ Court of the same charges: human trafficking, rape and child sacrifice. Benedict has avoided his arrest warrant and still resides under the protection of the Vatican.

A planned satanic black mass--Ninth Circle child sacrifice ritual--scheduled for the summer Solstice on midnight June 21st was cancelled after Pope Francis avoided arrest that same day. . . .

{about minute 11:55}

. . . but it's the same Basilica where children went missing in 2014 and ritual killing was indicated.

I suspect their June 21st pact will be sealed in blood.

Jorge Mario Bergoglio, as the liable head fiduciary officer of Vatican Incorporated and the Roman Catholic Church, has been duly convicted in a Common Law Court of Justice, of crimes against humanity and complicity in a criminal conspiracy--including the trafficking & death of children.

ICLCJ case docket number 06182014-001 in the matter of the people versus Bergoglio, Bachand, Shellby et al  18th of July 2014.

The dramatic story of Francis' child trafficking never made the MSM--EVEN THOUGH 48 EYEWITNESSES TESTIFIED before 6 international judges that the Vatican was paid big bucks to regularly funnel children through their pedophile ring to  satan worshiping church leaders, businessmen, politicians and other elites--including  members of European Royal families . . . .

. . .

{about minute 13:36}According to a former employee of the Curia in Rome, rapes and murders of children also took place at the Carnivan Castle in Wales and an undisclosed French chateau. A prosecutor introduced notarized affidavits by 8 others, claiming to witness the same crimes organized by The Vatican.

Another witness testified that they were present during meetings with the then Argentine priest & bishop Francis and the Military Hunta during Argentine's 1970s dirty war.

According to the witness, Frances helped traffic 30,000 children of missing political prisoners into the Vatican pedophile ring. Some of those children were believed buried in a child mass grave site in Spain, that the Vatican has continuously refused requests for excavation--just as the Vatican has refused requests for excavation of over 32 child mass grave sites believed filled with the mutilated bodies of over 50,000 children who went missing from the Anglican United Church of Canada--though mainly 80 {Roman} Catholic native residential schools across Canada. {I know--poor sentence--he tends to do that in his narration.}

On the one hand, this is almost horrific beyond belief.

On the other hand, The Bible warned us very sternly that the END TIMES would be like it was in the days of Noah . . . and Soddom & Gomorrah. And so it is--whether we want to face it, or not.
« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 02:52:02 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1327 on: July 11, 2018, 02:30:25 am »
Just a CONTRASTING POST  with some edifying uplifting deeds done by more authentic Christians in Hawaii constructing transitional shelters for those displaced by the lava:

HAWAII KILAUEA VOLCANO UPDATE TODAY - Volunteers build additional shelters for evacuees

Serialy CZ  10 JUL 2018

« Last Edit: July 11, 2018, 02:31:05 am by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1328 on: July 11, 2018, 04:21:21 am »
Just a CONTRASTING POST  with some edifying uplifting deeds done by more authentic Christians in Hawaii constructing transitional shelters for those displaced by the lava:

HAWAII KILAUEA VOLCANO UPDATE TODAY - Volunteers build additional shelters for evacuees

Serialy CZ  10 JUL 2018

For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1329 on: July 11, 2018, 03:26:53 pm »

THANKS BIG. Your affirmations are always bright spots in my day/life.

I hope your week is going well and that you have many great dialogues with those you love.

OH, a question . . . what are your reflections on the RCC stuff?

I've been amazingly resistant in the last 30 years to believing a lot of the horror stories about the RCC. But now, the evidence is far too abundant from far too many extremely credible sources. Malachi Martin was a super devastating super highly ranked Vatican source first blowing a huge whistle. But there have been a shocking number of others, imho.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1330 on: July 11, 2018, 04:50:17 pm »
Well, I don't have much opinion on RCC.  I am not a member, but Mrs. Liberty has been since birth, so we don't discuss it much.  Keeps the peace.  :shrug:
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
Castillo del Cyber Autonomous Zone ~~~~~>                          :dontfeed:

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1331 on: July 11, 2018, 05:15:27 pm »
Well, I don't have much opinion on RCC.  I am not a member, but Mrs. Liberty has been since birth, so we don't discuss it much.  Keeps the peace.  :shrug:


However, I cringe at the thought of the trauma they have set themselves up for when the harsh truths flood out undeniably.

