Author Topic: Q-Anon; Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 1  (Read 272099 times)

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #700 on: May 02, 2018, 06:46:18 pm »



11 APR 2016

Looks like one of the best compilations available.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #701 on: May 02, 2018, 06:56:08 pm »

Looks like one of the best compilations available.

Sadly, the revelations ought to include nothing that TBR members did not already know beginning with the Clintons' political sojourn in Arkansas, then in the White House, then in New York, finally globetrotting with the State Department and for the Clinton Foundation.  Lot's of peripheral stuff of evil, too,   

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #702 on: May 02, 2018, 06:56:32 pm »

There are 3 parts.

DarcPrynce 21 Oct 2015

Includes some new data points and a lot of known history.

More details about more women etc.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #703 on: May 03, 2018, 03:04:48 am »

NOTE: BEFORE running into this youtube, I came across a doc or vid noting that GITMO's prepping for an influx of new prisoners was completed and ready to receive them. I didn't decide to post it because it just didn't seem all that momentous given all else going on. Now, it appears in concert with the below--Hmmmmmmmmmm

Note: the narrator's run-on sentences are a mess to try and punctuate. No apologies. I am sure it's not perfectly done.

CREDIT: David Zublick

#QAnon--High  Level Elite PEDOS On The RUN Right After Rump Signed Executive Order For Their Arrest

Wikitube TV 30 APR 2018


Trump signs an executive order allowing  him to arrest and prosecute deep state pedophiles using the US military court-martial process among those soon to be rounded up and sent to Gitmo, include the Clintons, the Podesta brothers, Rex Tillerson, even Vice President Mike Pence join us as we unseal the horrible truth behind Trump's storm of the century.

We have breaking news: President Donald just signed an executive order which will ensure that those high-level deep state elite pedophiles who have been part of the pizza-gate pedophile child sex trafficking scandal will not be tried in civilian courts but rather in military tribunals as we speak high level pedophiles
are being rounded up and taken to detention facilities at Guantanamo Bay where they will await at the President's discretion military tribunals with the assistance of civilian law enforcement personnel as well as civilian attorneys there will be outside sources helping to conduct these courts martial of the individuals involved.

And there are over 5,000 indictments; 5,000 sealed indictments. This is breaking news. This is huge news.  This is finally going down and two of the biggest names in the Trump administration are said to be involved in the pizza-gate pedophile child sex trafficking scandal and will themselves be tried in military tribunals.

Folks--get ready for a bumpy ride. The truth is about to be unsealed.

Trump: "This could be the calm before the storm."  . . .

When Donald Trump uttered those prophetic words, not long ago--everyone wondered what he was referring to as "THE STORM."

Well, now, we may have some answers.

President Trump has signed a sweeping executive order allowing him to arrest and prosecute deep state pedophiles using the military court-martial process. The March 1st Executive Order makes changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice allowing Trump to drag civilians through the US military justice system.

The National Security Council is the  principal form used by the President of the United States for consideration of national security and foreign policy matters; but whose power was directly threatened recently when it was revealed that the deep state had created its own national security council that these coup plotters have named national security action that's being led by Ben Rhodes who was former deputy national security advisor for Barack Obama--and whose contempt of a free press he voiced by stating his disgust of the entire US media establishment by stating quote:

"Most of the outlets are reporting on world events from Washington the average reporter we talked to is twenty-seven years old. And they're only reporting experience consists of being around political campaigns. That's a sea change they literally know nothing with his brother David Rhodes being the president of CBS News.

Ben Rhodes is protected by the deep state's mainstream propaganda media sycophants who are failing to tell the American people that the high level pedophiles are attempting to establish their own British-style shadow cabinet to usurp President Trump's power {abt min 5:00}  to prosecute Pedo-gate activity--including child pornography, pedophilia and child sex trafficking kept in reserve to use against these keep state coup plotters.

President Trump had at his disposal to use a new US law called the Military Justice Act of 2016--which authorized the most significant changes to the Uniform Code of Military Justice since the Military Justice Act of 1983--that President Obama never enacted into law--nor did President Trump, who missed the December 23rd 27 signing deadline for this new law's enactment.

