Author Topic: Q-Anon; Cleaning out the "SWAMP" & Related Stuff VOL 1  (Read 212535 times)

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #550 on: April 09, 2018, 06:22:33 pm »
I never thought of Soylent Green as prophesy. It must seem so blase' to this bunch.

Maybe that explains why Liberals want to treat us like cattle (or sheep).

sicksicksicksick people.

The freakiest thing about Silence of the Lambs was that Hannibal sounded so rational in his own sick way. People should send this bunch fava beans....

YUP. Will  post a commentary shortly.

Thanks for your kind response.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #551 on: April 09, 2018, 07:14:40 pm »

Time for a bit of a chat.

My "Hannibal Club" post stirred up some folks, evidently.


One of my Dearest Friends took me fairly soundly to task for 'believing a lot of net hogwash,' essentially.

So, I thought I'd talk about such things for a bit. Dialogue is invited but I've learned not to hold my breath, waiting for it, hereon. LOL.

1. Not sure what decade I decided or felt this but it was a long time ago. I had a deep conviction well up within me that in terms of the evils flooding the  land in the END TIMES, judgment day would  disclose that they had been far worse than any had dared guess; than any rumors that typically flew about them. I STILL BELIEVE THAT deeply and intensely.

2. There are not many things I consider to be 100% absolute truth as stated, rumored or even 'proven.' Life is  too complex. There are nuances that are different. Details may be a bit askew etc. etc. etc.

3. As I've often stated--it was the MOST flaky, MOST fringe groups who issued statements, rumors, whatever ... who issued statements that turned out to be MOST ACCURATE AND MOST PRESCIENT about who Hitler was and what he would become and what he would do. I have found that true in the decades since, too. It is the wildest fringe groups and the wildest rumors that are the canaries in the coal mine for the rest of us. Seriously.

3.1 I realize that doesn't fit a lot of OCD, tidy little box, perfectionist, scientific-laboratory-type "proof" sorts of people and their sensibilities, their habits, their standards of  "proof" etc. Tough tacos. It has eventually turned out to fit reality far more often than not in my 71 years.

4. We know from the Bible what the END TIMES script roughly is--the main outline, at least. We know that satan has been strategically planning and maneuvering to set up his one world government and one world religion--probably since he got Adam kicked out of The Garden. That's a lot of time to engineer a lot of deceptions.

5. THE BABYLON CODE outlines very clearly and convincingly (as have others) that the political oligarchy cabal so entrenched at the peak of the political pyramid globally--have contained mostly the same families who have mostly maintained their power and wealth since Babylon. Folks can deny that. It's still a fact. And given point 4, it should not be that surprising. It should be expected.

6. I try to post the more convincing, more true, better examples of the evidence that's lying about on the net etc. I don't actually do much checking, however, as to HOW true, valid, verified etc. something is. Just not worth my time. Those fussy about such levels of verification and proof can do their own checking.

7. As Alamo Girl noted after praying about it, I'm a WATCHMAN on the wall. Yes, that bears a certain responsibility to promulgate truth vs error. True enough. However, as my Dissertation Chairman noted: Life is  sooooo complex that just about any cock-a-may-me explanation will do. I disagreed theologically on that score but he still makes a good point.

7.1 In terms of my watchman role, I have felt most comfortable/led to sound various alarms, alerts as to general issues, major themes, trends etc. and some specific horrendous or serious issues of significant portent. That's the major brief, as I see it.

7.2 I do so out of what I see, perceive, read etc. AND out of what I FEEL in my spirit. Can  I be  wrong? OF COURSE. Have often been somewhat wrong about a lot of things. Have rarely been wholesale wrong about major things.

8. I have received exhortation from a dear Sister in the Pacific NW who has taken me to task for  "doom & gloom" sorts of emails etc. Says it's borderline blasphemy against God's capacity to take care of His own etc. Mark Taylor says something similar. Have taken such inputs prayerfully to heart.

