Author Topic: What Are the 6 Early Flu Symptoms?  (Read 469 times)

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Offline TomSea

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What Are the 6 Early Flu Symptoms?
« on: December 29, 2017, 04:35:47 pm »
What Are the 6 Early Flu Symptoms?


Detecting early symptoms of the flu can prevent the spread of the virus and possibly help you treat the illness before it gets worse. Early symptoms can include:

    body aches and chills
    sore throat
    gastrointestinal problems

There are also early flu symptoms that are unique to children.

Read on to learn more about all of these symptoms and how you can find relief.

Sudden or excessive fatigue

Shorter days and reduced sunlight can make you feel tired, but there’s a difference between being tired and experiencing extreme fatigue. Sudden, excessive fatigue is one of the earliest signs of the flu, and it may appear before other symptoms. ...

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« Last Edit: December 29, 2017, 04:36:21 pm by TomSea »

Offline Neverdul

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Re: What Are the 6 Early Flu Symptoms?
« Reply #1 on: December 29, 2017, 05:41:31 pm »
Sudden, excessive fatigue is one of the earliest signs of the flu, and it may appear before other symptoms. ...

Before I started getting the annual flu shot, I came down with a bad case of the flu in (IIRC 1999 or 2000?).

I got up that Monday morning for work. I wasn’t feeling sick per se when I got up but was feeling extremely tired and very “out of sorts”, like I hadn’t slept for days even though I had gone to bed rather early the night before and had slept through the night.

I got to work and someone, a co-worker I think, mentioned that I looked sort of pale and asked me if I was OK. I was feeling sort of chilled, and I put on a cardigan and turned on the portable heater at my desk up on high but still didn’t, couldn’t feel or get warm enough. I also felt very weak, fatigued in a fog and several cups of coffee weren’t helping.

Then I started sneezing, and sneezing uncontrollably. Sneeze after sneeze after sneeze.

The all of a sudden I became nauseous and I ran to the bathroom and threw up several times.  My boss told me “Go the Hell Home!” and I did.

By the time I got home, the sore throat started, and by sore, I mean flaming raw, it felt like I had gargled razor blades. I threw up a few more times and even had some diarrhea and then crawled into bed, actually on the living room couch because it was closer to a bathroom and the only land line phone in the house.

Then came the body aches, actually everything ached. My joints hurt and ached as if someone had beaten me, hit every joint in my body with a baseball bat and even my skin and my hair hurt. I know it’s strange to think that one’s hair can hurt but that’s what it felt like.

By the time my husband came home from work I was a hot mess – literally because he took my temperature and it was 103.

Then came the coughing and the chest congestion. I was coughing so hard for the next couple of days that I had to change my PJ bottoms several times because I was peeing myself from coughing so hard and my ribs hurt.

I laid on my couch for the next 5 days, thinking I might die, sometimes hoping I would, I was just that sick. I had very little appetite but tried to eat some a bit of chicken soup now and then but was drinking plenty of fluids, ginger ale and herbal tea.  My husband at one point tried to get me to go to the ER but I figured there was probably nothing they could do for me other than what I was doing already, taking Tylenol for the fever, staying hydrated, getting rest.

I missed a week of work but talked to my boss every day and he told me just about a third or more of the company’s employees and nearly half of our finance department were now out sick with it too.

At the end of the week, that Sunday was feeling a bit better and my husband convinced me to take a shower and get dressed and go grocery shopping with him.

It was good to get out of the house and get some fresh air but I ended up using the shopping cart sort of like a walker, I was still that weak, so much so that it was hard to walk through the grocery store without having the grocery cart to lean on for support. 

I went back to work the following Monday but it took another week or two before I was feeling normal again.
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Offline LadyLiberty

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Re: What Are the 6 Early Flu Symptoms?
« Reply #2 on: December 29, 2017, 07:50:56 pm »
I got sick end of April, it started with a tickle in the throat and then aches, congestion, and fever.  I was fatigued, too, but I wrote that off because I had just arrived home late the evening before from vacation.  Two days of flights, airports, hotel, and all the bs that goes along these days with air travel.  I just assumed it was an ordinary cold, but after several days of fever I decided it was best to rule out strep, just to be safe.  No strep, but I tested + for influenza A.  I didn't expect that because I've felt much worse with the flu and it was't "flu season."  I'm crossing my fingers hoping that gives me some immunity to what is going around because it's really bad in my area at the moment.
« Last Edit: December 29, 2017, 07:51:50 pm by LadyLiberty »