Federal Service for military technical cooperation analysts, who are military legal experts responsible for control and oversight in the field of military technical cooperation between the Russian Federation and foreign countries, claim that President Trump missing his 23rd of December deadline to sign the Military Justice Act of 2016 was by design--so as to enable him to gauge what these deep state pedophiles were planning against him.

So, once the deep state began their creation of an actual shadow government by creating their own National Security Souncil, President Trump on March the 1st, signed a sweeping Executive Order, fully enacting the Military Justice Act of 2016--and that focuses entirely on massive changes to the manual for courts-martial, United States.

With the United States having been at war over 93% or 220 for out of 242 years of its existence, since its founding in 1776--the masses of American people today--unlike their ancestors--have no idea that nearly every one of them fall under the criminal provisions of the manual for courts-martial United States.

And that begins with their Selective Service laws allowing civilians to be taken from their homes and forced into uniform--whether willing or not. And, that the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled this makes these civilians subject to court-martial from the time they're supposed to report for induction--even if they never arrived.

Equally unknown to the masses of the American  people is that nearly every single citizen between 17 and 44 years of age, likewise fall under the criminal provisions of the manual for courts-martial United States. As under US code 10-311, they all constitute both the organized and unorganized militia--thus, making them all, in essence, members of the US military--whether they know it, or not.

As to how President Trump will wield these powers against the deep state pedophiles--his just signed sweeping executive order details--in full--with its main emphasis being on authorizing the use of civilian employees experienced in prosecution or defense of complex criminal cases, to provide assistance to and consult with less experienced judge advocates throughout the entire manual for courts-martial United States Process--Thereby allowing the US military services to outsource a core competency of the Judge Advocate communities--and whose only explanation for being needed, would be the sudden and rapid rise dissident American citizens entering into the courts martial process in thousands, if not tens of thousands.

The roundup will happen soon and these military-style tribunals will make Nuremberg pale by comparison.

There are nearly 5,000 sealed indictments {some say 24,000} in place against powerful leaders. And President Trump--who is ten steps  ahead of everybody, has put the National Guard on notice to prepare for civil unrest in the wake of mass arrests.

Bill and Hillary Clniton, Barak Obama, John and Tony Podesta; Vice President Mike Pence and recently fired Secretary of State Rex Tillerson are among those set to be indicted--claiming that Attorney General Jeff Sessions is methodically building cases against them so that they cannot escape on any sort of technicality.

This corruption goes so deep and so wide and so long that it's going to take military-style tribunals to deal with the horrific acts that are being committed right now, in the United States. You're going to see people get rounded up that are going to blow--your--mind.

High level VIP members of the deep state pedophile rings--also known as 'The Cabal,' 'The Illuminati' and 'The Global Elite'--are already being {de}tained for child and human sex trafficking. And are being taken by US Special Forces to the military prison at Guantanamo Bay Naval Base--or GITMO--as a result of thousands of sealed indictments.   

Multiple sources have been reporting on some of the key VIP figures taken there. Now, if these reports are accurate--and we have no reason to believe otherwise--these secret investigations, arrests and extractions to GITMO--where they face extended detention and military justice, has enormous political implications and makes possible the release of suppressed information  previously withheld by the Deep State. {about minute 11:36}

One source of such reports comes from David Toda Sheeny  (sp?), a former US Air Force veteran who wrote an expose about covert operations during the Viet Nam war. He describes what he learned from a reliable FBI source about recent events at Guantanamo--in a December 24-27 YouTube video--which he summarized as follows--quote:

"High-level confidential sources tell this reporter that the US military prison at Guantanamo Bay, has been alerted to expect high-profile prisoners shortly--possibly as a result of over 10,000 sealed Federal indictments."

"1,000 Marines accompanied General Mattis to Gitmo to provide security for special prisoners."

Another source for secret extractions to GITMO via sealed indictments is veteran , journalist Dr Jerome Corsi--who tweeted:

"Q-ANON--something is happening at GITMO."

Flight records being shared on subreddit post CBTs {Calm Before The Storm} stream here hrelated to real Donald Trump Executive Order regarding confiscation of assets for those involved with human rights abuses.

A third source is Brendon Dilley--a radio host, {who was} running for the US Congress--who received information from another anonymous whistle-blower--who has a {proven} track record for reliability. The whistle-blower's information appeared in a December  27th post that was posted referring to recent VIP arrivals at GITMO--was worth emphasizing--in the alledged Q-Anon post is that new residents began arriving at GITMO on December 26th 2017. And, were expected.