9. However, IIRC, even  Mark Taylor also exhorts to prep with food, water  etc. for potentially, highly probable chaotic times--as Q-Anon has also exhorted. I just know, it's part of the 'press' within me to share such exhortations to prepare as best one can;  as God might lead each individual and family.

10. YES! FEAR NOT! is  a persistent Biblical  exhortation. 365 times the phrase appears in the  Bible. One for each day of the year. One can prep without being paranoid.

11. What do I consider absolutely true? Only The Word of God.

11.1 In terms of net stuff that I post about--I consider most of it 51% or more, mostly true or I wouldn't post it--usually. However, I may consider a perspective, assertion, allegation mostly true whether the  specific examples cited are considered absolutely true, or not.

11.2 For example--regarding the Cannibal Club. I have long felt that such things went on. And given L.A. (where I lived for a couple of months), I'd be more shocked if there were not such a club in L.A. I actually felt that the Cannibal Club article was super sanitized and made to appear sane, rational, elite etc.

11.3 I actually believe the reality will prove out to be far worse. It is probable that weekly, at least, someone is viciously murdered in a ceremony wherein parts of their flesh are eaten raw while the  person is cut to pieces alive, without anesthetic etc. etc. etc. in a satanic sacrificial ritual. And those in the group failing to participate in such gruesomeness are vulnerable to being the next victim. The Aztecs cutting the beating heart out of their sacrificial victims likely have nothing on the 'elite' of our land.

11.4 I was particularly taken to task for believing that Chelsea and Anderson Cooper etc. were participants. I don't know what my friend did to mentally deny the songs of Katy Perry and Katy's participation in such goings on. I think it's quite likely that Anderson and Chelsea participated. I don't know  that they did. I expect that they did--whether in that one or a similar one on the East  coast etc. They come out of that lineage of folks given to such satan worship. They just do. Denial of that fact doesn't change the facts.

11.5 I was also chided for believing that Shrillery was part of a witches coven--particularly regarding the one in NYC in the article I posted about. Sorry, whether the particulars of that article are true, or not--Shrillery is a practicing satanic witch who worships satan. Too many Secret Service personnel have attested to that--in addition to other sources.

11.6 I was somewhat chided for daring to believe a lot in the various conspiracy facts e.g. those surrounding the SKULL & BONES society. Sorry, the documentation on  that sort of thing is stacked high and fills rooms. Ditto the Bohemian Grove goings on.

11.7 None of this is "nice." Satan is NOT nice! He IS REAL! And there's no end of folks clamoring to be in on the 'elite' status of the ruling class' satan worship and the related ceremonies. As C.S. Lewis noted--we err making too little or too much of satan.

12. I mostly don't care a huge amount if a particular article I post is 100% proven  in all its details, or not. I post things to wake people up. I post things to help them become motivated to prepare and to put God first in their life with Him as their High Tower, defense, Provider etc.

13. And, again--time will tell that the worst rumors ended up being very weak compared to the true underlying realities going  on.


« Last Edit: April 10, 2018, 01:52:42 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #552 on: April 10, 2018, 04:52:01 am »

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #553 on: April 10, 2018, 04:41:16 pm »

11.7 None of this is "nice." Satan is NOT nice! He IS REAL! And there's no end of folks clamoring to be in on the 'elite' status of the ruling class' satan worship and the related ceremonies. As C.S. Lewis noted--we err making too little or too much of satan.[/color]

12. I mostly don't care a huge amount if a particular article I post is 100% proven  in all its details, or not. I post things to wake people up. I post things to help them become motivated to prepare and to put God first in their life with Him as their High Tower, defense, Provider etc.

13. And, again--time will tell that the worst rumors ended up being very weak compared to the true underlying realities going  on.


If your friend is only incredulous, he really ought to check out my thread at,310790.msg1649744.html#msg1649744

Lionel’s video, The Deep Cover of Purveyors of Inconceivable Inhuman Atrocities, explains one of the weirdest mechanisms of incredulity, and he does it in a way that I am sure psychologists would heartily endorse.