Though some  folks 'Denier' is in very robust form regardless of the emphatic undeniability of the evidence.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1332 on: July 11, 2018, 10:32:15 pm »

There is a good printable version at the link posted at this link:

It's a great meaty doc to help red-pill folks seriously interested in the topic. Which, will likely be, everyone sooner than we might think.

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« Last Edit: July 12, 2018, 12:58:37 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1333 on: July 12, 2018, 08:17:43 am »


Operation Roberto 10 JUL 2018

Video compiled by our friend War Drummer

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1334 on: July 12, 2018, 10:53:41 pm »
Have gone over this at some  length:


There is a good printable version at the link posted at this link:

And I have the following responses that I think it fitting to make as worth highlighting:


The world has long been held hostage by a group of power-brokers I have collectively labelled “The Cabal.” They sit in seats of power around the world, making sure they control governments, wars, money flow, and even now the lives of individuals like you and me. They see us as disposable pawns, a sort of natural resource they can spend at will, and this Cabal seeks to grow and expand its power every single day, through all sorts of subversive action, be it class strife, fomenting economic instability, or sending us to die in foreign lands under the guise of patriotism and duty.

The Cabal is not entirely monolithic, but features many different branches. Despite this, they work together and their goals are much the same: the destruction of the West by any and all means, and the creation of a global mega-state.

A large portion of The Cabal are members of a Secret Society that is little more than a Neo-Babylonian Death Cult, and the higher you advance in the cult, the more mutual blackmail is required of you. You see, the higher ranking members want the ability to destroy the lower ranking members at any time. This is achieved through several means, but recording individuals in honeypots, pedophilic acts, and participation human sacrifice are the primary ways in which this is achieved.

That’s not to say this is done against the will of the individuals being blackmailed. Often, they are willing participants in all this, and enjoy performing these kinds of evil deeds. Such is the face of depravity.

Having studied globalism since 1965, I consider the above paragraphs  abundantly obvious to anyone even moderately informed on the topic.

The agenda of the globalists have long been evident in their many quotes in various media for the last century. A good link for researching that is:

imho, it is difficult to be hyperbolic about such issues, forces, actors--the satanic cabal.

To wit--imho, anyone who reads even 5% of the available documents attesting to such goings on and actors--and who is still disbelieving; or who dismisses such evidence and schemes as inconsequential--said individual is either horribly blind, lobotomized, willfully blind, terminally ignorant, terminally stupid, living in another multiverse, or otherwise grossly out of touch with the basic realities operating in our era on planet earth in this timeline.

I have a rapidly decreasing amount of patience with such terminal levels of ignorance and such terminal levels of stupidity.

WAKE-UP FOLKS. The life you prolong thereby may be your own. And if you don't care that much about your own  life--wake-up please, for those you love.


Hillary and Obama are two such members of this Cabal, and though they were high ranking, they are not top dogs (and certainly not since HRC’s failed presidential run in 2016). That day cost them so much power and influence, they didn’t even know what to do. Remember – Hillary didn’t even give a concession speech that night. That was because they never expected her to lose.

Together, as we’ve since learned from the Q drops, they were plotting the complete destruction of the USA (and Russia). And I don’t mean that in some esoteric sense of empires collapsing and coalescing into new empires across time, like the murmurations of flocks birds across the sky. No, I quite literally mean nuclear war, mass drought, disease, and food shortages. I’m talking roving death squads in the streets. The goal was to wipe out two of the biggest threats to the Cabal by making them fight each other, and rule over a fragmented, atomized, neo-Fascist global mega-state, made up of whatever was left over (mostly Europe, Africa, parts of Asia, South America, and Australia).

Again--this is obvious to anyone who has done sufficient homework seriously investigating such forces, actors, schemes.

Denial of such facts is simply evidence of very poor reality testing.


And yet this is exactly what we’ve learned over the past 8 months (as of this writing) by listening to Q. This, in particular, is something he’s called the 16 Year Plan to Destroy America.