This was after President Trump had issued his executive order on December the 21st--declaring a National Emergency in response to human rights abuses and corruption anywhere around the world. 

Finally, we have former Forbes magazine correspondent Benjamin Fulford--who wrote on January 1st 2018, quote:

"In an historic moment of poetic justice, most of the US-based top perpetrators of the fake 'war on terror,' have now, themselves been renditioned to the U.S. NAVY CAmp in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba." Pentagon sources say.

"The Rothschild assets, George Soros, Peter Monk (sp?), Peter Sutherland, the Bush's, the Podesta's and many others may have been airlifted to GITMO for military tribunals--as the Dept of Defense spends five hundred million dollars to upgrade the prison and send more military police and Marines--the sources say."   
{about minute 14:49}

What can be distilled from these independent sources is that high-level, Deep State members--many of whom are  part of a pedophile satanic global network--are being detained by U.S. SPECIAL FORCES--and taken to GITMO--where they are to be held indefinitely--while military justice is applied, to their cases.

I may jot some phrase notes down when I modify this post but I think that's all the verbatim I'll try and transcribe.

@Cyber Liberty
@Ghost Bear
@Liberty Tree Dr
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@Smokin Joe
@Texas Yellow Rose
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 04:34:33 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #704 on: May 03, 2018, 03:34:21 am »
Vice President Pence and Rex Tillerson are part of a pedophile sex ring? You have lost your mind.

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #705 on: May 03, 2018, 04:39:49 am »
Vice President Pence and Rex Tillerson are part of a pedophile sex ring? You have lost your mind.

Thanks for your encouraging reply. LOL.

I've long been skeptical of the rumors about Pence.

Tillerson's stuff evidently partly has to do with his reign at the Boy Scouts but also allegations about a trip he took.

I don't know Pence or Tillerson. I realize y'all do know Tillerson. I think it's great being loyal to your friend.

In terms of what's true--time will tell. The allegations are moderately interesting as they fit in with a host of complex puzzle pieces.

I don't personally think there's enough that's surfaced into broad daylight to really determine much about what is true and not true in terms of specific deeds and individuals.

There seems to be more than sufficient information about Shrillery and Billdo ... and Weiner etc.

Pence and Tillerson--I don't know. Will be alert to other puzzle pieces pointing yea or nay on such scores, though.

This audio youtube certainly has a lot of intense allegations. We shall see if this month will include more such things reaching the MSM, or not.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #706 on: May 03, 2018, 08:39:03 am »
Vice President Pence and Rex Tillerson are part of a pedophile sex ring? You have lost your mind.

You also seem to persistently forget or dismiss or ignore the fact that I learned from a very respected boss from my B.A.  program days to have a relatively high level of respect (tentatively held but still respect) for flaky sources, fringe groups etc. He, being THE world's expert on the topic noted that it was those groups that most accurately and earliest predicted what Hitler would become and do.

And my Dissertation Chairman was the one who noted that "Life is so complex, just about any cock-a-may-me explanation will do."

I have found for the  last 50 or so years that both things are greatly true in a lot of diverse situations etc.

Besides all that, I think folks need to have their sensibilities challenged and jangled because LIFE IS NOT A TIDY LITTLE BOXED OPERATION. And sooner or later, those who pretend it is get bitten hard in the butt because they assumed it was when that was the furthest thing from the truth, the reality. In some cases, the issue becomes a life or death issue.

Along these same lines, I have a strong (imho, well grounded & experienced) perspective and belief that reality at its core--increasingly in our era--is becoming more and more strange than fiction. Yet many of people's perceptions, expectations, 'reality filters' are stuck--whether in tidy little box form, or not--their reality filters are stuck on conventional when life is actually increasingly becoming FAR from conventional.

I am utterly convinced that the underlying reality ALREADY IS  that LIFE IS FAR FROM CONVENTIONAL in a list of ways. It's just the case that THAT REALITY is gradually appearing on the surface--the 'conventional,' 'normal' surface reality.

I feel, believe it is my WATCHMAN duty to nudge, push, lead, provoke individuals to consider bits of reality, puzzle pieces which are difficult to wrap one's mind around in conventional ways as a way of prepping them toward the looming realities that are racing toward us.