Here’s a nasty little irony:  If your friend says that Lionel’s video is just more internet hogwash, then he is inadvertently confirming Lionel’s astute analysis.  (Ah, that’s Divinely poetic justice if your friend has betrayed you.)  Anyway, if your friend doesn’t soon repent of his willfully naïve attitude, then he is in for ONE OF THE BIGGEST SHOCKS OF HIS LIFE.

Don’t worry:  If he is a true friend, he will eventually apologize.

The mess our world is in is orders of magnitude worse than non-Christians believe.  A lot of internet stuff is hogwash, to be sure, but that’s just another dimension of the Satanic deception.  We are wrestling with principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.  There is practically no limit to the horrors that they will perpetrate through human fools.  It will eventually get even worse in this world—largely because non-Christians will refuse to see how awful it already is.
As you know, you and I don’t agree on every aspect of eschatology—but our disagreement concerns only what will or will not happen immediately after Jesus returns.  We agree with practically everything else.  (Interpretation of the Bible is tricky.  Heck, it is designed to be puzzling in peculiar ways.  I have been studying the Bible for about as long as you have, but we are at a merely temporary impasse concerning the true nature of the Second Coming.  In a manner of speaking, the most important stuff right now—as we eagerly anticipate the Lord’s return—is to appreciate the significance of the over-the-top evil that is going on right now.  That wisdom, that awareness on our part, will steel us for the work we have been left here to do.)

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #554 on: April 10, 2018, 07:19:18 pm »

THANKS TONS for your kind and meaty reply. I greatly appreciate it. Comments below.

If your friend is only incredulous, he really ought to check out my thread at,310790.msg1649744.html#msg1649744

He may well see it in this post or have already viewed it. I don't know. Thanks for that thread.

Lionel’s video, The Deep Cover of Purveyors of Inconceivable Inhuman Atrocities, explains one of the weirdest mechanisms of incredulity, and he does it in a way that I am sure psychologists would heartily endorse.

I really like Lionel. He's very sharp; knowledgeable; witty; sometimes funny; potent. His rapid fire style can occasionally wear on me but I try and listen to him weekly or so.

Here’s a nasty little irony:  If your friend says that Lionel’s video is just more internet hogwash, then he is inadvertently confirming Lionel’s astute analysis.  (Ah, that’s Divinely poetic justice if your friend has betrayed you.)  Anyway, if your friend doesn’t soon repent of his willfully naïve attitude, then he is in for ONE OF THE BIGGEST SHOCKS OF HIS LIFE.

I don't feel  betrayed at all. I was initially shocked when he became so stridently skeptical and even liberal  sounding in some surprising ways. But I didn't feel and don't feel betrayed. I feel, still, somewhat shocked. He's way above average bright. He's an an extremely skilled psychotherapist/psychometrist, now also retired.

I think he very earnestly believes that his skepticism is the most rational; most reality based; most informed and most astute perspective possible, based on the evidence.

Personally, I think he is,  in spite of his often extensive research, fairly unaware of stacks of evidence I've studied long ago  as well as more  recently. I don't know  how  to  explain that. I'm sure he believes that there's no significant evidence he's  unaware of.

I also think that he doesn't do as well at compiling and assessing nuance as well as a myriad of tiny details that most folks would not see as connected--though I tend to see connections that most folks do not see.

It's kind of mystifying to compare our two  perspectives given that both of us are earnest Christians; both of us are extremely bright; both of us are well read; both of us are extremely skilled psychotherapists and very  skilled at human assessment. He's a much more practiced psychometrist than I. However, I usually could tell most key things from 5-15 minutes  of meeting  someone--or even merely looking at 3-4 photos I could see their eyes  in. And my test battery work was above average.

Don’t worry:  If he is a true friend, he will eventually apologize.

I don't think  there's anything for him to apologize for. I'd rather he be candid and real. I might wish we could have a more robust and more face to face dialogue but that's  life. I'd certainly prefer that he wake-up from the evidence sooner than later. I cringe when I think of the  slap's up-side the face that are  likely to hit him hard when  some of this stuff  becomes brutally and starkly evident in the public square.