And when you start reading the Q drops, you come to understand that this was exactly the Cabal’s plan for years, going back decades. Obama was a Manchurian President, groomed from his youth as a subversive agent of the Muslim Brotherhood, and Hillary, she herself is a literal practicing witch, who once had three “dining” rooms named after her on Epstein’s Pedophile Island; the same island where, until recently, stood a sacrificial temple to Babylonian fertility gods like Ba’al and Minerva. And I call them “dining” rooms because… they weren’t eating anything you’d find in a normal supermarket. No, these people are pedovores, and they are profoundly sick and twisted.

Hey – I tried to warn you this was going to be a hard redpill to swallow. What happens when you read Q is you quickly learn that almost everything you think you know about the world is wrong*. It’s more than just wrong. It’s a deliberate lie, made to perpetuate the power of this Cabal. *CIA Director William Casey is quoted as once remarking to President Reagan that 'We'll know our work is done when everything the people believe is false.' (my paraphrase--fairly close to word for word).

And again – I’m not particularly interested in trying to convince you here – because at a certain point, undeniable proofs will make their way to the public – such as the photo of Obama holding an AK-47, while dressed in full Muslim garb, and shooting what Q calls “red, white, and blue” (but which is probably a person, and not just a flag – though that last bit is just speculation on my part, and it very well may end up being something like a flag).

Furthermore, Q lays out, very clearly how all these scandals – like Uranium 1, like the Iran Deal, like the Paris Accord, like the North Korea situation – all tie into this plan to this 16 year plan, and once you truly grasp what he is saying, you come to understand the sheer level of subversion and evil that has been hidden from Americans for many decades – and conversely, how great things can yet still become once this evil is purged from our lands.

I realize there are still bright folks hereon who somehow manage to  live in a huge state of denial about such facts. That is NOT to their credit. The evidence is abundant and has been for a long  time. In the last few months, the evidence has multiplied geometrically in amount and in quality. Denial of facts and reality is a very poor survival habit/stance.

We all must deal with reality to some large degree--sooner or later.

Folks can delude themselves that they have plenty of time to face reality, to wake-up and can therefore trundle along in their denial ridden, willfully blind stupor in at least fantasized bliss. Doing so for however long it might still remain possible will only INTENSIFY the devastations to one's psyche, emotions, stability, functioning once the horrible truths become inescapable for every citizen in the land and on the planet.

Maybe I'll have some more commentary later. It feels like a nap attack is coming on.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1335 on: July 13, 2018, 05:26:57 am »
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Q-Anon, President Trump & the Government of God

Prayingmedic 12 JUL 2018

Interview with Lisa Perna of 'Touched by Prayer'

'We discuss Qanon, President Trump & the government of God.

Touched by Prayer:

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1336 on: July 13, 2018, 06:04:53 am »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1337 on: July 13, 2018, 07:20:23 am »


DeceptionBytes 12 JUL 2018

Mishel McCumber

{i.e. immunity for aggressively fondling your genitals}

"Federal Court Rules TSA Can Abusively Fondle Your Genitals With Immunity"

'TSA screeners are more like meat inspectors than cops.'
« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 07:23:05 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1338 on: July 13, 2018, 05:01:35 pm »
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Strzok Strikes Comedy Parody Gold: Think Percy Dovetonsils Meets Vincent D'Onofrio Meets Paul Lynde

Lionel Nation
13 JUL 2018

Percy Dovetonsils is a fictional character created and played by television comedian Ernie Kovacs. It is probably the best remembered of Kovacs' many TV incarnations. Private Leonard "Gomer Pyle" Lawrence in Full Metal Jacket was D'Onofrio's great creation. And Paul Lynde was . . . well, Paul Lynde. Hilarity ensued!

Lionel Nation is in his usual inimitable style on this commentary on the Strzok farce before Congress.

If you like Lionel & enjoy him, you'll likely enjoy this one.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 05:02:10 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1339 on: July 13, 2018, 05:12:39 pm »
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Hey you guys!  @Quix put a new poll up!
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1340 on: July 13, 2018, 05:31:10 pm »
Hey you guys!  @Quix put a new poll up!

THANKS THANKS. I greatly appreciate a snapshot of where the respondents are on various issues of current attention.

In terms of this poll--it has the potential to give us a snapshot of how big a job of red-pilling remains.
« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 05:32:18 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1341 on: July 13, 2018, 11:21:46 pm »
Please take 15 seconds and complete the poll above.