I realize you are fiercely locked into your constructions on reality. I may chide you obliquely a bit now and then but I don't call you insane. I have some understanding about the causes, sources of your perspective and I have some respect for them. I still have a responsibility to nudge, provoke, lead all those I care for toward widening their vision of the whole to consider the possibility of things that conventionally appear untrue--yet increasingly foundation-ally are becoming more and more true at a faster and faster rate.

I'm not apologizing for that. I don't even expect a lot of understanding or respect for that. It's part of my existential thrown-ness as well as my calling. So,  hostile rejection has long been part of the given; goes with the territory.

I've been told most of my life that I'm persistently ahead of my time. I started to say: "Not my problem." But it sometimes is a problem when it distances me from those I care for. Yet, it's not something I can, in good conscience, change on that score.

My discernment, expectations, understanding of trends etc. have been accurate enough over the long haul enough times on enough important issues etc. that I'd be stupid to not respect what God has done within me and through me on such scores--even if the whole world is on the other side screaming at me.

Does that mean  I think I'm always right. Not at all. I'm a  plenty flawed human and I can have false positive errors and false negative errors as well as some other people. It's just been my experience over many decades that on average, my inner spiritual sense; my intuitive collecting, compiling and analyzing of very nuanced tiny puzzle pieces has more often than not been well and good and well ahead of the curve of most folks' understandings and expectations.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #707 on: May 03, 2018, 05:42:10 pm »

I've long been skeptical of the rumors about Pence.

Tillerson's stuff evidently partly has to do with his reign at the Boy Scouts but also allegations about a trip he took.

I have not wanted to believe the worst about Pence, but I have to admit that Indiana is evidently a hotbed of pedophilia, and Pence has close connections to a political figure in Florida along the route of sex trafficking into the U.S.  If Pence gets charged, the charges, whether correct or not, will have to be based on more evidence than this stuff.  Allegations and vague circumstantial connections certainly do not constitute proof.  (In fact. they are not even admissible as evidence at this point.)

I know nothing about the pedophilia allegations involving Tillerson beyond what you mentioned, and again, allegations do not constitute proof or even evidence.  However, I must cheerfully admit that I have been highly suspicious of Tillerson as a Globalist for other reasons beyond the scope of this thread.  (Even that would not make him a pedophile, of course.)

Bottom-line:  The idea that Americans are innocent until proven guilty is legally important,  but it is philosophically nonsensical.  Some people who we are sure are innocent and who cannot be found guilty in a court of law nevertheless ARE guilty of the very crimes that we confidently/stubbornly refuse to believe they have committed.

Does that make sense at a level that is infinitely higher than human law?  Of course it does.  It is self-evident.

Well, then, should we be only completely surprised to find out later that the person whom we had trusted completely as being surely as pure as the driven snow did do the crime, that he or she was/is guilty even though he or she had (perhaps) been declared not guilty in a court of law?  Well, we should be surprised.  BUT, should we be ONLY completely surprised when we are confronted with absolutely solid proof of the person's guilt?  No.

My point here is that our reaction should immediately resolve to the rather awful realization that we had been fooled--badly fooled.  It's called getting "red-pilled," but it is ultimately nothing more than the personal realization that it's possible for anyone to be be fooled to one degree or another about anyone at almost any time.  That in turn amounts to an even more profound realization that this world is a dangerously deceptive, dangerously evil place.

That realization can hit one's soul like a ton of bricks.  But that's a good thing.  It's good to face reality--especially a reality that is hard to face.  Pollyannas are fools.

Martin Luther was once asked "What is in the heart of an evil man?"  Luther replied "I don't know.  But I do know what's in the heart of a good man, and that's bad enough."
« Last Edit: May 03, 2018, 05:42:52 pm by the_doc »

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #708 on: May 03, 2018, 07:09:26 pm »

I forgot to ping you to my reply #17 on a Comey thread, as follows:,314509.msg1673235.html#msg1673235

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #709 on: May 03, 2018, 07:39:35 pm »

NOTE: BEFORE running into this youtube, I came across a doc or vid noting that GITMO's prepping for an influx of new prisoners was completed and ready to receive them. I didn't decide to post it because it just didn't seem all that momentous given all else going on. Now, it appears in concert with the below--Hmmmmmmmmmm

Note: the narrator's run-on sentences are a mess to try and punctuate. No apologies. I am sure it's not perfectly done.