The mess our world is in is orders of magnitude worse than non-Christians believe.  A lot of internet stuff is hogwash, to be sure, but that’s just another dimension of the Satanic deception.  We are wrestling with principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.  There is practically no limit to the horrors that they will perpetrate through human fools.  It will eventually get even worse in this world—largely because non-Christians will refuse to see how awful it already is.

There's plenty of truth to that, imho. C'est la vie.

Certainly Que Sera Sera--The Bible is clear that  what has been scheduled to be, WILL BE.

I'm convinced that God is using POTUS TRUMP to afford us probably 7 more years of relative peace and prosperity and a beating back of the horrendous evils which have been flooding our land and  planet for so many decades.

I believe this will afford a completion  of the spread of the Gospel to all people groups/languages.

I believe that wise, discerning, perceptive folks will prepare their hearts, minds, homes, families better than they could have had Shrillery been installed.

I'm certain that Shrillery is several 100% WORSE than even a lot of conservatives believe. Her's and OThuga's degrees of demonization are more or less off the charts. It is evident in their eyes  as well as their doings, tones, attitudes, word  choices etc. I have no doubt of that. None.

As you know, you and I don’t agree on every aspect of eschatology—but our disagreement concerns only what will or will not happen immediately after Jesus returns.  We agree with practically everything else.  (Interpretation of the Bible is tricky.  Heck, it is designed to be puzzling in peculiar ways.  I have been studying the Bible for about as long as you have, but we are at a merely temporary impasse concerning the true nature of the Second Coming.  In a manner of speaking, the most important stuff right now—as we eagerly anticipate the Lord’s return—is to appreciate the significance of the over-the-top evil that is going on right now.  That wisdom, that awareness on our part, will steel us for the work we have been left here to do.)

AGREED. A favorite pastor advised to MAJOR IN MAJORS and minor in minors.

We shall see how quickly some of what we see is red-pilled to the whole of society.

I certainly pray earnestly for POTUS TRUMP's safety, maturity, humility, wisdom etc. etc.

Thanks again for your kind msg. Now, I need to get my papers to the tax man. LOL.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #555 on: April 10, 2018, 10:13:55 pm »
Pondering the hindrances to seeing the realities of the evil flooding the  power structures, the  culture, the planet.  ... even for many Bible believing Christians who should know better ... the prophecies predicting that lawlessness would flood the planet in the end times.

These factors have come to mind ...

1. Normalcy bias. It is a lot stronger force than most folks realize.

2. There seems to be a very significant lag behind when a tipping  point has been reached in a values and behavioral  change situation  in a culture and when the culture kind  of 51%  or more  consciously becomes aware of it and talks about it more or less openly.

3. An understandable aversion  to facing raw  evil even at the  cost of serious denial.

3.1 Same only stronger over into a serious level of fear--and an irrational kind of pretense that denying the underlying reality will keep it at bay, successfully.

4. A genuine lack of sufficient information of foundational evidence of long standing--about the overall picture--sometimes regardless of significant research of this or that part of the picture.

5. A genuine lack of sufficient mental processing of the information that is known.

6. An inability on the part of a percentage of the  population to wrap their minds and understandings around enough of the picture to realize the major forces, trends, issues, threats that are truly there and building ground and umph.

7. Raw simple busy-ness. No time or energy left over to collect sufficient evidence and/or to process it in a comprehensive way.

8. Many liberal idiots just don't realize there is any serious  evil in the world. I guess they have been long term blind, willfully blind or led a shockingly sheltered life.

9. The full court press of the Kool Aid saturated globalist propaganda on every level via almost every channel deluding most of the masses--even folks who should know better because of their normally conservative and aware perspectives.

10. Already feeling weak and helpless in the face of the normal challenges of 'normal' daily life as it is. There's nothing left over to face looming horrors no matter how real or even that close at hand in relative time.

There are  probably more reasons but 10 is enough to contemplate/discuss.