Tragedy and Hope 28 JAN 2015

A 36-year veteran of America’s Intelligence Community, William Binney resigned from his position as Director for Global Communications Intelligence (COMINT) at the National Security Agency (NSA) and blew the whistle, after discovering that his efforts to protect the privacy and security of Americans were being undermined by those above him in the chain of command.

The NSA data-monitoring program which Binney and his team had developed -- codenamed ThinThread -- was being aimed not at foreign targets as intended, but at Americans (codenamed as Stellar Wind); destroying privacy here and around the world. Binney voices his call to action for the billions of individuals whose rights are currently being violated.

William Binney speaks out in this feature-length interview with Tragedy and Hope's Richard Grove, focused on the topic of the ever-growing Surveillance State in America.

On January 22, 2015: (Berlin, Germany) – The Government Accountability Project (GAP) is proud to announce that retired NSA Technical Director and GAP client, William "Bill" Binney, will accept the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence Award today in Berlin, Germany. The award is presented annually by the Sam Adams Associates for Integrity in Intelligence (SAAII) to a professional who has taken a strong stand for ethics and integrity.

{I find him extremely articulate, extremely knowledgeable, very personable, precise, accurate, all around great guy kind of personality. The info he shares is sobering but not all that new to many who are well informed on the topic. Still--it is a great overview, summary.

I think it bears on cleaning out the swamp because the intelligence orgs are such an entrenched, powerful and virulent part of the swamp and the oligarchy's control schemes.}

« Last Edit: July 13, 2018, 11:22:56 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1342 on: July 13, 2018, 11:55:24 pm »


However, I cringe at the thought of the trauma they have set themselves up for when the harsh truths flood out undeniably.

Though some  folks 'Denier' is in very robust form regardless of the emphatic undeniability of the evidence.

50000 in 32 sites, an average of over 1500 per site? If so, the mass graves need to be uncovered or some physical evidence shown. Even a LIDAR survey by drone would indicate such a pit. Allegation, even if correct, is one thing, but as they say it isn't what you think or even know, it is what you can prove.
The RCC is a pretty big operation, and I have little doubt there are some bad apples in that orchard. The question is one of how pervasive this sort of stuff is.

I can't help but think that nothing would serve the evil one better than the alienation of people from their beliefs by corrupting a few key persons. It seems the highest profile evangelists have similar problems with money, infidelity, and other disqualifiers, and I can't help but think that those spots of corruption are often a reason for people to discard the entire tablecloth of Christian Salvation.
The media (by their fruits shall ye know them), ever a corrupting influence, take great joy in pointing out those indiscretions great and small, and steering people away, not from the evil done by those who should have been shining examples of a holy life, but from the remaining sources of The Word and the guidance needed to find God.

If they had something that would not take them down, too, they'd gleefully use it. 
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1343 on: July 14, 2018, 12:30:01 am »
50000 in 32 sites, an average of over 1500 per site? If so, the mass graves need to be uncovered or some physical evidence shown. Even a LIDAR survey by drone would indicate such a pit. Allegation, even if correct, is one thing, but as they say it isn't what you think or even know, it is what you can prove.
The RCC is a pretty big operation, and I have little doubt there are some bad apples in that orchard. The question is one of how pervasive this sort of stuff is.

I can't help but think that nothing would serve the evil one better than the alienation of people from their beliefs by corrupting a few key persons. It seems the highest profile evangelists have similar problems with money, infidelity, and other disqualifiers, and I can't help but think that those spots of corruption are often a reason for people to discard the entire tablecloth of Christian Salvation.
The media (by their fruits shall ye know them), ever a corrupting influence, take great joy in pointing out those indiscretions great and small, and steering people away, not from the evil done by those who should have been shining examples of a holy life, but from the remaining sources of The Word and the guidance needed to find God.

If they had something that would not take them down, too, they'd gleefully use it. 

Well put. Good and valid points,  imho.

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1344 on: July 14, 2018, 04:30:09 am »

Thread by @prayingmedic: "1) Peter Strzok testified in an open Congressional hearing yesterday. Lisa Page is testifying in a closed session today (and probably Monday […]" #Qanon #Spygate #ObamaGate

6 hours ago from 22:06 MDT = 16:06 = 4:06 PM

3) I did not watch the testimony of Peter Strzok yesterday. I did catch snippets of the hearing but I'm not terribly interested in what Strzok (or Page) has to say or what Congress has to say at this point.