CREDIT: David Zublick

#QAnon--High  Level Elite PEDOS On The RUN Right After Rump Signed Executive Order For Their Arrest

Wikitube TV 30 APR 2018

One note of caution is important, IMHO:  We have heard/seen lots and lots of reports, especially on Youtube, masquerading as "Breaking News," which reports are not really "breaking" any "new" stories but re-hashing old stories.  As far as I am concerned, the "news" cited from 4/30/18 wasn't and still ain't clearly "breaking news."  As far as I am concerned, it can't be confidently regarded as "breaking" until it is publicly disclosed by the news maker himself in a White House press conference--possibly even over the Emergency Broadcast System. 

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #710 on: May 03, 2018, 08:55:46 pm »
We are supposed to get a MOAB this week.  Blockbuster activities need to hit before the Friday of any given week to get much attention.  I am wondering whether we will see something at prime time tonight.  If not tonight, maybe a MOAB tomorrow?  (Ah, but maybe another delay?)

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #711 on: May 04, 2018, 03:38:49 am »

Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno over at Pence State.

Think about it.

@Quix  @the_doc
She asked me name my foe then. I said the need within some men to fight and kill their brothers without thought of Love or God. Ken Hensley

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #712 on: May 04, 2018, 03:52:06 am »


3 MAY 2018


Members of the Hollywood sex cult 'Nexium' (NXIVM) hosted seminars and lavish sex parties on Richard Branson's private Caribbean island in a bid to recruit the billionaire, according to a whistleblower.

So now we have possible connections between Obama and the NXIVM group--which also may tie into Bill Clinton and Epstein through Branson. Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein had retsyn [?] and Bill Clinton listed among his  contacts in his little black book. And, his private island--known as orgy island--is less than 40 miles away from Necker Island, within the Virgin Islands cluster. And I think this Richard Branson guy is like the Virgin CEO ...[yes].

[etc. etc. etc.]

. . . .

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #713 on: May 04, 2018, 04:07:59 am »
I have not wanted to believe the worst about Pence, but I have to admit that Indiana is evidently a hotbed of pedophilia, and Pence has close connections to a political figure in Florida along the route of sex trafficking into the U.S.  If Pence gets charged, the charges, whether correct or not, will have to be based on more evidence than this stuff.  Allegations and vague circumstantial connections certainly do not constitute proof.  (In fact. they are not even admissible as evidence at this point.)

Am inclined to agree with your analysis. Have not wanted Pence to turn out anywhere near such goings on. But this era is rife with truth stranger than fiction. And many things are enigmas wrapped in multiple layers of various enigmas.

I know nothing about the pedophilia allegations involving Tillerson beyond what you mentioned, and again, allegations do not constitute proof or even evidence.  However, I must cheerfully admit that I have been highly suspicious of Tillerson as a Globalist for other reasons beyond the scope of this thread.  (Even that would not make him a pedophile, of course.)

I was prepared to think of and did initially think of Tillerson as a wonderful person--in part because @Victoria33 and buddy knew him personally and vouched how wonderful a person he was.

I was a bit skeptical at first because of his high ranking oil industry role. The North Slope Chaplain--can't think of his name at the moment--kind of colored my perceptions of folks in such roles, a lot.

At this point, I've adjusted how wonderful I think he is and have moved him to a wait and see category. It is disturbing to see, to some degree, however, that he really does seem to have some serious globalist connections, if not values. The pedophile stuff may or may not be a big stretch as a lot of things in the upper ranks of the elite are ... evidently routine ... regardless of how horrible. Time will tell.

Bottom-line:  The idea that Americans are innocent until proven guilty is legally important,  but it is philosophically nonsensical.  Some people who we are sure are innocent and who cannot be found guilty in a court of law nevertheless ARE guilty of the very crimes that we confidently/stubbornly refuse to believe they have committed.

Does that make sense at a level that is infinitely higher than human law?  Of course it does.  It is self-evident.


Well, then, should we be only completely surprised to find out later that the person whom we had trusted completely as being surely as pure as the driven snow did do the crime, that he or she was/is guilty even though he or she had (perhaps) been declared not guilty in a court of law?  Well, we should be surprised.  BUT, should we be ONLY completely surprised when we are confronted with absolutely solid proof of the person's guilt?  No.