The mess our world is in is orders of magnitude worse than non-Christians believe.  A lot of internet stuff is hogwash, to be sure, but that’s just another dimension of the Satanic deception.  We are wrestling with principalities and powers and spiritual wickedness in high places.  There is practically no limit to the horrors that they will perpetrate through human fools.  It will eventually get even worse in this world—largely because non-Christians will refuse to see how awful it already is.
As you know, you and I don’t agree on every aspect of eschatology—but our disagreement concerns only what will or will not happen immediately after Jesus returns.  We agree with practically everything else.  (Interpretation of the Bible is tricky.  Heck, it is designed to be puzzling in peculiar ways.  I have been studying the Bible for about as long as you have, but we are at a merely temporary impasse concerning the true nature of the Second Coming.  In a manner of speaking, the most important stuff right now—as we eagerly anticipate the Lord’s return—is to appreciate the significance of the over-the-top evil that is going on right now.  That wisdom, that awareness on our part, will steel us for the work we have been left here to do.)

Forgive all; In all things Thank God; Love all. Love 1st, most & always... BE CALM & DO THE NEXT LOVING THING.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #556 on: April 10, 2018, 10:26:30 pm »
Pondering the hindrances to seeing the realities of the evil flooding the  power structures, the  culture, the planet.  ... even for many Bible believing Christians who should know better ... the prophecies predicting that lawlessness would flood the planet in the end times.

These factors have come to mind ...

1. Normalcy bias. It is a lot stronger force than most folks realize.

2. There seems to be a very significant lag behind when a tipping  point has been reached in a values and behavioral  change situation  in a culture and when the culture kind  of 51%  or more  consciously becomes aware of it and talks about it more or less openly.

3. An understandable aversion  to facing raw  evil even at the  cost of serious denial.

3.1 Same only stronger over into a serious level of fear--and an irrational kind of pretense that denying the underlying reality will keep it at bay, successfully.

4. A genuine lack of sufficient information of foundational evidence of long standing--about the overall picture--sometimes regardless of significant research of this or that part of the picture.

5. A genuine lack of sufficient mental processing of the information that is known.

6. An inability on the part of a percentage of the  population to wrap their minds and understandings around enough of the picture to realize the major forces, trends, issues, threats that are truly there and building ground and umph.

7. Raw simple busy-ness. No time or energy left over to collect sufficient evidence and/or to process it in a comprehensive way.

8. Many liberal idiots just don't realize there is any serious  evil in the world. I guess they have been long term blind, willfully blind or led a shockingly sheltered life.

9. The full court press of the Kool Aid saturated globalist propaganda on every level via almost every channel deluding most of the masses--even folks who should know better because of their normally conservative and aware perspectives.

10. Already feeling weak and helpless in the face of the normal challenges of 'normal' daily life as it is. There's nothing left over to face looming horrors no matter how real or even that close at hand in relative time.

There are  probably more reasons but 10 is enough to contemplate/discuss.

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #557 on: April 10, 2018, 10:30:36 pm »

Pardon me for plugging my little thread again, but Lionel's vid mentions about half of your points.   You're right on target with Lionel, even though Lionel is not a Christian.  (Sometimes the children of this world are wiser than the children of light.)

Lurkers:  see,310790.msg1649744.html#msg1649744

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #558 on: April 10, 2018, 10:46:43 pm »
Pardon me for plugging my little thread again, but Lionel's vid mentions about half of your points.   You're right on target with Lionel, even though Lionel is not a Christian.  (Sometimes the children of this world are wiser than the children of light.)

Lurkers:  see,310790.msg1649744.html#msg1649744



This audio by Mark Taylor re Trump et al bears a witness in my spirit--how about yours?
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #559 on: April 10, 2018, 11:21:06 pm »



This audio by Mark Taylor re Trump et al bears a witness in my spirit--how about yours?

Thanks to both of you.  I enjoyed the link.

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #560 on: April 10, 2018, 11:40:18 pm »
Thanks to both of you.  I enjoyed the link.

You're more than welcome.  Lionel has a very entertaining way of covering pretty important stuff.  I discovered him about 6 months ago.