4) I'm not interested because Strzok and Page (through the DOJ) have not disclosed anything important (yet).

With a couple of exceptions, Congress is in the dark as to what's really going on.

5) #Qanon has laid out the relevant facts on this matter in a series of posts. He's named the players, their roles, the described how mportant information will be disclosed and the likely timeline of events.

We're in the infant stages of this game. It's only the beginning.

6) Speaking of timelines, in February, #Qanon asked researchers to build a timeline of events surrounding the 2016 election.

Q knows the relevant facts and dates but he wants us to learn what he knows so he asks us to research various subjects.

. . .

7) If you're interested in a detailed timeline of events surrounding #SpyGate (or as some call it, #ObamaGate) Conservapedia has a good one.

The below 5 paragraphs are from the above link:


. . .

The Obamagate timeline 2016 election year is a record of known facts about President Obama's misuse of foreign intelligence gathering for domestic political spying,[1] media manipulation, wiretaps, intimidation of journalists and critics, use of government intelligence agencies to influence domestic elections,[2] efforts to thwart the election of President Donald Trump, subversion of the new administration's personnel and agenda,[3] and to delegitimize and undermine his presidency.

During and immediately after that the 2016 Presidential election CIA director John Brennan along with the Department of Justice and the FBI targeted Donald Trump. This covert disinformation campaign became widely known in the fake news mainstream media as Trump-Russia, alleging collusion between Trump and associates with Russia. The side that actually colluded with foreign powers was that of Hillary Clinton.

After President Donald Trump took office in January 2017, seditious activity and an unwillingness to accept the results of a democratic election by Obama holdovers in the US Intelligence Community came to light.
. . .

2009-2015 vanguardism

    See : Obamagate timeline 2009-2015

During a period of November 2015 through April 18, 2016, Justice Department political insiders and outside political contractors, including FusionGPS, accessed the NSA and FBI database using FISA-702(17) “About Queries”. They gathered information on political opposition of candidate Hillary Clinton, including Donald Trump campaign officials and affiliates. NSA Director Mike Rogers suspected illegal abuse and instructed the NSA compliance officer to conduct a full FISA audit. The NSA began querying DOJ and FBI activity.[4]

The unlawfully obtained FISA intelligence information ended up with Fusion GPS. The key personel in FusionGPS are husband and wife Glenn Simpson and Mary Jacoby. Mary Jacoby’s relationship with the Clintons’ goes back to the Rose Law Firm.[5]
. . .

. . .

8) In January #Qanon asked what 19 people were meeting in a safe room where electronic devices were not allowed (SCIF?)

Q suggested there exists classified information about FISA abuse and the surveillance of candidate Trump that Rod Rosenstein is trying to keep from the public.

. . .

9) How damaging is the information?

#Qanon hinted that if the information were made public, some who are involved would choose suicide rather than be tried for their crimes.

Does that sound like what was revealed in the hearing yesterday?

 . . .

10) Not hardly.

Which is why I'm not terribly excited about the hearings (for now). Rod Rosenstein is holding back the dam of damning information about the deep state.

There isn't much to see until the most sensitive messages are declassified and released.

. . .

11) At some point, more damaging texts and emails will be released by the DOJ.

#Qanon suggested there exist messages between FBI agents discussing the possibility of assassination.

(I suspect that involvement by UK intelligence in those discussions will ultimately be proven.)

. . .

13) #Qanon provided a path describing how the deep state set up the Russia narrative to prevent Trump from being elected and remove him from office if necessary.

I provided info on some who were involved (including FBI & DOJ) but the entire operation is outlined here in code,

. . .

15) Sundance at Conservative Treehouse has connected many of the "Russia Setup" players to their roles through his own research.

#Qanon provides a more comprehensive (40.000 ft) view of the operation.

. . .

17) On October 14, 2016, Peter Strzok's wife, Melissa Hodgman was promoted to Associate Director of enforcement at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

. . .

18) Coincidentally, In October, Strzok, and Andrew McCabe were trying to close the Hillary email investigation and prevent anyone at HQ from finding out that the New York field office was trying to get a warrant to search Anthony Weiner's laptop.

