Author Topic: Q-Anon; Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 1  (Read 212500 times)

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1025 on: June 08, 2018, 11:27:07 pm »


Anthony Bourdain Admits That He Would Eat A Human - Had collection of Trepanning tools (tools to drill holes in human heads) - quote about Dismembering Prostitutes - Girlfriend Asia Argento 'Illuminati' connection - Pedo movie (SICK SH*T)
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1026 on: June 09, 2018, 02:00:42 am »

BRISTOW, Va. - Police have conducted a raid at one of the largest daycare chains in the D.C. region after a teacher's aid was arrested for sexually abusing students.

Officers in unmarked vehicles were seen at Minnieland Academy in Bristow, Virginia Tuesday night, carrying a few computers and brown paper bags full of materials.

. . .

t’s the latest case of abuse to hit the popular Northern Virginia chain. The company has also dealt with lawsuits from a child cruelty scandal at Woodbridge in 2013 and a sexual assault incident at Centreville in 2010.

The company tells FOX 5 they conducted a background check on Boykin when he started working for Minnieland seven years ago. But maintaining records is a different story.

FOX 5 examined Minnieland’s records through the Department of Social Services and found multiple occasions of expired criminal background checks for employees at several locations.

. . .

Evidently the Justice Dept has gotten the message that POTUS is serious about this issue.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1027 on: June 09, 2018, 02:13:54 am »


8 JUN 2018

Anthony Bourdain’s Haunting Tweet Weeks Before His Suicide About How Hillary Clinton’s Goons Harassed Him

Haunting. Bourdain was found Friday after reportedly hanging himself.

It’s no secret that people who cross the Clinton’s wind up dead … mostly from suicide. Just this week, famous designer and Clinton Foundation member, Kate Spade reportedly killed herself. Spade hung herself as well, NYPD officials said. Are Spade’s and Bourdain’s deaths both coincidences?

Seems beyond suspicious. The last thing we need are more conspiracy stories but any good detective would question what has transpired this week.

Something here is amiss.

Back in October of 2017, CNN’s Bourdain made statements regarding Harvey Weinstein, suggesting Hillary Clinton had to know of his history of being a sexual predator. Bourdain’s girlfriend, actress Asia Argento, accused Weinstein of raping her.

. . .


Anthony Bourdain

Replying to @jeffhulme and @talleststone
...and I am in no way an HRC fan. I've been on the receiving end of her operatives' wrath. And it ain't fun,

7:37 PM 02 May 2018

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1028 on: June 09, 2018, 05:22:57 am »
Not sure therefore what . . . but learned here:

Dark Journalist 30 MAR 2018


*(that Nixon purportedly left in the Whitehouse in a place he was certain would not be discovered or disturbed--and evidently planned for it to be revealed around our time period currently)

That Donald Trump's Uncle (Dr John Trump)'s mentor was Dr Vannever Bush (founder of Raytheon etc)

Dr John Trump was called on by the FBI to sort through Tesla's papers etc. on Tesla's death. The two FBI agents never left Dr Trump alone during the sorting process.

Jeanne Dixon, Senator Strom Thurman, Dr Philip Corso, were all very significantly connected.

Dr Robert Oppenheimer was also involved in the UFO project--and likely, Dr Von Braun.

Dr Vannevar Bush (Head of MIT school of engineering) was in charge of the UFO project for a number of years.

Dr Vannevar Bush was also significantly involved in FDR, Truman and Ike's Presidencies.

Jeanne Dixon (I think during Nixon's reign)  went to the White House 80 times, one year.

Nixon predicts in a 1987 letter that Donald J Trump will be President.

Nixon moves in the 1980's to New York. Writes a letter to Donald and encourages him to run. Says that Pat Nixon predicted it. Narrator thinks that Jeanne Dixon predicted that to Nixon. And that she encouraged Nixon to get closer to Donald Trump to influence him toward UFO disclosure for the time when he becomes President.

Trump flew Nixon around a number of times. That letter from Nixon now hangs in Trump's Oval Office.

Evidently Nixon was a lot more significant figure in Trump's life than we might have thought otherwise.

Narrator wonders if Nixon gave Trump info on the White House time capsule.

Trump's uncle's mentor was in charge of the UFO file. So, plausibly, Trump's knowledge of the UFO stuff is markedly above what people would imagine.

Narrator thinks that the fact that Trump likely knows more about UFO's than  folks might imagine is a big part of why the Deep State has been so energetic and ruthless to sabotage Donald Trump ... out of fear/concern he would disclose far too much about the UFO stuff.

PINE GAP AUSTRALIA--major base involved with engineering UFO stuff.

Narrator warns that this information will result in a whole new paradigm--which he's usually quite skeptical of--but not now--about this info.