My point here is that our reaction should immediately resolve to the rather awful realization that we had been fooled--badly fooled.  It's called getting "red-pilled," but it is ultimately nothing more than the personal realization that it's possible for anyone to be be fooled to one degree or another about anyone at almost any time.  That in turn amounts to an even more profound realization that this world is a dangerously deceptive, dangerously evil place.

Absolutely. Agreed. As the Bible says: "The heart is deceitfully wicked--who can know it." I don't see anyone exempted from that warning. Even those of us who have accepted Christ's blood as covering for our sins and a cleansing of our hearts--still find our sinful, wayward, rebellious motivations frightfully with us. As St Paul said: The good I would do, I don't; the bad I would avoid, I do.

That realization can hit one's soul like a ton of bricks.  But that's a good thing.  It's good to face reality--especially a reality that is hard to face.  Pollyannas are fools.

Martin Luther was once asked "What is in the heart of an evil man?"  Luther replied "I don't know.  But I do know what's in the heart of a good man, and that's bad enough."

Well put. Thanks. Will try and check out that other thread.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #714 on: May 04, 2018, 04:09:17 am »

Jerry Sandusky and Joe Paterno over at Pence State.

Think about it.

@Quix  @the_doc

I gather your point is that sometimes most of the people can be fooled a lot for a long time?
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #715 on: May 04, 2018, 04:10:34 am »
We are supposed to get a MOAB this week.  Blockbuster activities need to hit before the Friday of any given week to get much attention.  I am wondering whether we will see something at prime time tonight.  If not tonight, maybe a MOAB tomorrow?  (Ah, but maybe another delay?)

It DOES REALLY SEEM like things are picking up the pace in severity, drama, seriousness, etc. toward the evil doers as well as the Dark State strike-back goings on.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #716 on: May 05, 2018, 02:38:46 pm »
Dr Corsi's latest update 5 APR 2018

Talks about firing Mueller etc. etc. etc.

May be worth skipping to about minute 28:00
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #717 on: May 05, 2018, 06:47:22 pm »


In this update, we look at Q's warning that the magnitude of corruption in government is worse than we can imagine. We also take a sneak peek at the next phase of Q's mission: "Patriot's Fight."
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #718 on: May 05, 2018, 06:48:59 pm »
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #719 on: May 05, 2018, 07:12:16 pm »




Sandi Que[/size][/color][/size][color=var(--yt-endpoint-visited-color, var(--yt-spec-text-primary))]
12 hours ago[/color][/font]Hi, JW is so right about Judge Ellis.  He called out the Mueller investigation for what it is: a witch hunt, in layman's terms.  We don't try people in the U.S. with information kept secret from the judge!  Good grief!  They are flying high at DOJ, huh?  Makes me wonder what they are smokin'.  Heard weed is now legal in DC, but not yet in VA!  This judge has his head on straight. Godspeed, Patriots.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #720 on: May 06, 2018, 12:52:33 am »

Fascinating. Mueller's stooge sounded like as much of a traitorous jerk as Mueller seems to be. Dumb.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #721 on: May 06, 2018, 01:10:05 am »

Scott Vandergrift   28 MAR 2018
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #722 on: May 06, 2018, 01:16:57 am »
I'm afraid I answered #4, because I've been in a cynical mood lately.
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #723 on: May 06, 2018, 01:23:47 am »
I'm afraid I answered #4, because I've been in a cynical mood lately.

I can understand that--though I believe there are enough  signs for faith.  God's best to you.
Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #724 on: May 06, 2018, 01:24:14 am »
"Convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein had retsyn [?] and Bill Clinton listed among his  contacts in his little black book. And, his private island--known as orgy island--is less than 40 miles away from Necker Island, within the Virgin Islands cluster. And I think this Richard Branson guy is like the Virgin CEO ...[yes]."

Trump is a good friend of Epstein.  He went to parties Epstein had in New York with underage girls. Therefore, Trump should be in GITMO today. When are they going to arrest him and put him away forever?   See, anyone can accuse anyone of anything and it is a sin every time you claim these people, such as Pence and Tillerson and all the rest are violating children and eating them.  You need to talk to God about what you are doing.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2018, 01:34:43 am by Victoria33 »