. . .

19) #Qanon suggested that Strzok's loyalty was secured with his wife's promotion at the SEC.

. . .

23) On June 5th, the President tweeted about Strzok and Page and that through their texts, we learned that #Spygate began in December of 2015.

. . .

25) #Qanon said the images from London evidenced illegal spying by both British (SIS) and US (White House, FBI, DOJ, CIA) intelligence agents that amount to treason.

Q warned agents on both sides of the Atlantic that the window to make a deal is closing.

. . .

26) In May, #Qanon explained why US intelligence agents travel to London to obtain information. If a US agent accesses a US database, a log is made of the transaction. But if they go to Canada, UK, Australia or New Zealand to get the information, no log is made.

. . .

27) The Five Eyes (FVEY) agreement allows the sharing of intelligence between these five countries in a way that allows them to circumvent their own surveillance laws.

. . .

28) The President drew the world's attention to a point that most people have forgotten.

For the remainder of 2018, nothing else will be as important.

The President said draining the swamp depends on getting the secret documents about #Spygate in the hands of Congress.

. . . .

29) As long as the most damning emails, texts and other forms of communication are being kept from Congress (and us) by Rod Rosenstein, the hearings are pointless (other than the fact that they increase the frustration of those who are trying to help the president.)

. . .

30) And if I were a betting man, I'd wager that part of Trump's strategy is to get House Republicans so mad that they demand the President declassify the texts and emails they've requested.

(There would be rioting if he did it of his own volition.)

. . .

34) #Qanon said the President has already signed an executive order that will declassify the documents Congress wants.

. . .

35) #Qanon has been known to troll the enemies of the President. He let Obama, Hillary, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, UK intel, Page & Strzok know that the Executive Order declassifying their secret messages has been signed and it's only a matter of time before it's released.

. . .

35) #Qanon has been known to troll the enemies of the President. He let Obama, Hillary, Lynch, Comey, McCabe, Rosenstein, UK intel, Page & Strzok know that the Executive Order declassifying their secret messages has been signed and it's only a matter of time before it's released.

. . .

37) As evidence that the President has the upper hand, #Qanon asked us to consider all the people in the FBI (including Strzok & Page) who have been fired or had their power removed.

If the deep state is in control, why are their operators on the sidelines?

. . .

38) Some have complained because Strzok & Page are (or were) still employed by the Bureau

Both are cooperating with DOJ investigators to avoid being charged with treason.

Sundance explained what it means to cooperate with investigators.

. . .

= = = = = = = = = = = =



Posted 14 FEB 2018 by sundance

Included in those names was:  FBI agent Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page, who exchanged anti-Trump text messages during an affair and previously worked on the special counsel’s Russia probe; FBI general counsel James Baker, who was reassigned; FBI head of counterintelligence Bill Priestap, whom ex-FBI boss James Comey testified made the decision not to brief Congress about the Russia case during last year’s election; and Bruce Ohr, a DOJ official reassigned after concealing meetings with figures involved in the dossier.

The January 4th agreement between Devin Nunes and Rod Rosenstein was made after a great deal of back-and-forth.  Chairman Nunes then documented the agreement in a letter.

. . . .
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1345 on: July 14, 2018, 04:58:46 am »



#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
A #QAnon thread on the importance of TRUST.


. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
In the historical drop 3:

"Trust in your president"

. . .


Oct 29 2017 10:47:07 (EST) Anonymous ID: P3Lk4PKG 147104628-->

Open your eyes.
It finally came out that Rob/Bob were key players in the Uranium scandal.

. . .

Gowdy comments on Comey (history will ....)
POTUS has everything.
. . .

Follow Huma.
Operation Mockingbird.
Priority to clean out the bad actors to unite people behind the
America First agenda
Many in our govt worship Satan.
Not about Republicans v Democrats at this stage.
Where is HRC?
Why is NG called up across 12 cities?
Trust in your President.
God bless, Patriots

(3) POTUS is going to have to deal with a barrage #FakeNews from the #MockingbirdMedia. He needs trust from us.

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(4) Who can you trust? NOW, pay attention to the next post:

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(7) POTUS is fuelling the "show", feeding the distrust for his AG.