4 hybrid strands/strains of Merino sheep .... parallel something going on with the PINE GAP technology engineering and evolutions thereof.

2 Aussie Prime Ministers who were opposed to Pine Gap--1 died under mysterious circumstances and his body was never found. The other one was removed from office post haste--in part as a result of Queen E's manipulations, efforts.

The Pine Gap base . . . Snowdon released some of the code names related to Pine Gap . . .

Shows the Nixon letter to Donald Trump. Shows a pic of Trump and Nixon with John Connolly.

"X land" . . .

Not going to send an average guy to sort Tesla's papers. The fact that John Trump was Bush's protege was a key fact.

Bosley worked on the Senora Aero group . . . early flying machines way before the Wright Brothers--were associated with the secret society NYNNZA . . .

{Watch episode from last week}

Dellsehau flying machine engineering drawings ... There are better shots of them on other sources. He shows one with TRUMP written on part of the picture. 4500 series--of the Dellsehau engineered flying machines. Interesting that Trump is 45th President. The Trump is embedded in one of the drawings of the 4500 series machines. There was a Homer Trump embedded in the secret societies.

Narrator doesn't seem to think that Homer Trump's name is the one involved with the Dellsehau engineering drawings etc. Doesn't offer why he feels that way.

Technologies transferred down from the secret "mystery schools."

What are we looking at with the possibilities of the time capsule coming forward during Trump's Presidency.

1:18:54 minutes

SUMMARIZES at about that minute . . .

Tesla's Death Ray had the ability to take down flying objects from great distances from a remote location.

ENERGY INDEPENDENCE ASPECT {Trump has mentioned that sort of thing--as a goal to bring forward for the citizens}.

Another example that the UFO stuff played trouble with Presidencies.

Concludes with many others (e.g. Stanton Friedman) that Nixon was on the brink of UFO disclosure.

Merino is also a code word for Pine Gap . . .

X-KEYSCORE could dial in on any phone call, email, etc. anywhere, any time etc.

Nixon and Whitlam sp?) are thrown out of office near time--within a year of each other.

LBJ ... Billy Solestes sp? . . . came out of prison and wanted to give testimony about all the murder hits LBJ assigned him to--including JFK.

There's significant evidence about the time capsule.

Hypothesis: Nixon knows Trump will be President because of Jean Dixon's predictions . . . Believes that Trump is now hearing about Nixon's time capsule.

All the power was coming out of Boston . . . during that period of time . . .

Ike has the stroke, Nixon takes over. They move the UFO file more distant from Nixon . . .

Lewis Alexando is counter intel. His boss was John Brennen--their kick was to drone people at weddings (Iraq?, Syria etc)

We don't need funny people speaking about it because we've had good researchers for 70 years.

PINE GAP article is in THE NATION ... and a 70's documentary done in Australia by Stan Deyo.

Stan Deyo understood that Nixon was involved in the UFO stuff.

THE TIME CAPSULE is something that Nixon described to Robert Merit ... They liked his style ... and when Watergate hit--there were 3 meetings with Robert Merit under the White House

Nixon had insomnia and liked to solve problems at 03:00

Merit is in the Watergate history.

Nixon red Merit the letter that he wanted Merit to give to Henry Kissinger.

The letter had a formula that would make any nation energy independent. And noted that he would leave a copy of the letter as a time capsule hidden in plain sight and is definitely still there.

Merit offered instructions for finding it to the National Archives BUT ONLY IF THEY WOULD READ IT OUT LOUD TO THE AMERICAN PEOPLE PUBLICLY. They stonewalled Merit. It's a 5 page letter that contains info about the UFO file and managing the alien presence. It would definitely move the culture if it were to come out.

Merit doesn't think he will be alive much longer.

Yes, we are disclosure's door . . . more to do with maturing of the technologies . . .

The nature of the secret they are withholding is transformative. ... not just a black/white question.

Narrator: doesn't think the tech that we discover on the other side that we really understand it still.

There are breakthroughs involved, however. that the oil tech is absurd and mostly to keep the power positions in play . . . of a small group of controllers controlling 7 billion people.

One of Katherine Austin Phipps . . . Churchill said: Tell the people (about Hitler) We should use it about the UFO stuff.

An inventor friend of Dixon's got her estate. When he died, they auctioned it all off. It had crossed my mind that Dixon had the UFO file.

There's no question that Ike warned JFK about the UFO stuff and it being pulled away from the Presidency after Ike's stroke.

Trump must know all about the UFO file via Vanneover Bush to Trump's uncle etc.

Narrator does not agree that Presidents are read into the UFO info.

Is Daniel (Narrator) concerned about Trump's survival (Yes).

There's a CIA block on the info coming forward . . .