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #561 on: April 11, 2018, 06:29:39 am »
You're more than welcome.  Lionel has a very entertaining way of covering pretty important stuff.  I discovered him about 6 months ago.


I wonder how an audio CD.DVD  burned with such a show would work to red-pill folks who frequently make long trips in their cars or trucks.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #562 on: April 12, 2018, 09:50:02 am »
Have listened to this one again. I don't usually spend my time  doing that but I did with this one.

I know  that this is not strictly to the topic of this thread. However, somehow, sooner or later, the stuff Linda talks about will have to intersect with whatever POTUS TRUMP is doing/not doing.

There's such a huge amount of very complex stuff in this Q&A session  with Linda  Moulton Howe. There's tons  of disinformation that she seems to believe and certainly shares.

She doesn't seem to respect the utter and total accuracy, validity of the Biblical record. Eventually, she will--as heaven and earth will pass away before one jot & tittle of the Word of God changes or is ineffective or the least bit untrue.

Nevertheless, imho, even as difficult as it is to  pick the fly specks out of the pepper task is--it may be worth some attention and bother--maybe.

It is at least of some value to know what the major components of the END TIMES GREAT DECEPTION are. God only knows how it will all unfold. The complexity alone is mind boggling.

in any case, I don't encourage everyone to watch it. If you are very Biblically grounded and very bright and handle massive complexity well--it MAY be worth the bother.

Buckle your seat belts is certainly a wise choice ... the complexity and drama are only likely to increase--maybe geometrically.

« Last Edit: April 12, 2018, 09:51:27 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #563 on: April 13, 2018, 07:29:59 pm »

TRUELIES QNN streamed live 22 hours ago ...


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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #564 on: April 13, 2018, 07:45:23 pm »

TRUELIES QNN streamed live 22 hours ago ...


I can't possibly sit through a 12-hour vid.  Any notion of what this is about?
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
I will NOT comply.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #565 on: April 13, 2018, 09:40:23 pm »
I can't possibly sit through a 12-hour vid.  Any notion of what this is about?

I hope to transcribe significant parts of it. Will try and remember to ping you when I do. I only listened to the first 30 min so far. Is interesting but nothing totally earthshaking, yet.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #566 on: April 14, 2018, 12:37:27 am »

A bit more esoteric/new agey than attractive but spot on in terms of what a lot of people believe.

--Talks about JFK assassination
--the globalist oligarchy

--that ET's are from other dimensions vs distant planets--and not per se physical but more spiritual and after our souls instead of our gold

--Antarctica ...has webcrawlers out for low level and higher level workers past and present ... persistently comes up with evidence of a civilization under the ice--dead--alien tech--was 5 countries dinking around there now 32 countries there jockying for position to see who gets what portions.

--Cover story will be the Nazi base ... 1/1,000th of what's really there.

--Cannot reveal anything about ET's etc. etc. etc.

--Something will be released in Antarctica in the next few months--depending on how Putin and Trump handle it.

--You can see via Google a huge infrastructure build-up in Antarctica ... hiring ... It's an extraordinary build-up I have a sense that there's something alive there, too--not just flash frozen--because the politicians are being summoned there on short notice ... King Carlos and his wife taken there ...

--flat earth a disinfo operation to discredit hollow earth ... because they knew the Antarctica stuff was going to come out and that would lead into hollow earth  questions.

= = = =

imho, this sphere of stuff is a serious  complication/threat to Trump cleaning the swamp. Prayer is always in order. God has it all in His big hands. HE calls us to  prayer for such issues and that His will be done, His Kingdom come on earth as it is in Heaven.

--There was a valid moon  landing and  a fake moon landing--both.

Moon does appear to be a huge space ship towed into place ... rings like a bell when space ships crashed into it etc. etc. massive ruins on the dark side etc.

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #567 on: April 14, 2018, 01:29:02 am »

@Cyber Liberty



It's mostly a live chat with  lots of 'dead air' and very unimportant blather.