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(8) Another part of that last drop: we get to know about sealed indictments outside of DC:

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(9) Altough he is not named, enters John Huber:

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(10) 12 deals rejected in December. Now, deals are negociated not in the investigation phase, but in the prosecution, is that not right?


. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(14) "Do you trust the US military? Do you trust the chain of command?"

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(15) Trust Sessions | RATS, EVIL AND TRAITORS.

. . .


Jan 14 2018 14:49:27 (EST) Q !UW.yye1fxo 22-->

TG departure [HEC].
NOT to testify.
NOT needed to testify.
Think logically.
NO NEED to step down if needed to TESTIFY.
What ROLE might TG be walking into?
Who ca WE TRUST?
RATS everywhere -->corrupt politicians and businessmen
EVIL everywhere. -->pedophile and satanists
TRAITORS everywhere. -->Communist and Islamist Infiltrators
. . .

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(16) Beware of major false flags, to change the narrative.

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(19) Admiral R is to be trusted.

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(20) He played the game to remain in control.

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(22) Crooked black leaders can't be trusted.

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(26) Trust that BHO won't come unpunished.

. . .

#QAnon #GreatAwakening #TheStorm #OIGReport #internetbillofrights #WWG1WGA
(32) Trust the videos will come at the right moment.

. . .

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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1346 on: July 15, 2018, 12:59:43 am »

Real Thing TV
23 AUG 2017

Prophetic assertions from his den in 8 AUG 2015.

Qx's transcription notes:

. . . Some of what Kim shares is:

Do not be afraid of North Korea.
Do not be afraid of Iran.
Do not be afraid of the nations--

for in 2016, everything will change, says The Lord.

"There will be a sound of prayers from the White House."

"Pennsylvania Avenue shall be surrounded by people that will pray and ask Me to intervene, and I shall, " says The Lord.

"So what is the foreboding sound? It is the sound of the enemies of America living in America. Those are your greatest enemies who call themselves citizens, but they are enemies of the Cross and enemies of the nation and they shall be dealt with."

"There shall be one exposure after the other. The nations, the nations are in uproar as we all know."

"But The Spirit of God has spoken clearly. These are His Words. The earth is The Lord's and the fullness thereof. And, yet, you see the fear and the trembling from My people. What is this? What fear would be instilled in you by the media that paints the pictures of doom, gloom--the prognosticators of this time?"

"And they say, 'How shall we rid ourselves of ISIS and the pacts made with Iran, our enemies?' "

{Kim holds up a cell phone} The spirit of God says, "This will do it. This tiny instrument that people use every second--I shall do something that shall expose what is taking place in Iran, Iraq, throughout the Middle East, but Iran, specifically."

"There shall be an exposure and they shall say--"such a tiny thing brought the truth out; and such a thing brought down that which is supposed to be upright. And yet they are presently at this very moment laughing with Russia and laughing at this nation. But I will have the last laugh."

"I suddenly saw a word that I don't enjoy speaking. That word is "revival." And I said, "Lord, what do you mean 'revival?' He said, Kim, the people are praying for North Korea, Iran, China, yet the Church is growing in China faster than anywhere else in the world; yet the Church in Iran underneath is greater than the Church in the west. No, this nation needs revival.

God says, they have died and said 'naturalism,' the 'naturalism,'  'secular humanism.' I'm exposing them one minute at a time. And even as you have seen the truth about the little children that are being destroyed and how they laugh about it." God said, "Today I show you what I am about to pour upon My people, those who have given, those who have sowed, and those who have stood the test of time--I'm about to pour upon them unimaginable favor," says The Spirit of God.

"I will heal bodies like I've never healed before. I will raise even the dead. They've said it cannot happen, I will do signs and wonders--Not signs and blunders; but signs and wonders," says the Lord. "As the earth has never seen. I will begin in China and then I will move in Iran and the Middle East, and then I shall flame this country under the leadership of a righteous President," says The Lord.

= = =


God says: "Why have you chosen fear? What is it that causes my people to look to fear? . . . Many have said, 'What about the tsunami that is coming to New York?' " God said, "There is no tsunami coming to New York at this time. Iam The Lord, The Creator. The earth obeys me and I have set certain things to happen. But at this time," God says, "there will be no tsunami. I will show you that there shall be a spiritual tidal wave that shall lift the people to a higher place. Enough of this fear mongering." says the Spirit of God!