As soon as Trump was elected, they started using fake news against him.

Trump is the greatest danger to the Deep State since JFK. They have their 50 year plans . . . depopulation . . . North American Free zone no longer with our Constitution.


Lockheed Martin, Boeing, Garrison info whited out . . .

The CIA should not be allowed to remove a sitting President--particularly over the UFO files.

Finnish woman Dr Rodney Kihlda sp? .... now deceased . . . has an extraordinary interview with Miles Johnson . . . {sounds new agey} Was in charge of the medical world for Lapland in Finland.

Tesla was born during a lightening storm.

= = =

Not sure therefore what . . .

1. I'm not thrilled by the involvement in the occult on Tesla's part and certainly Jeanne Dixon's involvement.

2. Not thrilled that Dr Vannevar Bush was that connected with Trump's uncle.

3. I don't have any evidence whatsoever that would support my wary feeling about all such. It just is. And, I wouldn't be candid if I failed to note it.

4. I will say that this talk is one of the better historical narratives I've watched on the topic for that period.

5. I am encouraged and somewhat comforted that the Christian mentors to POTUS TRUMP will likely be very on top of any occult influences reaching down from that history. And CERTAINLY Melania will be super watchful of such issues.


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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1029 on: June 09, 2018, 05:28:43 am »
You, Quix, posted: "The time for being hostile to God's efforts to clean out the filthy, corrupt, child sex abusing and sacrificing satanic cult--is WELL past."
"--the time is coming when such folks will find themselves on the other side of an eternal line--an eternal gulf--apart from God."

“Operator Redbeard gives us another update, and tells us that, yes, they’re about to deploy to another site they’ve found (out of Tucson, Arizona), and they’ve found a lot more evidence that yes, this is a human trafficking operation – and not some homeless camp like the local media is reporting.”

Redbeard wants people like you, Quix, to go to Tucson and help them find more locations where children were held underground in Septic tanks, and find trees where children were tied up and raped.  I'm sure you are on your way there in order to not be left "on the other side of an eternal line--an eternal gulf--apart from God" because you didn't help find these children.  Since you know about this, it is your duty to do something other than post from your easy chair.  After you return, let us know what you found.

Write another book about prepping from your easy chair Marcella. Get some poster prints of your degrees. And run for public office.

Why don't you go sit in a concrete box with people who commit these crimes for years and THEN tell someone else where that easy chair is.

Your opinion is for shit.

You insist on your opinion of the world. Live in mine. Live in @Quix 's.

You Know Better. YOU KNOW BETTER.

There is no greater crime, IMO, than child abuse. The capper is that abuse for sexual gratification.

Equality. Spousal abuse. Two way street. And I know you know exactly that history.

And if you don't: stfu.

But you KNOW.
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1030 on: June 09, 2018, 07:06:55 am »
Write another book about prepping from your easy chair Marcella. Get some poster prints of your degrees. And run for public office.

Why don't you go sit in a concrete box with people who commit these crimes for years and THEN tell someone else where that easy chair is.

Your opinion is for sh*t.

You insist on your opinion of the world. Live in mine. Live in @Quix 's.

You Know Better. YOU KNOW BETTER.

There is no greater crime, IMO, than child abuse. The capper is that abuse for sexual gratification.

Equality. Spousal abuse. Two way street. And I know you know exactly that history.

And if you don't: stfu.

But you KNOW.

Welllllllllllll, That's sure a powerful perspective and I can kind of understand some of what may have triggered it. I don't know if @Victoria33 will respond, or not. We shall see.

I certainly agree that we are talking about horrific child abuse, human trafficking etc. imho, there's only one side of that to stand on--God's side--the kid's side--the victims' side. There's no other rational side to stand on, imho.

Anyway--thanks for a heart-felt reply.

I think Victoria33 is rather annoyed with me and my stance about Trump. I think that fuels her lashing out with satire or some such. I think she has a good heart at her core. But I think her biases and perspective are seriously coloring how she sees life, Trump and my posts about such things.

I have a bias that we all do well to be charitable and kind virtually regardless--at least as the first several responses. I agree that when someone comes at us relentlessly with a meat axe we may have to become rather stern and resistant but I hope I don't respond that way initially.

I would also imagine that Marcella's prepping book comes from tons of research and experience. She doesn't tend to do things half-way.

Anyway--thanks for bothering to reply. Most don't. LOL
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1031 on: June 10, 2018, 01:03:19 am »

The truth is the truth. Every living person understands that. The problem is when they try to make the truth fit theirs. And it only gets worse when they try to suck others into that.
THAT is the history we are being fed.

But it isn't the truth.

And I have had enough of "their" truth...