--initially about Twitter being restored/killed/restored etc.

--getting tons of tweets compared to recent experiences with the censored version.


of where net DOS attacks are coming from and going to

A false report of military action in Syria

Twitter--people getting older  tweets they'd never gotten before ... speed then very fast ... shadow banning seemed to be ended.


Fox News ranting about need to fire Rosenstein.

{falling asleep. hope to  note more later ... not a content dense rapidly moving video}

Volunteer Brits et al in Jihadi groups in Syria


Hopefully more, later.

NOT MUCH ELSE worth noting on it.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2018, 03:44:46 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #568 on: April 14, 2018, 03:10:08 am »


= = = = =

{OOOPS. BELOW LINK IS OVER. WON'T PLAY You probably need to search for it}
« Last Edit: April 14, 2018, 03:20:58 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #569 on: April 14, 2018, 06:02:25 am »



it's a fairly decent one. Don't recall any 'edge of your seat' content but it's a good Corsi update.

Talks a fair amount about the DEEP STATE; going after the money of the evil doers etc. etc. etc.

Trump set to see that our rights are protected on the net ...

Beginning of 2nd American Revolution etc. etc.

The IG report on McCabe 'that also implicates Comey' ... coming out just as Comey's book comes out ... DJT's way of notifying Comey that he's next etc. etc.

Will be 'enormous pressure' for another  Special Prosecutor--and a number of criminal investigations/prosecutions ...

To all anons--GET THE WORD OUT--red-pill those in your social network.

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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #570 on: April 14, 2018, 06:20:21 am »

I BELIEVE THAT FORMER SECRET SERVICE AGENT BONGINO'S HUGE AMOUNT OF SPECIFIC NAMES AND RELATIONSHIPS in this video  is virtual lock tight proof of the extremely stacked deck clearly treasonously out to trash TRUMP. It is an incredible list of people with direct ugly ties and roles with Obummer and Shrillery et al.

Anyone who really listens and understands what Bongino is saying, outlining, disclosing--and still maintains a stance of denial likely cannot be influenced by facts and reality very significantly on such matters.

I don't know that it's a good tool for red-pilling. It is too full of hard cold facts for some people to really wrap their minds around adequately. It is an incredible amount of information full of horrid implications.

Outlines a list of evil doers in league against POTUS TRUMP from OBummer's team etc.

You might need to turn the volume down. He is his usual shrill self but has a lot of content he covers.
« Last Edit: April 14, 2018, 06:31:48 am by Quix »
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #571 on: April 14, 2018, 07:11:03 am »

Typical Levin ... tears into Comey et al ... his book etc.

Incisive facts forcefully delivered.
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #572 on: April 14, 2018, 07:15:47 am »


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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #573 on: April 14, 2018, 03:46:28 pm »
Thanks for the notes, old friend.  Don't know how you can keep up with this...
For unvaccinated, we are looking at a winter of severe illness and death — if you’re unvaccinated — for themselves, their families, and the hospitals they’ll soon overwhelm. Sloe Joe Biteme 12/16
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Re: Q-anon; 4chan; 8chan etc. Really Cleaning Out Top of the Swamp???
« Reply #574 on: April 14, 2018, 05:13:20 pm »
Thanks for the notes, old friend.  Don't know how you can keep up with this...

I fast forward through a LOT of videos. There's a ton of chaff in most human communications. And, usually, any significant topic is discussed for at least several minutes. In many cases, there's so much chaff that fast forwarding in 5-15 minute chunks at a time doesn't miss anything significant.

Trouble is, I'm terrible to try and watch movies with. Most movies, I do the same thing. It has to be a very good movie for me to watch every minute. Not many of those.

And my PhD school & Dissertation were soooo intense, one HAD to learn to get through massive amounts of reading in a reasonably quality way. I somehow managed it and can still mostly do the same thing with text.

And, then, at my age, particularly about UFO's etc. most of the information is extremely redundant to what I already know. Easy to skip over those parts.

Thanks for your kind words. God's best to you and those you love.
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