Look at Israel, as they are now being rocketed because of handshaking with Iran, your enemy." But God says, "They have not shook my hand! They have not taken My hand in a covenant. Only those who have taken My hand in a covenant shall see the release of my glory in this end-time and it is coming," says The Lord.

"It is coming like a mighty, rushing wind. As it was in the days of Acts on the Day of Pentecost, so it is coming again that My people may breathe the breath of God, that paracletos may once again stand as the 'Comforter' of mankind. I will not hold back" says The Lord. "This is an hour where triumph shall be heard from the north to the south and to the east to the west," says The Lord!

Prophesied on 29 AUG 2015 from the den:

"America, I Created You Unique . . . . It is Not Time For Destruction . . . Where was I when this nation began? . . .

{worth hearing}

A note of caution from Qx: Some of us are keenly aware of Trump's flaws. Certainly God is, too. However, to paraphrase another Scripture.

What God has called righteous, call no man or woman 'unclean.'

It is hazardous to speak actively and forcefully against those God has anointed for His specific purposes with His Spirit, His wisdom, His heart . . .

Some will be brash enough to insist that this word via Kim Clement cannot possibly be from God. I think the working out of it in the time frame Kim specified is plenty clear confirmation that the word came from God.

Kick against the pricks if you wish. Just know God WILL have the last word, the last laugh, and the last consequence of fighting against His purposes and His anointed.

He is NOT SLACK concerning His promises. He is NOT slack concerning His purposes. He is NOT slack concerning His people assigned His projects.

Speak and/or fight against Him or them at your own peril.

I don't think that He would use a character like Trump for His dramatic purposes is such a surprise. God has ALWAYS DELIGHTED to use HIS 'foolish things' to confound the human 'wise.'

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
@Mom MD
@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: July 15, 2018, 07:29:56 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1347 on: July 15, 2018, 01:08:11 am »

Kim Clement Prophecy Octover 20 2017 A vision about President Obama and The Future. Kim Clement.
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1348 on: July 15, 2018, 01:29:47 am »
About minute 00:40:

. . . We learned that in order to appease Iran, Obama derailed efforts by the FBI and DEA to prosecute Hezbollah drug trafficking and money laundering operations out of fears that prosecuting them would disrupt his treasonous nuclear deal with Iran.

Now disturbing new informatioin is coming out about what Obama also did for ISIS terrorists--that are igniting new calls for him to be brought up on charges of {high} treason.

We all suspected for a while that Obama was purposefully putting dangerous arsenal into the hands of ISIS terrorists--after learning about his gun running scheme in Libya--where we armed the Free Syrian Army who is later discovered to be the front group of ISIS.

But now unbelievable evidence of Obama deliberate treason is being revealed after a rogue investigator is breaking rank to reveal startling new dirt on the former President.

Conservative Daily Post reports it is no accident that US supplied weapons made it into the hands of ISIS says anti-war activist Cindy Sheehan. She places blame squarely at the feet of Obama CIA.

His CIA wanted the weapons to get into the hands of extremists, she declares. 

She thinks it was part of the Obama plan to destabilize the Middle East and control resources,  international arms monitor, conflict armament research examined 40,000 recovered weapons left behind by retreating ISIS troops since 2014. In a report described as the most comprehensive to date about how the Islamic state obtained and fielded its weapons--they note that one batch of military weapons covertly supplied to extremist Syrian rebels were being used by ISIS only 2 months after delivery, according to Sheehan. It is unlikely that ISIS outsmarted U.S. intelligence.

Think it is incorrect to assume that the CIA is losing control of its weapons. It seems much more likely that Washington and the CIA wanted the death forces in Syria to have control of many US supplied heavy weapons, including missiles.

. . .

. . .
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Re: Q-Anon; 8chan Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff
« Reply #1349 on: July 15, 2018, 05:18:19 am »


Paul Serran is somewhat concerned about how easy it is for folks to understand his Brazilian accent.

It's a good video that may have some new info for many.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
QUIX thread for Quix GLOBALISM, UFO ETC topics here: WILLIAM TOMPKINS Disclosure bk thread:,224639.0.html . Calling: To afflict the comfortable & comfort the afflicted[/