Peace out.
« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 01:05:12 am by bigheadfred »
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1032 on: June 10, 2018, 01:32:10 am »

The truth is the truth. Every living person understands that. The problem is when they try to make the truth fit theirs. And it only gets worse when they try to suck others into that.
THAT is the history we are being fed.

But it isn't the truth.

And I have had enough of "their" truth...

Peace out.

I can sure identify with THAT feeling!

Their hypocritical duplicity & willful blindness boggle the mind.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1033 on: June 10, 2018, 01:34:32 am »

The truth is the truth. Every living person understands that. The problem is when they try to make the truth fit theirs. And it only gets worse when they try to suck others into that.
THAT is the history we are being fed.

But it isn't the truth.

And I have had enough of "their" truth...

Peace out.
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1034 on: June 10, 2018, 01:10:07 pm »
Don't recall if I've listed this one, or not:


"High Level Elite PEDOS On The RUN Right After Trump Signed Executive Order For Their Arrest"

He covers a lot of territory  . . . including asserting intel allegations re: Tillerson's hideous escapades as a Boy Scout leader and on a trip to Pakistan.

Also some info re the military tribunals etc.

May be worth the interest of many of you, if you are keenly interested in such issues and details.

The Narrator is a bit dry, droll, matter-of-fact about a lot of emotionally intense issues.

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1035 on: June 10, 2018, 01:19:09 pm »

"Pilot Who Heard Every Word Of Clinton/Lynch Secret Meeting Breaks His Silence" Now Dead

"The pilot who flew the plane for the secret meeting between Bill Clinton, Loretta Lynch and, recently disclosed, Paul Ryan, is breaking his silence for a $2 million payday that is sure to put his life in danger . . .

According to noonan: "The three of them sat like old friends and discussed strategies and made treaties. Clintons crimes were to be set aside until his wife finished 2 terms of working with Republicans to shore up the base and 'move away from these Trump loving racists' as Ryan put it.

Lynch would seal the deal by not investigating the Clintons further. Ryan gets to remain Speaker, the Democrats get the Senate and the White House and 2024 is up for grabs."

. . . There will be no interview today; Noonan is dead.

Noonan was being held in a secure, undisclosed location by security professionals from Fox news. All are highly trained retirees from US Special Forces with multiple hand to hand kills in the field.

. . .

« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 01:19:44 pm by Quix »
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Offline Victoria33

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1036 on: June 10, 2018, 02:54:27 pm »
I know in that long list of items I  posted a short while ago, it was affirmed that the Hawaii eruptions are natural--without man caused involvement. I tend to believe that--whatever the source. It has just 'felt' in my spirit that it is natural.  Nevertheless, I do believe that we do have the Tesla tech capable of triggering earthquakes. I do believe that the oligarchy would likely not hesitate to use such to cause whatever levels of disasters needed to take their key public people off the hot seat etc.

Read the above to Bob, Earth Scientist/Geologist/Chief Scientist for Exxon/Mobil until retirement:
1. Man cannot cause volcano to erupt.
2, Man could only cause a small earthquake using explosive under ground - even a nuclear bomb as we have now, placed underground, could not cause a huge earthquake. 
3. To make a nuclear bomb big enough to cause a huge earthquake, man could not dig that far underground where it would have to be placed nor could they get the huge nuclear bomb there. 
4. If there is already a fault and an explosive is placed in the fault, the earthquake would still not be large enough to cause massive earthquake.
5. No man made earthquake could be large enough to cause, by transfer of energy, more earthquakes in the ring of fire.

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1037 on: June 10, 2018, 03:25:38 pm »
"A controversial federal judge thinks firing squads and guillotines should come back in style as the debate over executions in Arkansas rages on.  If we as a society are willing to take away human life, we should be willing to watch it."

Executions in Texas:
All criminal executions, by lethal injection, in Texas, happen in Huntsville, Texas.  Family members and the criminal's lawyer can view the execution.  They sit in a room with a large glass window in it and the criminal is behind the glass for them to see. 

I lived less than 20 miles from there for 20 years.  One time, in about 2008 maybe, I went to my regular beauty shop in Huntsville as I did every week.  After beauty shop, stopped at a Walgreens drugstore, then was going to grocery store.  When I got to Walgreens entrance, there was a policeman.  He asked where I was going after drugstore.  I told him which grocery store.  He said quickly get what you need there and leave town, going around the town instead of straight through downtown which is the way I usually went.  That downtown route takes one by the front of the prison.

He told me, a black criminal killer was going to be executed and the Black Panthers were in town going into stores.  He said don't go in the grocery store if I saw a Black Panther close to the store or in front of the store.  All stores in the downtown area around the courthouse had closed, including all the banks.

I made my purchase in Walgreens and went to grocery store, seeing no Black Panthers, quickly got my groceries and went the route around the town to get home.

An official who worked at the prison was one of our Republican Party election judges.  He told me the way an official is chosen to start the chemicals going into a criminal, is by a rotating list of the officials.  He had been the one recently to start the chemical going into a convicted killer, and said he felt good when he did it as no one was safe with that killer being alive.  What I have written is the way executions happen in Texas.

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1038 on: June 10, 2018, 04:14:15 pm »
Read the above to Bob, Earth Scientist/Geologist/Chief Scientist for Exxon/Mobil until retirement:
1. Man cannot cause volcano to erupt.
2, Man could only cause a small earthquake using explosive under ground - even a nuclear bomb as we have now, placed underground, could not cause a huge earthquake. 
3. To make a nuclear bomb big enough to cause a huge earthquake, man could not dig that far underground where it would have to be placed nor could they get the huge nuclear bomb there. 
4. If there is already a fault and an explosive is placed in the fault, the earthquake would still not be large enough to cause massive earthquake.
5. No man made earthquake could be large enough to cause, by transfer of energy, more earthquakes in the ring of fire.
While I generally agree with Bob, I don't think it is a question of if it could be done, but a question of being able to make things happen in any given location.

In order to make severe earthquakes happen, a tectonic boundary under extreme stress would have to be identified, along an existing fault. Any less would not be likely to move, regardless, except in a minor way (injection well induced movements, for instance, like those related to salt water disposal or geothermal wells). These only increase the fluid pressure and lubricate existing faults which relieve stress in relatively minor events.

Those circumstances do not exist everywhere, and for the most part only in specific regions. Identification is problematical, inducement even more so.

In order to induce volcanic activity (if possible), a magma chamber would have to be nearly ready to erupt, the pressure in that chamber increased, or the overlying rock weakened to allow the release of pressure (like the massive slide that opened up Mt. St. Helens).

While it might be possible to find a spot or two on the planet where those conditions can be met and successfully induced to cause either a major quake, eruption, or even both, it would be unlikely to meet all the necessary perquisites from a geological standpoint, and the logistics of implanting a large enough device to do so (and having the device survive the high temperatures long enough to be detonated) would be pretty difficult. 

Even given that all of that did exist, there is a question of where those conditions would be met, and frankly, that would not just be a case of deciding to have an earthquake or eruption where the dart hits the map. Such opportunities, if they exist at all, would be extremely limited and location specific. 
How God must weep at humans' folly! Stand fast! God knows what he is doing!
Seventeen Techniques for Truth Suppression

Of all tyrannies, a tyranny sincerely exercised for the good of its victims may be the most oppressive. It would be better to live under robber barons than under omnipotent moral busybodies. The robber baron's cruelty may sometimes sleep, his cupidity may at some point be satiated; but those who torment us for our own good will torment us without end for they do so with the approval of their own conscience.

C S Lewis

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1039 on: June 10, 2018, 06:50:49 pm »
Read the above to Bob, Earth Scientist/Geologist/Chief Scientist for Exxon/Mobil until retirement:
1. Man cannot cause volcano to erupt.
2, Man could only cause a small earthquake using explosive under ground - even a nuclear bomb as we have now, placed underground, could not cause a huge earthquake. 
3. To make a nuclear bomb big enough to cause a huge earthquake, man could not dig that far underground where it would have to be placed nor could they get the huge nuclear bomb there. 
4. If there is already a fault and an explosive is placed in the fault, the earthquake would still not be large enough to cause massive earthquake.
5. No man made earthquake could be large enough to cause, by transfer of energy, more earthquakes in the ring of fire.

@Smokin Joe

How much of Tesla's background, experiments and results has Bob read?

I'm of the fairly strong opinion (though triggered by a lot of reading), that there is science and tech long refined and made operational that the public knows little to nothing about. Tesla declared that he could "split the earth." He meant it. One of the reasons he did not push some of his discoveries further toward their being operationalized was because he knew that evil leaders would be extremely destructive/dangerous in control of such incredibly powerful tech.

My  "easy" physics class in my B.A. program--the professor, had a number of colleagues involved with highly secret tech stuff. He sometimes hinted that the stuff highly secret would be unbelievable to even well trained scientists.

I had a Navy friend at the human relations project in San Diego. He worked in highly secret black projects areas. He insisted that way back then--about 1972/73 that we had ELEVEN DIFFERENT tech/weapons--most of which were FAR WORSE than atomic weapons in devastating effects.

My bias is that those of us outside of black projects tech have too little information to be very solidly convinced of things we have little to no information on--no matter how well trained in conventional science we might be.

I forget what year--it's in the last super researched Aztec crash book--maybe I can look it up--I'm sure Bob would recognize the oil engineers names--I think there were 2. They were developing an imaging tech for discovery of oil deposits.

I asked Bob about it once and IIRC, he gave a kind of ambiguous response that led me to believe he was  not really up on that tech.

Anyway--those blokes discovered that some of the wave energies they were using to image for oil appeared to cause quakes (IIRC, in the range of 1-4 or so magnitude). They did not believe their observations.

So they set up some experiments. Sure enough, their wave energies WERE DEFINITELY causing the quakes.

And, it turned out, said tech could also be used to detect submarines. So, of course, as soon as the government caught wind of that tech, they took it over and clamped a very tight lid on any information about it.

I realize that you and Bob will be disinclined to believe the above. So be it.

Some readers may recognize that Bob's training and experience appear to be outside of what I described. That given Bob's training and experience and all he knows and has heard about geology, quakes etc. that his conclusions are very sensible.

I just believe that he's negating or not aware of a whole 'nother body of an extensive pile of puzzle pieces that indicate that the science Bob was taught and worked a lifetime in--is not necessarily the 100% whole story.

« Last Edit: June 10, 2018, 06:54:33 pm by Quix »
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1040 on: June 11, 2018, 02:49:34 am »
Bob taught advanced college physics.  He is a Geophysicist.  He has searched/measured, using seismic technology, the deep earth in most countries and every ocean/sea on earth.  He opened the North Sea for exploration with his seismic knowledge.  The gasoline in your car likely came from an oil field he discovered.  He was the first earth scientist into Russia when the Berlin wall came down in 1989.  He lead Russia into oil exploration.  Seismic waves are not only used to find oil - they are used to study earthquakes.  You have to know what is possible in deep earth no matter what technology you use. 

"Seismic waves – the same tool used to study earthquakes – are frequently used to search for oil and natural gas deep below Earth’s surface. These waves of energy move through the Earth, just as sound waves move through the air. In oil and gas exploration, seismic waves are sent deep into the Earth and allowed to bounce back. Geophysicists record the waves to learn about oil and gas reservoirs located beneath Earth’s surface."

Carry on with your fantasies of man causing huge earthquakes/volcanoes to erupt, to destroy mankind.  Perhaps Hillary and Tillerson/Pence can cause earthquakes/volcanoes to erupt after, as you say, they feast on children's bodies they have used sexually and cut up.  Since you believe that, maybe the below is true:

"Antichrist Trump"
"The Trumps live in a gold-and-diamond-encrusted penthouse on the Trump Tower's 66th floor, complete with paintings of Apollo and erotic statues of the pagan Greek sex god Eros and his consort Psyche. Trump Tower is a modern Tower of Babel, a pagan Ziggurat complete with hanging gardens like those of Babylon, in the form of an inverted pyramid. And please keep in mind that Kush, the son of Ham who was cursed by God, was the founder of Babylon. Of course Jared Kush-ner is Trump's son-in-law, meaning that his daughter is now Ivanka Kush-ner."

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1041 on: June 11, 2018, 03:31:01 am »
Bob taught advanced college physics.  He is a Geophysicist.  He has searched/measured, using seismic technology, the deep earth in most countries and every ocean/sea on earth.  He opened the North Sea for exploration with his seismic knowledge.  The gasoline in your car likely came from an oil field he discovered.  He was the first earth scientist into Russia when the Berlin wall came down in 1989.  He lead Russia into oil exploration.  Seismic waves are not only used to find oil - they are used to study earthquakes.  You have to know what is possible in deep earth no matter what technology you use. 

"Seismic waves – the same tool used to study earthquakes – are frequently used to search for oil and natural gas deep below Earth’s surface. These waves of energy move through the Earth, just as sound waves move through the air. In oil and gas exploration, seismic waves are sent deep into the Earth and allowed to bounce back. Geophysicists record the waves to learn about oil and gas reservoirs located beneath Earth’s surface."

Carry on with your fantasies of man causing huge earthquakes/volcanoes to erupt, to destroy mankind.  Perhaps Hillary and Tillerson/Pence can cause earthquakes/volcanoes to erupt after, as you say, they feast on children's bodies they have used sexually and cut up.  Since you believe that, maybe the below is true:

"Antichrist Trump"
"The Trumps live in a gold-and-diamond-encrusted penthouse on the Trump Tower's 66th floor, complete with paintings of Apollo and erotic statues of the pagan Greek sex god Eros and his consort Psyche. Trump Tower is a modern Tower of Babel, a pagan Ziggurat complete with hanging gardens like those of Babylon, in the form of an inverted pyramid. And please keep in mind that Kush, the son of Ham who was cursed by God, was the founder of Babylon. Of course Jared Kush-ner is Trump's son-in-law, meaning that his daughter is now Ivanka Kush-ner."

It doesn't appear that you groked my last post very well, at all.

Reacting seemingly with mostly emotion is not very convincing that you understood my main points well at all.

A different perspective does not automatically = fantasy.

I thoroughly respect Bob's training and vast experience as top flight. I also do not assume that he knows 100% of everything there is to know about such issues and realities.

 I will try and find the quotes in the Aztec crash book with the names of the oil men involved. I'm curious if Bob knew them. I think I asked him about part of it once but I don't recall if I asked him if he knew the men, or not.

Certainly, time will tell.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 03:32:58 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1042 on: June 11, 2018, 04:36:29 am »
 {Q-Anon just posted a couple (now 3) more "drops." They are cryptic as usual but give some big clues in terms of major looming criminal topics.}
Here's one of the drops as a sample--just came in:
"Track ALL suicides. Example 1: Think
Spade. Trace to Children
Foundation(s)  (NY). Trace to Import/
Export. Trace from China MX to Long
Beach. Trace to Port (Security
Clearance Profile (L5)). Who
granted? Hussein/HRC . Expect  A
LOT more. Q"
PLEASE CLICK THE FIRST VIDEO AT THIS LINK TO GET THE BACKGROUND ON Q-ANON ETC. This is the clearest and easy to follow of the below 2 links. The 2nd one probably requires more tedious work to understand it than you may have time for.
This one gives some more background/info into such goings on
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1043 on: June 11, 2018, 12:53:01 pm »

VERY CURIOUS info re the GETTY MUSEUM (Cost $6 BILLION to build--has nuclear proof blast doors, purportedly vast secret underground areas and a deep underground maglev train station connecting to the cross country maglev train tunnels system)

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1044 on: June 11, 2018, 04:23:36 pm »
{Q-Anon just posted a couple (now 3) more "drops." They are cryptic as usual but give some big clues in terms of major looming criminal topics.}
Here's one of the drops as a sample--just came in:
"Track ALL suicides. Example 1: Think
Spade. Trace to Children
Foundation(s)  (NY). Trace to Import/
Export. Trace from China MX to Long
Beach. Trace to Port (Security
Clearance Profile (L5)). Who
granted? Hussein/HRC . Expect  A
LOT more. Q"

When I learned of Anthony Bourdain's suicide, I immediately wondered about the same things in his case.  Now Q is saying track ALL suicides even though he gives only one example.  Considering the close timing of his suicide and Spades's suicide, maybe there is a reason why Q didn't say track Spades's suicide.
« Last Edit: June 11, 2018, 04:25:30 pm by the_doc »

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1045 on: June 11, 2018, 05:26:11 pm »
AGREED. Certainly the suicides have become . . . ?routine?

No big dramatic news yet . . . time will tell.

At least Q-Anon is making drops again.

Here's an interesting SUNDANCE article . . .


SUNDAY TALKS: Chairman Bob Goodlatte Discusses Upcoming IG Report--Directs Criminal Investigative Attention Toward U.S. Attorney John Huber . . .

10 JUN 2018

. . .

As background, it is Chairman Goodlatte who personally selected (and selects) the lawmakers who questioned FBI Counterintelligence head Bill Priestap.  Whereas HPSCI Chairman Devin Nunes holds primary ‘intelligence’ oversight; Chairman Goodlatte holds primary Justice and Judiciary oversight.

It is worth noting that Goodlatte directs a great deal of attention to U.S. Attorney John Huber on the criminality behind the upcoming IG report.  The report is scheduled to be made public on Thursday June 14th:

. . .

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1046 on: June 11, 2018, 07:04:13 pm »

VERY CURIOUS info re the GETTY MUSEUM (Cost $6 BILLION to build--has nuclear proof blast doors, purportedly vast secret underground areas and a deep underground maglev train station connecting to the cross country maglev train tunnels system)

The Getty Museum's alleged bunker system allegedly includes a survival residence for the U.K.'s Royal Family.  (Whaaaat?)

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1047 on: June 11, 2018, 08:52:55 pm »
The Getty Museum's alleged bunker system allegedly includes a survival residence for the U.K.'s Royal Family.  (Whaaaat?)

Yeah. That was interesting, to me, too. Also, evidently the Queen has bought up a lot of Colorado property. Which is interesting in that Denver is  supposedly going to be the new USA Capital after D.C. is nuked. Then there's all the horrific murals and rumors associated with that incredible airport.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1048 on: June 12, 2018, 12:47:40 am »
Welllllllllllll, That's sure a powerful perspective and I can kind of understand some of what may have triggered it. I don't know if @Victoria33 will respond, or not. We shall see.

I certainly agree that we are talking about horrific child abuse, human trafficking etc. imho, there's only one side of that to stand on--God's side--the kid's side--the victims' side. There's no other rational side to stand on, imho.

Anyway--thanks for a heart-felt reply.

I think Victoria33 is rather annoyed with me and my stance about Trump. I think that fuels her lashing out with satire or some such. I think she has a good heart at her core. But I think her biases and perspective are seriously coloring how she sees life, Trump and my posts about such things.

I have a bias that we all do well to be charitable and kind virtually regardless--at least as the first several responses. I agree that when someone comes at us relentlessly with a meat axe we may have to become rather stern and resistant but I hope I don't respond that way initially.

I would also imagine that Marcella's prepping book comes from tons of research and experience. She doesn't tend to do things half-way.

Anyway--thanks for bothering to reply. Most don't. LOL

@Quix, there are a few of us here who have been lucky enough to be on the receiving end of @Victoria33's friendship.  I haven't been around much lately, which is neglectful, but if you ever hear me speak to her with the condescending, dismissive manner you just used, I want you to call me on it. 

Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain were just a couple of depressed, sad people who were overcome by their sickness.  Their deaths aren't part of some Bilderberger conspiracy to, what...wipe out as many unhappy cooks and handbag designers as possible? 

Bourdain reached out to his doctor for help shortly before he killed himself, according to a friend, but he didn't take the advice.  Then the day before his death, his girlfriend tweeted photos to him of her with another man, and a message:

It was too much, and it pushed him over the edge.  That's all. 

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #1049 on: June 12, 2018, 02:27:55 am »

@Quix, there are a few of us here who have been lucky enough to be on the receiving end of @Victoria33's friendship.  I haven't been around much lately, which is neglectful, but if you ever hear me speak to her with the condescending, dismissive manner you just used, I want you to call me on it. 

Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain were just a couple of depressed, sad people who were overcome by their sickness.  Their deaths aren't part of some Bilderberger conspiracy to, what...wipe out as many unhappy cooks and handbag designers as possible? 

Bourdain reached out to his doctor for help shortly before he killed himself, according to a friend, but he didn't take the advice.  Then the day before his death, his girlfriend tweeted photos to him of her with another man, and a message:

It was too much, and it pushed him over the edge.  That's all. 


Thanks, Catherine, for your heart-felt msg.

Dear me, I apologize for coming off condescending. Not my desire. I merely wanted to give both sides as much due as seemed remotely healthy.

And, I value highly being fairly candid--particularly with friends--and I certainly still consider Victoria33 my Friend and Christian Sister.

And, I may not understand condescending very well. All  my life folks have occasionally called me condescending when it was the furthest thing from my mind or intentions. And, I've had 3rd parties observing such--some agreeing I was and some  not seeing it at all, either. I don't know what to make of it.

I do have a strong bias that it's perfectly reasonable to be dismissive toward an IDEA and maybe even an opinion. @Victoria33  is routinely dismissive of my stance on Trump and has been almost from the beginning. That's perfectly fine with me. All our ideas and opinions should be able to stand or fall on their merit or lack thereof.

And, I know that many people have a very hard time separating themselves as persons, their presonhood from their opinions and ideas. And to be dismissive of one, equals to them being dismissive of the other. I do not see things that way.

I have one Christian brother--3 of us have had Sonday lunch together for probably 8-12 years. He is fiercely (mostly out of his attachment disorder) hostile to every famous Christian leader and most theologies of most pastors. He is derisive of both their ideas, their theologies and their persons, personhood. He's probably been that way toward me a number of times. I just don't take it that way.

It is useless to argue, debate or even attempt an even handed dialogue with him. It just doesn't seem to be  a skill or capacity within his interests or abilities.

It is difficult to have any significant dialogue with him about almost any serious topic unless he already agrees with you about it. Otherwise, he'll take an almost hostile and derisive stance and tone against your ideas and your person. I just don't receive it as that. I used to get really annoyed with such a tone but it was useless and unedifying to either one of us and I just laid it aside.

I just enjoy his company as much as possible and talk about whatever is workable--usually mostly shallow things. He is actually very caring with a big heart that helps a lot of people. He is also very stubborn and proud and defensive about what the believes--particularly about theology. So, I spit out the bones and mostly accept him as fully and lovingly as I can.

I know that decades of attempting to not come across as condescending or dismissive of their person--has evidently not worked as well as I'd hoped.

Thanks for your exhortation. I will certainly prayerfully ponder it.

I certainly think all of us are entitled to our opinions and perspectives and each  such are inherently unique in some respects. Some have better, more solid foundations and some perspectives do not even seem to be very well thought-out at all. So what. We are all human. None of us has much of a corner on anything--even about ourselves.
« Last Edit: June 12, 2018, 03:45:10 am by Quix »
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